SYS BOUNDARIES: (some of these depend)
sys page
if you find this while looking at rentry links, please dont harass us for our links or try to befriend us from our rentry(s) alone. thanks.

We personally consider doubles to be a thing, most of our fictives are uncomfortable with doubles. We will not force this belief, but if an alter is fronting and a double of the same source is fronting, they will either not respond to you or stop speaking entirely as it is kind of triggering.
(aka, we will not speak to any other guts alters, sorry. we're sure youre a nice person.)

A lot of us aren't comfortable with sourcemates, though we won't stop speaking to you or something. Just be aware we won't have some automatic connection, as we only consider sourcemates in our system that way. Depending on the alter we may stop speaking.

flirting/romantic interaction
this depends alter to alter, but for the most part don't flirt with us (especially for our source). some alters will be okay with this.

completely okay and actually really appreciated!

have a nice day and thank you for reading :) !!!

Pub: 15 Jul 2024 12:53 UTC
Edit: 13 Aug 2024 04:35 UTC
Views: 51