Find Out Ways To Get Vietnam Visa At The Last Minutes

What would you do if your flight will need off quickly and your online visa application continues to be in processing? Change the flight, or return to the Vietnam Embassy to request the assistance? It's too costly and in many cases extremely hard! Luckily, Vietnam online visa could be arranged in 1 or 2 working hour that can save your trip.

Normally, Vietnam visa on arrival or online visa might be arranged within 2 or 3 days at lower cost. However, on account of some reasons the travelers might possibly not have their visa ready for boarding the flight. They perhaps forget to get a visa ahead of time, or they won't receive online visa when of departure. In this case, a sudden online visa is the most effective way to get a visa to Vietnam on the last minutes. The online visa may be arranged within 1 day time, 4 hours, 2 work hours, or perhaps An hour.

Who are required urgent visa for Vietnam?
All the travelers need a visa to Vietnam except the visa exemption national. People will need urgent visa in following cases:
- Those that forget eighteen, you are Vietnam visa;
- Anyone who has to take part in urgent business in Vietnam which could not foreseen;
- Individuals who have a problem with online visa delivery: the departure time is originating if the online visa application still returns “in processing” status;
- People who have an issued online visa containing an error or mistake that should be corrected in very small amount of time;
- People that travel Vietnam to help you their loved ones members in emergency or;
- People who need to attend the funeral of these relatives in Vietnam;

- Be kindly noted that this charge at weekend may higher than the normal fee and consist of situational.
- The overtime service at weekend (Saturday or sunday) can be obtained at Ho Chi Minh City Airport only.

There are a few national holidays that you should know in order to avoid very last minute visa application:
1. New Year Holiday: on 1st January
2. Lunar New Year (Tet Holiday): begin from the very last day of the past lunar month before the 4th day of the very first lunar month;
3. Ancestor Hung King Commemoration: on the 10th day's the 3rd lunar month;
4. Reunification Day: on 30th April
5. International Labor Day: on 1st May
6. Independence Day: on 2nd September.

The evisa system is administrated by the immigration officers who are able to login to check the visa status, grant or reject an evisa depending on the data kept in their system. In principle, if your foreigners didn’t have trouible with Vietnam immigration previously and don’t violate Vietnamese laws, they shall be granted a visa to Vietnam. Together with the immigration officer’s support, you may get visa done faster.
Check out about Vietnam Evisa check this useful net page

Pub: 15 Oct 2023 15:47 UTC
Views: 225