The Pregnancy Cult's Beginnings

It all started one day in the Holy Kingdom. Most of the kindred were preparing offerings and words of praise for their deity. However, one kindred was sitting down, writing something while chatting with another, off to the side. Another kindred noticed this, and she became curious. She walked up to them and asked them to show what they were writing. The kindred that was holding the paper obliged, and showed it to her. Upon seeing the paper, the curious one was utterly confounded by what she saw. It contained the written desires of the writer, to be bred and impregnated by Vox. The curious one had never seen something like this before. How could anyone find this sexy? she thought to herself, as she awkwardly sauntered off. The kindred continued to ponder the reason as she went home. When she went home, something strange began to happen. For some strange reason, the words of desire she saw just couldn't leave her mind, and the more she thought about it, the more appealing it became to her. The next day, she joined in with the kindred that had first infected her, and began to write with her too. As time went on this pattern continued, and more and more kindred became infected with the idea after seeing it. Some of those that were infected by the idea also joined in, creating more material and sharing ideas among the other infected, hastening the spread even further. It even infected a traveling ryuguard and male briskadet. Soon there was a sizable group of kindred interested in pregnancy, with the group's size increasing each day. The members encouraged others to join in, and welcomed the newly indoctrinated in with open arms. The original kindred had inadvertently created a pregnancy cult.

This cult seems to be posturing to make it's practices become legitimate in the eyes of the main church. The effects of this cult on the wider kingdom has yet to be seen, but it appears to be amassing more and more power and influence. Its growth may have some effects on the future.

Pub: 29 Jun 2022 18:39 UTC
Views: 174