Gothick Flavor

Hfff— Puuphhh— Hhha—

Working out could sometimes rob one out of breath. A lack of a good posture and unsteady rhythm could cause even the most fit person to loll their tongue out, lungs desperately trying to catch enough oxygen. Giving one's best towards the finish line was also another occasion where one may find themselves wheezing, gasping for air, heart beating out of step from the sudden increase in velocity thanks to a sprint.

Hwaa— hhhf— nnmPWuu—uah—

Fauna was doing neither.

What really worried the Guardian of Nature was that she found herself winding up, knees buckling and begging for rest, while she wasn't even walking per se. A waddle had gotten hold of her steps for quite some time now, and even at such a pitiful, slow plodding, she was having trouble breathing, sweating profusely despite the short amount of footsteps taken.

Oh... dear... I just want to...

One hand tried to ease her clumsy movement by moving the lower hang of her gut out of the way of her plump thighs, which were looking bigger and more akin to the tree trunks of her once natural abode with each passing day. Her pudgy fingers could only do so much, however; tried as she might, but one handful wasn't enough to ease all of that jiggling flab out of the way in the hopes of steadier pacing. Her other hand was too busy clutching at two takeout bags, and even though its contents were what got her in such a pitiful situation, they were also the reason she was powering through the comfort of her chair.

Even if said chair was a lot more comfortable one hundred or so pounds ago.

"Hwaa-aaff... ma— hFFF... made it..." Fauna wheezed, the kirin's breathy words nearly drowned out by the chair's creaks protesting heavily against her corpulence. "Now... to... guuuh*... r-resume the stream..."

She was fifteen minutes into a “necessary break” already, but it was that or doing the remaining time of her current ASMR session while fighting a fierce hunger pang. The takeout bags were emergency food she hoped she wouldn't have to use during the rest of the stream, but the gut pooling over lap was already gurgling in protest. It didn't like all the movement from just now after it had been refiled in the kitchen, all the while gurgling like it could use some more of those veggie burgers.

You can be a pig later, Fauna shushed both herself and her noisy gut mentally, reaching for the KU 100, the dummy head microphone that allowed her ASMR streams to be a delightful and realistic experience for her listeners. Or perhaps trying to reach for the microphone would be more fitting. Bloated, hammy arms reached out for the dummy head and came up short, her massive dome of a gut getting in the way and halving her movement. It appeared Fauna was a pig full time, wanting or not. Glasses fogging up from the simple act of moving her bulk towards the centerpiece of her binaural streams, Fauna bit her lip and tried to think of how she let herself go so terribly.

The black, Gothic themed T-shirt she was wearing once felt like a dress on her figure. It made the use of its accompanying dark skirt nearly unnecessary with how much it covered, and with said skirt also being so big, that was how Fauna usually wore her gothic, edgy attire, with fishnet stockings and lace-trimmed sleeves to complete the look along with stylish glasses and a choker that gave her slender figure a very sharp look.

Fauna expected to grow into that look, and not past it. For a shirt so big and roomy to be now squeezing her chest so tightly, hardly covering her still shapely but extremely fattened breasts, the kirin skull imprinted in purple on the shirt now distorted as its fabric stretched to its limits, leaving a large part of her stomach exposed. She did tuck the lower, jigglier half of her belly into the massive skirt for additional support, but her navel still exposed itself with every lazy movement of hers, a ring of blubber always exposed on her midsection despite the size of her attire. The once fashionable detached sleeves and fishnet stockings had rips and tears all over them. The choker was practically on its last legs as it squeezed her plush neck severely, the heart-shaped accessory sinking into her excess skin like a cookie cutter would with pliant dough. Even her fancy glasses were cutting into her now round and pudgy face, her looks losing that sharp, focused gaze and acquiring a feeble softness with her starter double chin.

Fauna felt all those changes, all that excess poundage twice over as she tried to reach the dummy head microphone once again.

C'mon... just... just let me do my thing...! She pleaded against her bulk, thighs trying to spread themselves to make more room for her gut, but they still met and bumped against each other too much for that to be ideal. Her sausage-like fingers, with nails painted black, were so close and yet so far from the KU 100 handle that Fauna couldn't help but whine pathetically as she wiggled her porky digits about. She could feel dots of perspiration forming over her exposed back rolls and underneath her armpits yet again, as if the trek forth and back from the kitchen wasn't sweaty enough.

Threatening to fall doughy face first on the floor with how poorly she was reaching forward the KU 100, Fauna finally grasped it in her hands. She pulled it towards her bust and gut, let out a long sigh of relief that turned into another break for more breath, and then...

"H-Hi... buuuph... dear saplings... Fauna is back..."

Her audience had been reacting to Fauna's struggle all along, but the kirin had long stopped frequently checking the chatlog. The messages didn't stop while she was grabbing her emergency rations, but they certainly kicked up a notch since Fauna had returned.

We know lol
I could hear the floorboards protesting from miles away
That chair sure creaks
noisy kirin tummy my beloved
is that the sound of sweat pelting the floor? HOT
Somehow, not showing her body only makes her seem fatter somehow lmao

"I'm sure you all... hfff... could use some ear cleaning right about... haah... now..." Luckily the long cotton swab she used for ear massage ASMR was easier to reach. However... performing such action was not. Her audience could hear Fauna's still quite hectic heartbeat, the odd tummy gurgles and her deep breaths with the KU 100's right ear pressed against her chest, but it's left ear looked so far away from her reach... as expect for someone whose elbows were sunken into tender, heavy flesh.

"Sorry saplings... it's... hic!... a little hard to reach..." Fauna's voice, once soothing and confident, had morphed into an almost hoarse, unconfident whine. Instead of sultry and calming, it was breathy and stuttering, matching her overfed and embarrassed looks. She had ditched using the webcam for a good while, but even talking to her audience was becoming a struggle, just another one to the kirin's growing pile of worries. "B-But I'll get you all... hnnff... c-cleaned up..." Her voice a little more than a whimper, Fauna tried not to imagine how her audience was behaving. Some of them were still supportive, but the last time she mustered the courage to read what they were hastily typing away, it was far from pretty. Tonight, it wasn't different.

we're covered in sweat and vegetable oil already aren't we
no way we're getting clean
this is quite nice actually
don't mind the haters faufau!!!
a cotton swab can't undo the damage your stomach growls are causing to my hearing keklol

"T-There, there...~" Trying to ignore the small muffin top forming on her wrist as it pooled over the cuff of her laced sleeves, Fauna closed her eyes and reached over the KUU 100's left ear, therefore giving her audience's left ear a massage. It wasn't as thorough and well-paced like the ones she did before her body looked like a balloon filled with pudding, but it was the most she could do with her mobility, reach and stamina fairly reduced.


"N-Not again...!!" Fauna whined out loud. "I... I m-mean, o-ooops, guess someone is still... quite famished... haaah..." Her face was already flushed in red from that trek to the kitchen, but knowing that a full tray of french fries back then wasn't enough to satiate her demanding stomach made Fauna's complexion a darker crimson. She couldn't resist taking a quick peek at the monitors on top of the table next to her.

Maybe they will find it cute...?

It's like being in a thunderstorm
so loud
what am i doing here
this is kinda sorta cute
Fauna, you are ALWAYS famished nowadays
mukbang ASMR finally???
fat girl gotta eat!

"Uuuu..." Fauna whimpered, the cotton swab she had been clumsily maneuvering falling to the floor. "I'm not... hic!... a-always..." She started responding but allowed the words to quietly die inside her throat, unless the hiccups from inhaling those fries some minutes ago would morph into sobbing ones.

More creaks from her chair followed as she clutched the KU 100 with one hammy arm, and lifted the other towards the table. The stream could always end right then and there, even if it would be highly unprofessional. Fauna needed to regain her willpower. She needed to start making some real changes. Somewhere down the line she had started being lazy and tired and hungry all of the time and that had to stop.

But her other plump arm didn't reach for the mouse, to end the live transmission in a couple of clicks. It grabbed one of the takeout bags she had brought along with her. Emergency rations. And it was an emergency, alright. Her chat, as teasingly as it may have worded things out, was correct.

Fat girl gotta eat. And Fauna was a very, very fat girl.

A-Ahhwnnnnmph…~” Clutching the high quality microphone against her obese self while bringing the burger towards her mouth with her other hand, Fauna only hesitated a single second more. As soon as her taste buds were taken over by her 100% natural food, all of her problems and insecurities became second place. From choking back tears just a moment ago, Fauna had now trouble holding back a moan of pleasure. Her ASMR skills may have gotten rusty but she was getting real good at stuffing herself. Half-closed eyes looked towards the chat screen.

im surprised it took her this long to start eating on stream
wish we could see how big she is now
very, her heartbeat is so fast and she's just pigging out
:_shy: :_shy: :_shy:
oi i can still hear that gut growling eat FASTER

So mean but… but I can definitely… pick up the…

Shoving organic food down her mouth in increasing speed and neediness certainly didn't fit the bill for the title Fauna had chosen for the ASMR stream — comfy ear cleaning and whispers to relax to —, but at that point she doubted a lot of people cared for that. Besides, with how orchestral her tummy was getting, those noises could almost pass as words.

Ggnnff…!” Fauna swallowed the last quarter of the burger with a husky gulp and started fishing out for the next one. More food to calm her nerves. More food to appease her gut. More food to drown out the teasing words flashing on the screen that she kept looking at even if they hurt.

More and more and more until I burst out of this shirt with so many X's on its tag… she hazily thought before ignoring even that. With food in her mouth, Fauna didn't need any thoughts, negative or positive.

*Muuunch. Chomp. Uuulp. Mmnnf. Urrlk…

Two packed veggie burgers and Fauna could tell her stomach was rumbling less angrily, even if it was now letting out noises of some other kind. The kind that may crept up her throat and cause an even bigger sound if she wasn't careful… but if she kept her lips plugged with food that wouldn't be a problem. Eat, Fauna, eat… tears dotted the corners of her eyes but pleased sounds melted alongside her munching and chewing.

very determined
even the sounds of the takeout bags being messed with are soothing, this is some next level stuff
is she even aware that she's moaning from food alone

GuuurlpnnbWUUR—... unnph*… m-more…” For someone that had been feeling so sluggish and heavy all the time, Fauna sure moved towards her next organic meal with impressive speed. Even with the arm that kept her glutting going fully flexed, there were no signs of her biceps, just drooping softness that only avoided sagging even lower thanks to her skin-tight detached sleeve. Her sweaty gut was growing bigger, a red sheen coloring the area around her navel as its expanse seemingly wanted out of the confinement of her skirt. And Fauna got aware of that — albeit not completely — once she reached the very last burger from the takeout bags. The pressure inside her gut was uncomfortable but it didn't halt her binge.

Shame and regret only hit once leftover oil on her fingers was the only thing Fauna could taste. Another barrage of calories went down her gullet without any attempt at stopping herself. If Fauna’s willpower and self-control were muscles, they were buried and atrophied just like the others on the Keeper of Nature's figure.

Hhnph… pfff…” Breathless just from gorging herself, Fauna now clutched the KU 100 against her inflated stomach with both hands as if that was her lifeline. “Ohh-ff… dear-phh…”

this sounds like hugging an obese bear
im gonna squeeb
i went to a math class once and im estimating a light six to a strong seven burgers consumed
pffff Fauna can pack way more than that nowadays
exactly, current Fauna could eat old tiny Fauna and still ask for desserts

At least… I won't feel like gorging… for a good while… Fauna mused internally as she leaned on her chair. If there was a silver lining to all of that was that she still had limits to her beastly, unnatural appetite… even if those limits were stretched more and more each day. But before Fauna could drift to a welcomed, teary-eyed food coma, she — and her audience — could hear some rumbling aftershocks. Fauna could swear a good portion of her gut visibly wobbled from that guttural, pent-up gurgle. Her digestion was working overtime and it didn't seem to agree with all the food and air she swallowed just now.

Please PLEASE don't I can't mute myself like before…!*

But Fauna's inner begging couldn't reach her stomach, which currently almost had a mind of its own. The noise got louder, more pained, as it traveled north of her stomach… rising and rising until…

nnm-bwuUUUUUUAAAA-AAAAaaaEEEOooouRRrrph-!!” Fauna's first unmuted belch certainly didn't disappoint her most degenerate followers. “Uuu-aaAaAEeOurf!” And neither did the ones that followed after. The dam broke and all that bad air wanted out, the gassy kirin not able to stop from digging an even bigger grave for herself.

The cacophony of stomach noises now had crass belches to match, and her microphone captured every last disgusting sound in perfect quality.

B-BwooOoooOORP-...!” Fauna grabbed what she could grasp of her tight-drum stomach to try and cease that barrage of burps. “O-Oh… oh go-oourp!... oh gosh…”

stomach noises, eating sounds, burping like a total hog… yeah, best stream ever 11/10
donut forget the creaking from the chair and her frantic heartbeat as well
the sobbing tho

Hot tears adorning the round curves of her pudgy tears while steamy air still fled her lips, Fauna couldn't tell what was worse: that she had just embarrassed herself even further in front of thousands of people online, or that she was already thinking of eating more food now that she had opened up some space…

Fauna :D
you there?
So… huh. I thought your last ASMR stream was… well… it sure was something, huh?
If you want to talk about it
Or anything else really
Please respond!

Mumei checked her phone again, but there was still no reply from Fauna. She was starting to get a little worried. Those loud hiccups, the sound of what appeared to be a chair breaking… and then even more eating until the stream just cut out because it reached the time limit for the platform… It sure didn't sound good for the owl girl, as scatter-brained as she could be sometimes. She had a stream in thirty minutes and she doubted she would be able to smile and sing like usual with what had just transpired. Still… she knew Fauna for a long time, and with her job as the Guardian of Civilization clashing with the Keeper of Nature's duties many times throughout history, Mumei also had evidence that Fauna was a lot more resilient than that. It would take more than a potential broken chair or some questionable eating habits to get to her… maybe it was all role-play? It would explain the sobbing…


The sound of her doorbell ringing brought her back from her conflicted thoughts.

“Ah…! That must be the thing I ordered the other day…”

And as she opened the door and retrieved the package, quickly opening it with the help of a dagger that was stained with what just had to be red berry jam, Mumei was correct.


“Oh, the shirt looks just as cool as it was on the website, but…” The design of a creepy something with red eyes on a black T-shirt was perfect, but the size of the shirt was completely wrong. “...seriously, this thing reaches all the way to my knees!” As Mumei put the shirt on, she saw her bony knees disappearing underneath the large shirt. “So much for trying out a new style…”

But that wasn't everything off about the package. Mumei had only ordered a t-shirt, and yet there was a skirt, thigh straps, a choker… and even a pair of glasses inside. The glasses fit just right, but the rest of the accessories were in bigger sizes just like the shirt.

“That's definitely weird…” Mumei said as she adjusted the glasses. “Fauna didn't mention anything wrong with her order, if I recall correctly. Looks like we won't be able to bring goth and emo style back as we hoped…”

For the time being, Mumei would keep the shirt on as well as the glasses. It was quite comfy, wearing something so large it could pass off as a dress. The lenses also made her feel more serious than usual.

“Oh well. I can make this work.” She put the rest of the package in her wardrobe and went back to her streaming room. Little more than fifteen minutes for her stream. Still no reply from Fauna. What to do


“W-Wow…” Mumei never knew her tummy could grumble as loud as that. “Guess I could go for a snack before the stream starts…~” She patted her flat, underfed stomach, covered by that comically large shirt.

Heck, I can probably even snack a bit during it. This thing can cover any potential food baby, after all!

Pub: 21 Jun 2024 05:35 UTC
Views: 1536