♡﹐There Will C0me A P0et,, Wh0se Wep0n Is His W0rds,,,
He Will Slay Y0u With His T0ngue,, 0h Lei-0h Lai-0h L0rd !!﹐★

H0neyc0mb ! or Aradia . . . Ageless ! ; S0urce: Deltarune & H0mestuck i Deltarune S0urce !!,, H0mestuck S0urce !! !?!? he , she , zir ! (0r any 0ther pr0n0uns!) ) gender apathetic !

byi I am the system s00ther and medic ! I am mainly l00king f0r Sn00ze Susie irls . dni Basic dni criteria !, d0ubles , Hexie / Hex Ralsei irls , Inkie / Ink Ralsei irls , Sugarcube x H0neyc0mb shippers .

Pub: 01 Mar 2023 23:38 UTC
Edit: 26 Feb 2024 15:54 UTC
Views: 111