Sunny held his sister's hand as they walked over towards the next house down the road. "I can't wait to meet our new neighbors, Sunny. Wonder what will they be like?" She posed the question to her brother. Sunny merely stared forward as the Homely-Moving truck as the workers carried boxes inside the house. Just next to the door, a boy with brown hair stood. He was close to Mari's age, from his height. Once he spotted them, he walked up to them. "Hello. I just moved here, I'm Henry, nice to meet you both." Mari smiled back at him. "Hello. Welcome to Faraway. I'm Mari and this is my little brother, Sunny." Sunny merely waved back as Henry smiled at them. "Oh, I should get my sister to meet you, too." Turning towards the door, he shouted for her. "Hey Kelsey! Come meet our new neighbors!" Soon, a girl with brown hair, green shirt and orange shorts came running out. She spotted Sunny and Mari and ran towards them. A wide grin spread across her face. "Hey! I'm Kelsey! It's cool to meet you!" She said with an open hand. Mari shook it and so did Sunny. Mari and Henry got talking, seemingly forgetting about their younger siblings. Kelsey kept on her wide grin - Sunny meanwhile stayed straight-faced. "So, Sunny. What stuff do you like?" Sunny blinked before pondering on the question. "Steak. Video games. And Captain Spaceboy." Kelsey gained a surprised face, her mouth opening. "No way. I like Captain Spaceboy too! You wanna read it with me sometime?" Sunny once again thought about it. He guessed it couldn't be harmful to do so. Nodding his head, Sunny saw Kelsey pump her fist in the air. "Awesome! Hey, I won't be able to play today but you think we could tomorrow in the park?" Sunny once again nodded. Kelsey's grin widened. "Thanks!" From the sidelines, Hero and Mari looked at them, smiles on their faces. "Heh. Look who's making a friend." Said Henry. "Yeah, I'm glad Sunny's socializing." Came Mari's voice.
Sunny, Hero, Mari, Aubrey, Basil and Kelsey were having a picnic. Sunny enjoyed a ham sandwich, while Kelsey drank a bottle of Orange Joe. Gulping it down, she let out a happy sigh before licking her lips. "Oh, M-Mari. T-Thanks." Came Her brother's nervous voice. Turning towards him, she saw Mari doing that thing which caused his face to turn red. She didn't understand why hugging his arm caused him to turn red but they both seemed happy about it. As her thoughts wondered, Sunny gulped down the last bite of hit sandwich. Reaching into the basket for a drink, he took out a glass of lemonade and took a drink. "Hey Sunny." Came Kelsey's voice form the side. Turning towards her, she wore her usual smile. Before he could question, she lept at him, throwing her arms around his body and huggung his body close to her's. Sunny's face turned a deep red and once Kelsey saw it, she knew she was doing something right. Dropping the lemonade, Sunny leaned into Kelsey's arms as she let him rest on her thighs. A flash of light caught the two off-guard. Looking up, they saw Basil take a photo of them both before apologizing. Kelsey merely grinned before hugging Sunny tighter. A foot away, Hero and Mari stared at the two young kids. While happy, they had to admit. It was surprising seeing them get along so well. Even better than Her and Hero.
"Hey Sunny, check this out!" Kelsey said as she dragged him by his hand towards the comic book section. She pointed at the new issue of Captain Spaceboy comic books. Sunny read the title: Captain Spaceboy VS the Apex Predators. It showed our familiar pirate captain standing against a group of bad guys and their Titans. One had a manic grin painted on its 'face', while other was flying and had a red paint-job. Kelsey picked it up and her and Sunny began reading it. Both kids liked the leader, Blisk. He was a cool villain. "Man, Viper is such a cool guy! Just look at his flying everywhere and blowing stuff up with his rockets." Kelsey let out, her excitement evident in her voice. Sunny couldn't help but smile at that. After a little more reading, Kelsey closed the comic book. "I'm totally getting this." She said before reaching into her pocket. After counting her money, her smile turned into a frown. "Awww. I don't have enough." She told him, saddened. Sunny's heart twisted upon hearing it. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out 20 dollars and held it up to Kelsey. The tomboy's eyes widened upon seeing it. "B-But Sunny. Weren't you going to use that money for a present for Mari?" Kelsey let out, guilty about having her cr- her friend spend money on her. "It's fine. I got some money saved up, so it won't be a problem." Kelsey's grin returned as she surprise-hugged Sunny. "Oh thank you Sunny! I promise that when we'll get home, we'll read it together!" She said, her voice full of happines as Sunny's view was full of Kelsey's chest. His face burned brightly as Kelsey kept his head there. From the corner, Mari and Hero exchanged looks. Jelously in their eyes at how WELL they seemed to get along...
Kelsey and Sunny were at Gino's. Both of them wore a dark shade of red as they ate their pizza. After Kelsey had asked Sunny out, he was flustered but nodded none the less. "S-So." Kelsey started. "W-Wanna go back to my place and read that comic you b-baught me?" Sunny swallowed a bite of his pizza before nodding. Kelsey's lips curved into a smile as she delected in her pepperoni pizza.
"H-Here. You can l-lay on me if you want." Came Kelsey's words, which were underlines with nervousness. Sunny's flush worsened but he agreed to it. Laying his head on her chest, Sunny's fiew was obscured a tiny bit by Kelsey's badonkers. He had to admit, he was flustered. When Mari hugged him, it was fine but when Kelsey did that... maybe because they were bigger? Pushing these thoughts out of his mind, Sunny's eyes followed the comic, trying to ignore Kelsey's warm and sweaty body touching him or even the comfy, soft basketballs that laid on both sides of his head... in the end, he couldn't. "H-Hey, Sunny." His attention was gained by her voice. Looking upwards, he saw Kelsey looking down at him, blushing. "D-Do you think we can... kiss?" Sunny's face burned with a red heat as his mind repeated the question. Swallowing a large lump in his throat, Sunny finally found the words. "Y-Ye-Yes."
Kelsey put the comic aside as she wrapped her arms around Sunny's smaller body. Beads of sweat ran down her neck and onto her breasts as Sunny inched closer. Their lips met. Sunny tasted a tangy orange flavor while Kelsey tasted a hint of A1 sauce. Pulling back from the short kiss, both teens opened their eyes. "Wow... that was nice." Sunny nodded. "W-Wanna go again?" Another nod. Kelsey opened her mouth but as she did. "Aaaah!~" She felt Sunny's hand touch her covered breast. Sunny grew a worried look, thinking he did something wrong. "N-No. It's okay. Sorry, I just... wasn't expecting that." Sunny breathed a sigh of relief. "C-Can you do that again?" Sunny blinked, his face burning red. He nodded as his fingers wrapped around Kelsey's left breast. She let out a moan, her eyelids closing halfway. Hot breaths escaped her as she opened her mouth and smashed her lips into his. Now, both of them explored each others mouths. Tongues dancing as their eyes remained locked, staring deeply into each ones souls. Kelsey moaned into Sunny's mouth as he fondled with her breast. She felt something poking her thigh, making her heart pound out of her chest. Looking down, she saw a tent in Sunny's shorts. Kelsey hand reached down, intending to touch it. Breaking the kiss, Kelsey asked "H-How big are you...." Sunny took a few seconds to answer. "E-Eleven inches...." Kelsey's eyes widened. That was... massive. She looked back down, face even redder than before. Her hot breaths returned as her passion came back at full force. "K-Kiss me." Doing so, Sunny's lips crashed into her's. Kelsey grabbed the waistband of Sunny's shorts before pulling them down, leaving on his boxers on. She was about to take them off to, when Suddenly the door swung open. "Hey, Kelsey. I think I left my-" Hero's words died on his tongue as he saw the scene before him. His sister... and Sunny... on Kelsey's bed... making out. "Hero, what's the matte-" Just then, Mari came to see what was wrong. She stopped dead in her tracks, much like her boyfriend. Her face turned red as she saw her little brother on bed with Kelsey. All four were frozen, eyes locked onto one another. Once Hero was able to move, he turned back around and ran out the room before slamming the door shut. "S-SORRY!" He shouted as he left. Mari and Hero stared at each other, not believing what they just saw. However, they were also jelous. Why? Because despite being together only 4 years, Kelsey and Sunny were ready to make love... when Hero and Mari couldn't even kiss on the lips.

Pub: 09 Apr 2022 17:51 UTC
Views: 636