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Peacock Installation Guide

Perks of The Peacock Project for Hitman: obtain all unlocks immediately, get rating screen without being connected to IOI servers.

Note that each time you start the game, you will initially need to be connected to the internet still, to pass Steam or Epic verification. After you have passed Steam/ Epic verification and have connected to Peacock, you are free to disconnect your internet if you like and you will stay connected to Peacock for the duration of your game session.

Supported Games
How to Install/ Use Peacock
  1. Join the Peacock Discord server ( You must have a 7 day or older Discord account and have proof of buying Hitman 2016/ Hitman 2/ Hitman 3 to join.
  2. Go to the #downloads channel in the above Discord server and download the latest Peacock build.
  3. Extract (unzip) files. Running the files from within the zipped folder will not work.
  4. Open the unzipped Peacock-vx.x.x folder (where x.x.x stands for whatever the latest Peacock version is), and open the second Peacock-vx.x.x folder within as well. From this ...Peacock-vx.x.x\Peacock-vx.x.x folder, run "Start Server", then "Peacock Patcher". Then open Hitman as normal.

Note: If you are playing on Hitman 3, you will have to repeat steps 2-3 each time Hitman 3 receives a new update. And for any of the three supported Hitman games, you will need to repeat step 4 every time you launch the game.. The game defaults back to the official servers otherwise.

When/ How to Update Peacock
  1. When you run "Start Server", you may get an alert that Peacock is out of date, as shown here.
  2. Usually you will need to update Peacock only when there is a new game update, but stay tuned in the Peacock Discord's #updates and #downloads channels to be safe.
    • Note: Peacock may be temporarily unavailable after a game update, as it takes a few hours for the Peacock Patcher to be updated as well.
  3. If there is a new Peacock update, go to the #downloads channel in the Peacock Discord to download the latest build.
  4. Extract (unzip) files. Running the files from within the zipped folder will not work.
  5. Assuming you have used Peacock during the previous game update, follow the instructions below to keep your loadouts and in-game savefiles (your loadouts will all default back to ICA19/coins/fiberwire, and your in-game save files will be lost otherwise).
    • Copy your old userdata and contractSessions folders (ex: ...Peacock-vx.x.x\Peacock-vx.x.x\userdata) and (ex: ...Peacock-vx.x.x\Peacock-vx.x.x\contractSessions) from your previous Peacock build, and paste it into your new Peacock build's main folder (...Peacock-vy.y.y\Peacock-vy.y.y), where x.x.x stands for the old Peacock version, and y.y.y stands for the new Peacock version. Replace any existing files in the new Peacock build's folder, if necessary.
      • Note that Peacock versions before v4.1.0 use the file convention ...Peacock-vx.x.x\assembled\userdata and ...Peacock-vx.x.x\assembled\contractSessionsinstead.
General Peacock Use Tips
  • It may take a few tries to connect to Peacock. If you can't connect, try going back to the Peacock Patcher application and clicking on "Re-patch" until the Peacock Patcher shows "Successfully patched ID".
  • If your game is already connected to the official servers, you may need to disconnect the game from official servers first to connect to Peacock. To disconnect from official servers, go to "Options" from the Hitman 3 main menu, then "Privacy Policy", then "Opt out". Then when you reconnect you should be on Peacock.
  • Similarly, you can go offline while connected to Peacock, then toggle the Peacock Patcher application to patch you to Official Servers, then go "online" again to connect to official servers.
  • To use 7 deadly sins items, make sure you have actually purchased the 7 deadly sins DLC. Then delete the ...Peacock-vx.x.x\Peacock-vx.x.x\userdata folder, and restart the game.
  • To save multiple loadouts per map (loadout profiles): Follow this tutorial
    • Note: You should open Hitman with Peacock before following the steps in this tutorial. In addition, Peacock has received a new update, so now just go to localhost in your browser instead of localhost/loadouts. When you are on the localhost page, click on Loadout Profiles in the upper left navbar. Then proceed with the rest of the video tutorial.
For Additional Questions/ Troubleshooting
Pub: 06 Sep 2021 00:22 UTC
Edit: 21 Feb 2022 22:12 UTC
Views: 4523