Shinji’s fate
Chapter 1

Shinji woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom, not that it wasn't his but he had just moved in to a new home. Months ago he had convinced Kaworu to run away with him so they could live out their lives together. The boy rubbed his eyes and got out of bed. Kaworu had been making him breakfast every day since they moved into this house in the countryside and he enjoyed it… even if Kaworu consistently made too much. Shinji would slowly walk into the living room and hear Kaworu humming some classical tune from the kitchen.
“Morning shinji kun~𝆕” Kawrou said in a cheery chipper tone, he was effectively the breadwinner of the couple, how he made as much money as he did was anyone's guess as he rarely ever left Shinji's side. He was cooking breakfast as usual, stacks of buttery pancakes toped with syrup and a spoon of icecream an omelet on the side and finally a sweet roll. Kaworu set the table giving shinji far more food than he gave himself. “Is everything to your liking?” Kaworu gave a warm smile Shinji would respond by blushing, taking a bite of his pancakes and saying “y-yes all of your cooking is amazing, thank you.” shinji would return to eating not wishing to give the impression of dissatisfaction.
About a half an hour would pass as shinji ate, Kaworu had finished within the first two minutes but remained in his seat watching as shinji forced himself to finish the meal. The boy was down to the last quarter of the last pancake and his stomach felt tight, he was visibly bloated his relatively small tummy swollen up enough to press on his shirt. He was now about 120 pounds as Kaworu had been making oversized meals since they moved. Shinji would put the last piece into his mouth and struggle to swallow. Kaworu sat and watched enamored as the boy gulped down the last bite of his feast.
“I'm glad you enjoyed this meal so much shinji,” he’d get out of his seat walk over to Shinji and kiss the short boy on his cheek before lightly hugging him not wanting to disturb his overfilled belly. “You know if its too much to eat you can always tell me~” Kaworu said fully knowing shinji lacked the backbone to turn down such well made and tasty food. “Its alright ugh Kaworu kun, your cooking is amazing. I wouldn't want to waste all the love you put into it.” hearing this put a subtle smile on Kaworu's face, it felt good knowing shinji would accept all of the “pampering” he planned on putting him through.
Kaworu sat down next to Shinji whom was too full to stand. “If you feel uncomfortable i’ll rub your stomach to relieve any pressure, that is if you wish for me to.” this was the first time he offered this but this breakfast was also a bit larger than the meals Kaworu had been making prior. Shinji would bluh, partly out of embarrassment and partly because he enjoyed any instance of affectionate touch. He would nod and Kaworu would put a hand on his belly, apply pressure and massage his gut. Shinji would try and hold in the burp this would force out and fail. “UOORPP E-excuse me Kaworu!” shinji put his hands over his face in embarrassment before Kaworu would take them and move them away. “Its alright shinji, it's nothing to be ashamed of.” he smiled as he went back to rubbing shinji's stomach and causing him to groan
Eventually shinji’s stomach would settle down and Kaworu would help him out of his seat. “Kaworu i think i want to sleep this off..” Kaworu would nod and lead him back to bed before laying down with him, snuggling up and falling asleep.

Weight Gain drive/ suggestions each response makes shinji fatter.

Pub: 08 Jan 2023 08:11 UTC
Edit: 08 Jan 2023 08:12 UTC
Views: 674