I have POTS,CFS,& hEDS.I am also Legally Blind and use a screenreader on & off!

  • My POTS & hEDS are diagnosed and my CFS is professionally acknowledged If you have a problem with me complaining bring it up with my doctor

i have every single disease and disorder on the planet, even ones you have never heard of. i have actually written and contributed to the DSM/ICD and also every medical textbook on earth. there are witnesses who can vouch for my accomplishments and my diseased, disordered body and mind. i am currently contracting and developing new issues this very second. any second you read this, i am getting more and more ill. i am in the hospital 24/7, 365 days a year (366 on a leap year). i am hooked up to every single machine that they have, and even more that they built just for me and my needs. i am unstoppable by anything other than God himself. i have so many physical and mental illnesses that they cancel each other out like PEMDAS. i am immortal, i am all powerful and knowledgeable. i am the second coming of Jesus Christ. the day i die is the day of reckoning. mark my words, star explorers. mark my words.

Pub: 24 Nov 2023 21:32 UTC
Edit: 01 May 2024 03:32 UTC
Views: 3539