to be used 𐕣 theirs 𐕣 picky 𐕣 used ⤦
jake webber urls ➜ TAKE THEM!!!
good urls / picky ➜ up for trade, just extremely picky
contact me on disc @ouijabrock or
@xplrstoner on tumblr for trades
orange text = link
update 16 • 09 • 24 - lil peep & tracy theme
updated 26 • 01 • 25 - kyman theme
vampirslayer scenebroflovski antivamp redgothkid vampersay stonedmarsh stonermarsh kindergoth juggalomcormick gothicmicheal curlyhairgoth tallgoth vampirfucker cthulhucult THECTHULUCULT undeadmccormick kickbaby red-goth c0untfagula towlie buttersp gyaruman persay the-mole molechristophe my-little-monster la-resistance gothicmarsh whorebroflovski punkcartman loserboymarsh scumarsh ahuvirebbeca -tolkienblack puppyclyde
sam and colby
im actually picky with these, sorry
xplrcolbybrock xplrsam xplrsamgolbach xplrbrock heartsforbrock heartsforcolby undeadbrock brocksbaby love4hire kansasboys
icp & juggalo
bugzonuts psychoclown bugzonnuts neckcutters juggalobunny suicide-hotline sexiestkiller taptaplove dog-beats inner-city-posse
violence + drugs
babygore goreygoth 1-800-GRAVEDIGGER goreystalker violencelover bloodymoney scenestalker kystalker suicidal-failure shysuicide emocidies drinkbleech
gregstophesp greg-stophe -rebstella ✘ rebeccahavisham rebecca-havisham gregorydelorone philipthorn
desktopgirlfriend desktopboyfriend coruscantsunsmuse darkmoonsmuse
greek / greek mythology
iokheaira laphria songofapollo kyanopeplos -sappho erinyswrath -kerberos
616hobie 616prowler sunflowermorales whats-up-danger 138spiderpunk
aWannabe infinityghxst shortkinganthem no-tenderness shedontlikeboys tw-iloveyou rip2myouth teendirtbag all-eyez-on-me chainsaw-gutsfuck teenage-lobotomy nicedocs Wishuwell kerser ✘ bangbangkisskiss -venice-bitch -lanita ✘ born222die -yungbruh -RATM rage-against-machines -deadkennedys ✘ ragemachine 1SIDEDLOVE -4u -atmyworst at-my-worst -beg manicsexaddict tearsonpages hot-girl-bummer 1-800-EATSHIT -do-re-mi ✘ bipolarbaby jetblackheart thecrushsong ✘ crushsong hotel505 iwantokillyou ifurlonely 24hrdrivethrough heart-tattoo -NBTSA -babystarcandy blondehair-blacklungs luvisrage2 uziiiiiiipink myscissors beautifulmisery -pessimist fell-in-luv ✘ anti-icon ✘ -66SLAVS morguehallclique ✘
sykunno sk8reki KILLTV 420vamp ✘ VAMPCUNT burntchurch FAGVAMP ✘ januaryambers sk8langa FRANKIEFINE ✘ christurniolo mikeisdead TRAPBOYS TRAPGIRLS drinkbleech 420space sinnersconfession diaryonline nativedevil unsent-apologies camprincess -emowhore thetraphouse talking-to-the-moon hisunflower hisunlight scenelver teethlover rotten-teeth carlos-de-vil -fairestofall digital-hellscape emoukranian emoarthief ✘ sturniolocest cynicaltongue toxicboyfriend sunsmuse savagge yungscuff anorexicblood incelover windowclimber drowninglink zeldaerro zeldaglitch thecamboys tombaby snakehair tombedprincess snaketongue matchingbloodvials