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DID (unsure..) system named 'The Cake Shop' !! Collective names are Lie or Rio and collective pronouns are it/thym. the body is asian (Thai and Chinese), a minor (Birthday is on October 22nd) and AFAB, please dont be weird.. We are mentally ill.. We have dyslexia, autism, adhd, schizophrenia and more. We have lots of interests !! Also here are the collective IDs and subsystem. Ask for discord or our social media if we are friends/mutuals !!

BYF: we won't use sign offs all the time, we switch between singular pronouns, don't mention cults around us. DNI: general dni criteria, fakeclaimers, will drag us into discourse (unless its funny ??), endo 'systems'/supporters. We block freely.

Pub: 30 Jul 2023 08:58 UTC
Edit: 23 Sep 2023 13:33 UTC
Views: 363