hyperfixation special interest general television
criminal minds, hannibal (nbc), good omens, eddsworld,
bluey, transformers (franchise) film godzilla (franchise), hannibal (franchise), coraline, batman (2022), alice in wonderland (franchise) animanga death note, beastars, kuroshitsuji, nge, serial experiments lain, dmcb games sonic the hedgehog (franchise), pokemon (franchise), ultrakill, minecraft, night in the woods, detroit: become human, undertale, yokai watch (franchise), batman: arkham (series) books the clockwork three, warriors (franchise) music idkhow, vocaloid, sneaker pimps, iamx, mcr, get scared, askysoblack, hunny, the hush sound, boa, ffdp content creators thafnine, cdawgva, chris broad, uhyeah, isaacwhy, manlybadasshero miscellaneous my original characters, lucky cats, plague doctors, kaiju, cats, birds, foxes, wolves, stars, halloween, autumn, collecting (cars, pkmntcg, g.i. joes, feathers, rocks), theology, angelology, criminology, robots home

Pub: 20 Aug 2023 17:03 UTC
Edit: 15 Jan 2024 17:31 UTC
Views: 566