As the head of a multidimensional group of companies seeking to milk the everloving shit out of the multiverse, it is expected at some level you are fucked in the head. It comes with the job after all. You defiled many timelines out of any usable resources, making it impossible for life to ever grow from it again, you made slaves out of every man, woman, and child who came in the way of your interplanetary processing machines, turning them into cattle for meat, brainless husks for menial labor, and onaholes for pleasure.
In your full life as head, not that many heroes succeeded against you. For one can't ever fight with the primal forces of business. Except for one.
One little Amelia Watson from the timeline 1337. You only saw her from footage in boardroom meetings but what you saw enraptured you. Eyes, blue like the seas of your home dimension, hair as golden as its sun. Not to mention the pure eroticism of her body. Her shirt makes a tent with her massive breasts as it tucks into her skirt that emphasizes her hips. How her stockings hug against her thighs, how the flesh bunches up against the couple of syringes that are tightly held against her right leg. You had to look away sometimes in order to calm yourself down and go back to business.
She remained elusive for a few cycles. Freeing some timelines, locking your group's access to it. That is until now. She is being delivered to you personally.
You sat in your penthouse suite in a Universe where there are more stars than usual. The glass that surrounds you is tailor made to not only shelter you from the scathing heat and scalding light of all the extra stars of outer space, but also makes the stars too far away to be seen visible. It's bright enough to illuminate the entire room. Other than that, a king sized bed, a few couches, and a few small tables with drawers.
Any time now, she'll be delivered. And delivered she was. A shiny black metal box materialized in front of you, and as per your request, a little red ribbon they place on Christmas gifts. You pressed the surface of the box with the tips of all your fingers. It recognized you as the one who requested the delivery, and the metal that covered the box was promptly materialized out.
There she was. Amelia Watson. She was shorter than you would have expected. You'd at least expect her to be as tall as your shoulders, but it seems that she could give you a blowjob standing up. She was unconscious as well. Sleeping upright on a chair that restrained all movable parts of the body. You requested them to add a body-sense modifier on her, the type they use on whores. But you declined the use of a mind modifier, since it won't be Amelia at that point.
You took her out of her restraints and rested her gently onto the bed. Her clothes stained it with soot. She smelled wonderful. Her body reeked a sour aroma that mixed with debris and nitroglycerine. Your fingers gently traveled on her body. From her soft lips, her textured shirt, her silk like skirt, all the way to her stocking covered feet. You removed all her clothing, leaving her only in her sports bra, black stockings, and panties.
Then with a remote control for her body and senses, you jolt her awake.
She sprung alive, partly confused. She rushed to the nearest exit, but you grabbed her by the neck and forced her to look at you straight in the eye.
“Hello, Amelia. It seems you and your collaborators have given us some… Issues,” You said, “Perhaps we can make some agreements going foreward.She punched and kicked you with all her might, but you remain unfazed, as if she were punching a wall. Your hands grabbed both of hers and you pinned her against a wall with your leg lifting her up by the crotch. Her feet lifted high enough for her to be on her tiptoes.“Whatever you have planned, it won't work Manipulator!” Ame yelled at you,
Manipulator… So that's what she and her ragtag group of rebels call me. Very uncreative.
“If I didn't do anything, you would be executed,” You said as you tighten the grip on her wrists, “Consider this a mercy, Watson.” “I’d rather die, you fuckin’ asshole” She growled, squirming on your leg.
“Oh well, Its not your choice anyways,” You said.
With your free hand you grabbed her face by the cheeks, and kissed her on the lips. She thrashed around, her legs trying to knee you and hands struggling to be free. Her mouth stubbornly held itself shut, until through the sheer force of your tongue, pried it open. You twirled your tongue around hers, thrashing it around as you explored her. She tasted bittersweet. Like a nice cup of coffee with a proportionate amount of sugar to caffeine. You saw from file cases that she was a frequent smoker, so the bitterness must be from that. But you could arrange her lungs to be renewed later.
You let go of Amelia. Both of you were breathing heavily, with Ame glaring at you. She spat out saliva on your floor.
“You…” Ame growled “You suck at this… Have you asked your mom for notes?”
There’s the Amelia you want.
“Listen, just tell me where the timeline where the council lives, and I’ll let you go.” You whispered to her ear, you never really cared for the council. You already made enough in the large amount of cycles you have been alive for. You just want Amelia, but its a fine jumping point for conversation.
“In your dreams, flatface! I bet you can only fuck through rape!” She said,
“I could also get it through money,” You said,
“Whatever! I’ll never tell you anything,” She said, forming a smug smile on her face, “You can’t make me, dumbass.”
From you back pocket, you pulled out the body-sense remote and pressed a button that caused Amelia’s limbs to unceremoniously clip off her body. The now detached limbs are not bloodied, and Ame could still feel sensations from it but not control it. The areas where the limbs should have connected to the body was covered in flesh similar to the one already on the limb. As if it was never part of her body to begin with.
She yelped in surprise when she realized this. Her nubs where her arms used to be waved around, as if she was trying to choke you. Without her limbs in the way, you carried her like a baby.
You sat down on the bed and your fingers tucked under her underwear. You savor the smooth skin near her crotch as you hold her head closer to your chest. You press your lips onto her forehead, the smell of lavender scented shampoo, gunpowder smoke, and dried sweat intoxicate your mind far better than any alcohol. Her breathing was deliberate. Long breaths into the nose and long breaths out from the mouth. If you listen past that, you can hear tiny whimpers. Like a mouse.
You slowly removed her underwear, and shifted your focus on her breasts. You slipped your hands under her rubbery sports bra, and it was damp. You could feel the humidity of the labor of multiple cycles of hit and runs against you and your benefactors. The bra was tight as well. So you smoothly lifted it up to release her breasts. They flopped down with an elegant bounce, the sweat made it glisten in the light of a thousand stars. Like diamonds forged in inhospitable planets finally being revealed.
“Never seen tits before?” Amelia growled.
You adjust the hand holding her upright onto her head. Just enough to jam some fingers into her wet mouth. As you’d expect, she began working to bite it off. With your other hand, you lifted her up so that her tits would be at the same level as your mouth. When she was high enough, you made her sit on your arm. Her groin was kind of moist.
With her tits near your face, the pungent smell hit you. Pure sourness with a touch of vanilla soap. Her primal scent made you feel hot, as if the stars outside combined in your groins. But all good meals must be savored. You open your mouth and begin to descend it onto flesh. And it landed straight where her nipples are. Bullseye. She whelped in surprise as she began to wriggle. Your tongue twirls slowly around her nipple as you sucked on her tit like a newborn clinging to life.
She wriggled, her breathing lost composure for a split second before stabilizing. You hear her quiet whimpers more now as she bites down further on your fingers. A single tear rolls down your thumb.
She tasted divine. You licked clean all the salty sweat around her nipple. You quickened the pace. Fiddling and jerking it around until it was fully erect. Then you let go and placed her back on her lap. From her grumpy expression, you denied her an orgasm.
“Did you nearly cum from that?” You scoffed. “Having your tits sucked?”
“Shut up.” She growled. “I didn’t feel anything!”
“If you say so,” you said, as you laid your hand along her slit. Slowly tracing it up and down with your pointer finger, feeling the wet texture of the flesh. A small audible squeal exited her mouth through gritted teeth. You continued teasing her, tracing it up and down at a snail’s pace. Her breathing turned rugged and shallow at times, but she somehow managed to keep it under control. But what she can’t control are the adorable little spasms her hips do everytime you nearly prod deeper into her but never deep enough. At least a part of her body is enjoying you, as if its beckoning you to rape her.
You stopped, and focused on another part of her groin. Her clit. From all the teasing it was nice and erect. Half visible from the hood. With your thumb you gently and slowly go around it, alternating between clockwise and counterclockwise. Her moans are much louder now, it's obvious she is biting her tongue to keep herself grounded. Its not her hips that's convulsing anymore, its her back. Jerking up a centimeter every time you complete a revolution around her red swollen clit.
But it wasn't enough. Your ring finger and middle probed themselves inside, you find her g-spot like an old friend and gently pressed up. Her inner walls hugged your digits. Her pussy gifted you with a thin layer of her juice. Your fingers tenderly traced the letters of the words “I LOVE YOU AMELIA WATSON” on her g-spot. Over and over again. She moaned every time you traced the letter O, and gasped everytime you traced the letter W. So you just repeated those movements, slowly picking up speed then stopping to a halt then starting off slowly again. Her whole body is honest now, spasming every time you pick up speed.“Are you enjoying this?” You said as you rocked your thumb across her clit, gently scraping it back and forth.She moaned, “Ah! I am not- oh! Feeling anything!” “Is that so? It wouldn't matter if I did this, then,” You said as you picked up the pace. The tender caresses of your thumb and fingers turned rapidly. Amelia’s eyes bulged and her back arched. She’s moaning freely now, eyes wide open, with a few streams of tears that trickled down her face. She’s about to cum, you know this by the way her vagina walls spasm, how they tighten to milk sperm from whatever invades it.
“If you play nice, I’ll give you what you want,” You said, as Ame leaned her head on your chest as she anticipates the coming orgasm, moisturizing it with breath and tears, “But if you are not cooperative,”
Just as she was about to cum, you removed your digits and used your fingernails to pinch Ame’s erect clitoris and slowly pulled on it. She screamed. Your fingers, while remaining the same pressure, slowly goes up the clit as if scraping it. When the peak has been reached, you yanked it with a twisting motion. Ame squirted, her backed arched while staining the window on her side. Her clit was now swollen, and you laughed to yourself on how it resembles a little 2 centimeter long penis.
Ame flopped on the arm supporting her. Putting all her weight on it, as her eyes rolled behind her head with her tongue rolled out. She breathed heavily, each deep desperate inhale pushing her bountiful tits on your chest closer for a few moments. These moments of lucidity only lasted for a half a minute, and she finally regained consciousness.
She looked away from you, since its the only way she could resist.
“Did you just cum from that?” You say, whilst groping on her sweet soft buns, fingers buried beneath fat sweaty flesh.
“N-no, fuck- fuck off,” She said with a frazzled voice, hoarse from the pain, or pleasure, of attacking her more sensitive parts.
“Now are you willing to cooperate with me?” You said.“Go fuck yourself!” She said, with as much bravado as possible. As if she still has all four limbs attached.
You threw her on the bed right where the pillows are. Unbuckled your belt, threw your pants and underwear off. You crawled towards Amelia, whom even if she does have limbs in this situation, would be dwarfed by the size of the bed. When you hovered above her, both arms pining her down by the shoulders like support. She turned away, with eyes a bit pink from her crying a while ago.
“If you arent going to cooperate with me today, might as well enjoy you,” You said as you gently lead head by the chin with your pointer finger to look at you. She doesn't look you in the eyes.
One of your hands shifted to flop your half erect cock onto Ame’s belly. The tip reached roughly where her ribcage ends. She was taken aback from it’s size. You could feel when her breathing changed as soon as she saw your cock.
“Wow. I bet that cock is artificial. You really had to make up for it , huh?” She said, voice wobbling.
“Its of average size where I came from” You align it with her small entrance, lightly tracing over her slit. Her body trembles and jerks for a few moments like a vibrator, “Now open wide.”You slowly placed the tip in. The cockhead splitting her apart as it spreads her petals. Gently, you pushed through. Feeling the contours of her flesh brush against your length, feeling the welcoming warmth envelop it. The walls of her carnal flesh tightens around you, clinging on to you as if you were life itself. Or its shutting itself off from you, repelling you with such ungodly tightness. Her pulse weakly reverberates through your cock, thumping quickly. She is scared. For all her bravado and defiance, she feels everything.
Amelia gritted her teeth, bit her tongue. Whatever she can do to stop the feeling. But the slight twitches that her back does, the shallow breathing, eyes wide open, weak squeaky groans and whimpers from her voice, tells that her resistance is futile. Something moist has touched your knees. It seems that she has pissed herself. She made a puddle of her fluids you lovingly squeezed out of her through your cock. You find it rather hot as she blushes in a sort of embarrassment.
She is not built for the size of your cock, it wouldn't surprise you if its slightly painful for her. But it looks as if her flesh is savoring it anyways. She enjoys being colonized by you, and she hates it. Its a wonderful torture far better than anything you could do with any trauma recall machine, non-fatal electrical chair or white room could do.. She could only sit there and love you. She could only sit there and take it. But being the oh so considerate being that you are, with the remote, you at least turned her pain down and raised her pleasure sensitivity by at least five times. Her entire body jolted with electricity with your newfound command. At first, it would be painful for her. However loud her nerves would sing about your cock is louder and she can't shut it out now, and it’ll be harder to adjust to it. She tries to wriggle her way out of you, but like a caterpillar in the talons of a mighty bird, you kept her still. Her whimpers are a bit louder now. You have to give her applause for being steadfast, ordinary women would have been panting like dogs and squealing like pigs by now. She avoided your eyes to hide her expression of overstimulation, rotating her head towards the side. Her moist breath hits your hand through shallow breath.
You reached the tip of her cervix, lightly kissing it. The suction begs you to go deeper, but you stop. You lift one of your hands from Amelia. She breathes deeply to recover from her mind being fried from a slow penetration. From the tops of the nearby tabletop, you take a cuban cigar that's already been cut and lit it. You put it in your mouth. The nice warmth and light high fills your lungs. You gently crane her head to look at you with firm fingers grabbing her chin. She has her eyes shut, it's cute. Its like a child turning their head against vegetables or a diplomat bowing their head as they sign a treaty that would effectively take their rights away.
“Do you want to cooperate now?” I said.
“Never,” She spat out.
Just the answer you wanted.
Without the grace and gentleness as before, you began to thump your cock at her cervix. You put your hand back on her free shoulder and pressed her harder on the bed. You unsheath yourself till the tip and ruthlessly sped back to her cervix. The flesh reverberates and jolts every time you hit her deepest parts. Like the creaking and thump of the gates holding against wrathful battering rams. Her cervix gets stretched forward against your rod, perhaps its Amelia’s way of resisting against you still. Everytime you pull back, you stretch her backwards as well, the suction of her cervix attempting to join the cock out. The claps of your flesh against hers spreads through the room in the rhythm of war drums. She jolts her head back, and her back aches. Her face contorts as she grits her teeth and grimaces. The pupils dilate, the white of her eyes slowly turning pink. Waterfalls of nice salty tears stream down her face. Beneath your hands, you can feel her little nubs jolt as if in rigor mortis. Moans spill out of her mouth, you can’t tell if its a pleasured one or it's a pained one. Perhaps it's both. She gaped her mouth open in order to breathe more and her eyes rolled back. Its an expression that fits her. Rather than the smug expression you see whenever she smashes a pipeline or sabotages interplanetary construction projects.
You took a whiff of the cigar again, you don't smoke a lot, but its appropriate for the occasion. Warmth fills your body as you pry open Amelia’s mouth in the middle of her moaning, and yank her tongue out. It spasmed, either to slip its way out of your forefinger and thumb or in response to the pressure of being pressed.
“Feel like it yet?” You ask. “Fuck you.” Amelia said, with a voice that was half wheeze and half moan.
“Alright” You said as you put out the cigar on her tongue, you savored the faint sizzle. You pick up the pace. The war drums get faster. As if you are trying to meld your flesh into hers. Her voice gave out, what used to be a screech was now a faint wheeze at best. With your right hand you forced her into a kiss, tongue pressing on her burn wound.
You quiver as you feel her contours and texture brushes against your carnal flesh. Her pussy was good. Incredibly good. Good enough for mass production. You could enstate factories solely designed to clone her consciousness and connect them and place them inside of synthetic flesh asses. With no sensing capabilities other than the nerves of her innards made for fucking. You would sell it to a thousand planets and a thousand universes, make men in the trillions fuck her pussy and make her feel it. Frying her brain would be a sight to be seen, and making it a Livestream would be useful in putting down morale. But no, frying her brain was her job. She is made for you, right now, in the light of the thousand stars.
You lifted her up by the shoulders, and you sat down. You held her by the waist as if holding a large onahole and slammed her through your length. Her head hung back limply, her mind can’t even handle controlling her body. Her spirit nearing pure colonization. You impaled her again and again like pistons within a machine gun. Foam forms around the corners of her mouth as you hug her and with a final and swift impalement-!
Her womb opens up, and you fill her up in return. It balloons a little bit, and bits of overflowing cum roll down your leg. Her face showed a nice bliss as if having ego death. Eyes rolled up her skull, tongue out of her mouth whilst she breathed, tears streaked down. You threw her on the bed again face down. She pissed on the mattress out of exhaustion. A puddle of your cum forms from her.
You lit up another cigarette again. Breathe it in, feeling the warmth enter and exit your body through smoke. Your cock still is painfully erect, despite the amount of cum it gave.
You could go for another round. You grabbed your remote again, and decreased all the sensitivity settings to what they were normally. This time you want her to feel it raw. You took a whiff again as you flopped your cock on her large buttocks. She isn't responsive.“Hey…. I'm not done yet,” You said, as you slapped her left buttcheek. “Oh well.”
You stepped back and spread her cheeks. You took one final whiff of the cigar and put it out just on her perineum. Still no response. With the remote you jolted her awake. She woke up startled, the first thing she did was to wriggle her way out of bed the opposite direction from you. Her shapely ass shaking from your perspective.
“Now, are you willing to cooperate?” You say, “You look like you do.”“Never!” She says with new vigour, “Fuck off!”
Oh well. You turned off her ability to move. She flopped on the floor, her ass elevated by the bed. She could only feel things now. In order to make things interesting, you turned off her sight. Her eyes may be technically functional, but she could only see a black void. She yelped in surprise, whimpered in fear. You made it so that she could only move her head and jaw.
You grabbed her limbs from the other side of the room and slowly walked back. You placed one of her feet onto your face. The smell of flesh marinated and fermented by the sweat of a thousand journeys was intoxicating. You sucked on her toes, it tasted better. Like a good steak. You knelt down before Amelia. You don't want her to miss out on the delectable taste of her own feet. You turn off the movement of her jaw. It flopped down, and Amelia would only produce groans. You jam her foot in, the sole facing up, the foot from the toes to just before the arch was in. You turn back movement on. She bit down of course and she yelped because she could feel her own foot being bitten down on.
Now, you ditched the other leg and focused on her arms. You, admittedly, don't know what to do with them. Without anything else to do, you decide to jam both up her pussy. It's well lubed from you after all. You sat down, adjusting her position so that her ass is just on your lap. You grab one of her hands, moving the fingers into the hand gesture that a pasta loving person makes, and shove it in. Fingers first and resistance at the knuckles. Unlike your cock, her body rejects it. She groans and screams through her foot-gag. You forgot you turned down her pleasure sensitivity, so of course she would sound hurt. With great effort the knuckles went in. So did the palm, wrist, and a fourth of her forearm. Her elbows were facing down. You wouldn't want that hitting your nuts. The other arm wouldn't fit, so you ditched it as well.
You removed her from your lap, and stood back to see your handiwork. She was magnificent. It reminds you of the whore restrainers you sell to warmongers. This would be magnificent blackmail material, but Amelia is no hero now. She is your wife and she is not going anywhere.
You went back to bed. You positioned yourself like a plank and flopped your erect cock right into her ass crack, your arms sturdily holding you up beside her shoulders. With the remote, you returned her movement. It's not like she could do anything anymore. Her large breasts lift her up from the floor enough to make her little nubs more useless for crawling. You held her hips with one hand and held your dick with the other. You lightly tapped against her puckering asshole. It tightened up, every time you tapped it.
“I hope this hurts, Amelia,” You say as you aim and lightly press your hot rod into her ass, “I hope this hurts.”
You plunged in, it was all inside her from the base. Once again you are reminded that she is not built to take your length in. The human anus from her home timeline, was also not built to take such a size in as well. A great tightness enveloped you, as you scraped inwards. She gasped, as if knocked out of breath. You scraped inwards. The flesh in friction with yours. Then, the great tightness loosened, and something began to moisten your cock. Amelia yelped a cute squeal. It seems like you tore the delicate tissue holding her anus together. You slightly unsheathe your cock. A nice crimson glimmers in the light of a thousand stars like the surface of a ruby. You plunged back in. Another squeal. Her breathing got louder. Shallow shaky breathing.
You pulled out until your cockhead, the pressure from her ass followed you, and you smashed right back in. Her wound widens up and more blood coating your meat, and you speed up. Further irritating whatever was in there.
You could only see the back of her head. But you could feel her biting down on her foot and the tears on her face. You can feel how loud her heart beats, the pitch of the ringing in her ears. The pain must be great, but the great Amelia Watson is resilient. She has faced worse pain. This is just dessert for you. You can’t help it. Her cuteness was too much for you to handle, and so you must hurt her. Her pained squeaks sound like music to you. Squeaks. A sound uncharacteristic of a person of her caliber and career. Like Sisyphus rolling his rock, and Prometheus getting his liver eaten, perhaps it’s Amelia Watson’s fate to be serving your cock for all eternity. Having her virgin flesh healed only to be defiled and then purified again to be defiled. The thought electrifies you.
She sobs as you pound her ass and she groans as if in childbirth. You get faster and she screeches, muffled only by her foot. Her little arm nubs and shoulders spasm as if trying to crawl away and her torso wriggles as well. But you reached out to her head and pressed it down. She groans louder because she could feel the foot in her mouth get stabbed by her canines. Her little sobs became wails as you continued to indulge yourself.
You pistoned in and out of her, sometimes you just grinded against her just to press against her gash and to smother your groin against her divine softness. Delicate anal tissues being shredded does add a nice soothing texture, it tickles when being brushed against and feels marvelous when being rapidly stroked. Her pelvis jolts every time your flesh makes contact, stroking your cockhead by the sides. Her exposed flesh nicely lubes you, it makes you flow through her like a hot knife through butter.
Her glassy blue eyes must be wide open right now having blood and flesh exposed and flayed in her intimate parts. Does she think she is about to die right now? You revel in that fact. Shipping her corpse over to the rebels. When they do their autopsy, they would learn that their idol has died by bleeding out of her ass. Martyrs don't die that shamefully.
Your groins are on fire, a tingle goes up your spine. You are close now. You clench your hands on her head now. Strands of hair fell out because of the stress.
Being a kind man, you raise her pleasure sensitivity to its limit. You don't want to orgasm alone after all. Her entire body jolted as if struck by lightning. The wailing just became one long scream. You hasten up. Like her body knows you, her walls began to spasm. Massaging you through the whole length. She arches her back, with one last squeal-!
You both cum. She groans since exposed flesh hurts when it meets any liquid at all, including cum. But you don't care about that. You are in heaven. She is warm. So warm. You don't want to pull out. You flop your chest down, loosening the stress on your arms. Your mouth on her nape. You bit down on her. You would mark her as yours down the line, tatoos, body modification, etc. but this would do for now.
After what felt like an eternity, you pulled out. Your cock was cold and coated in a pinkish substance. Her ass had a prolapse, from it flowed a mixture of cum and blood. A lot of blood. Way too much. Shipping her corpse like this is appealing, but she is yours. She is your wife now and wives need to be taken care of. A dead wife is no good.
You go to one of the drawers and bring out a simple syringe. It's a substance that would heal all injuries made from a cheap and simple process. You and your partners over priced this for every place it is sold. But you decide what worth is.
You pick Amelia up, remove the foot from her mouth, the foot had a rather large and deep bite made from her, and lay her on the bed. The arm jammed up her pussy was distracting so you yanked that out too. You injected her with the substance, and the prolapse began to contract and heal itself until it looked like you never fucked her up to begin with.
Her face was tired. Dead eyes with the trails of tears on her cheeks. Whether she was in shock or high was unknown to you. Mouth slightly agape. She was muttering something.
“I am so sorry, everyone…” she murmured, over and over. How admirable. She is still thinking of her friends. But undoing as a wife.
Your cock hardens. With the remote you yank her out of dreamland and place her back here. In your penthouse suite illuminated by a thousand stars. And you have all night with her.