Recent Changes:

  • Added:
    -[Medal Of Honor]
    -[Flavor Flay]
    -Cooking 1
  • Removed:

7/15/21 - Left some points free, and worked out another ~60 I can take if needed

  • Added:
    • [Magnum Dong], [Semen Demon] - I blame the twins for this...
    • [Soul Split] - That Demonic Dynamo I absorbed unlocked the ability to clone myself
  • Removed
    • [Starting Bonus] - I never RP using it, though I'll add it back if I can after the update

Cassandra Kurano

=Harahel v0.7.4=
Start Location:
Race: [Kitsune], [Tenshi], [Kotengu] (My mother is a Kitsune and my father is half Tenshi/half Kotengu)
Sex: [Futanari]
Hair: [White]
Eyes: [Violet]
Skin: [Pale]
Face: [Feminine]
Bust: [Medium] (Normally Yuuge due to Arka Tanks, D cup when out of Arka. Use Communism from Lethe to change minimum size)
Height: [Average] (163cm/5'4")
Hips: [Thicc] (Thighs are Extra Thicc from Arka Tanks)
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Fit]

Description: A Kitsune with white, waist-length hair and black crow wings on her upper back. A halo floats above her head just past the tips of her ears. Due to being mistaken for a Daitenshi she often hides her wings and halo with illusions. Usually wears a loose-fitting dress with slits in the back for her wings and tail.

Backstory: My parents were adventurers until their party discovered a nearly completed Marionette in a dungeon. My mother, an alchemist, decided to retire and return to her home village so she could focus on studying the doll in the hopes of learning how to make more. It wasn't until after making it home that she discovered she was pregnant with me. She raised me alone until I was 6 years old, at which point my father came to visit and learned he had a daughter. He quickly decided to retire from adventuring himself and ask my mother to marry him.

[Everwet] (excess fluids can be easily dealt with by my senketsu)
[Fluid Druid]
[Arka Tanks x2] (breasts and thighs)
[Arka Fountains]
[Life, Uh, Finds A Way]
[Breeding Season] (I'll be relying on arousal reducing potions to let me function mostly normally during this time)
[Indestructible Ahoge] (I can use illusions to hide this if I need to hide my emotions/intentions)
[Resting Smug Face]
[Localized Regen]
[Love Nectar]
[Eggz] + [Clutch]
[Dick Destroyer]
[Semen Demon]
[Magnum Dong]

[Monster Mash x2] + [Ubermensch x2]
[Wings] (black crow wings. I often hide them with illusions so people don't mistake me for a daitenshi)
[Tasty Fate]
[Pain Zero]
[Mushi] +[Sleigh Beggy]

[Perfect Pussy]
[Fertile Fields]
[Divine Pregnancy]
[Back Support]
[Mr Clean]

[Hush Money]
[HUD] + [Status]
[Hammerspace Inventory] (I always keep a variety of potions with me)
[Tasty Prof]
[Max Charisma]
[Hero x3] + [Demon Lord]
[Wisdom Incarnate] (can memorize alchemy recipes for me)
[Ooga Booga] (after wandering the forests and mountains around the village as a child, my spatial awareness and sense of direction is as good as can be)
[Death Is the Only Cure]
[Unbreakable Mind]
[Talk To Me]
[Soul Split]
[Flavor Flay]

[The Adoring Fan] + [Kafuka] (my childhood friend. Obsessive and clingy but mostly harmless unless someone attacks me)
[Dere Dere] + [Yan Yan] (I can be obsessive and clingy myself towards the people I care about)
[No Metagaming]
[Masochist] + [Sadist]
[Calamity Magnet] (pairs well with Beast Mastery)
[Dankest Dungeons] (if it removes the chance of running into instant death traps, I'm ok with more lewd)
[Hephaestus’ Curse] (with Senketsu, this is mostly just an annoyance)
[Reap What You Sow] (hopefully Popular and Max Charisma will help me befriend her)
[Mark Of Failure]
[Gaijin Goon] (I'll just learn the language as I grow up)
[Potionholic] (with how many potions I'll be using while learning alchemy, I probably would have ended up with this anyway)
[Bestial] (I'm assuming this will enhance existing racial traits. Kitsune - I'll have a stronger urge to play pranks. Tenshi - urge to help people and be a good person. Kotengu - combined with the other two, a desire to play harmless pranks on religious figures)
[Medal Of Honor]

[Riftgate Licence]
[Servant] (the Marionette my parents discovered)
[Senketsu] (useful for dealing with fluids and for a temporary boost to physical proficiencies)
[Concentrated Blood Vial] (I'll use these to help figure out how to make my own)
[A Home] (my mother's house in our village)
[Service] (some of the homunculi my mother created using the knowledge she gained studying my Servant. The 2 from this boon were assigned to care for me. By default they have the appearance of basic Marionettes but they enjoy changing their appearance based on who's looking at them, such as wearing Neko or Okami ears when around those races)
[Tab Leet] + [Entertainment] (hopefully this also includes novels. I'd like to be able to reread The Wheel of Time)
[Switch] (I'll finally have the time to play every route in FE:3H)
[Solar Charger]

Aferlife: [Mastema - Arbiter of Sanctuary]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Year]

Death Mods:
[Corrupted Vision]
[Convenient Backstory]
[Imōto Apocalypto]
[Imōto Kataklizmo]

Player Count: [10,000 People]

Start Location: [The Great Wilds]
Ending Fate: 0
Ending Prof: 0
Strength 1
Agility 3
Endurance 0
Durability 0 (Endurance and Durability should be close to T1 by the time I'm an adult)
Combat 1
Cooking 1
Beast Mastery 3 (for taming some of the creatures drawn in by Calamity Magnet)
Strategy 4 (I'll be the tactician for most parties I join)
Charisma 4
Arcane 4 (magic defense)
Illusion 3
Spatial 3 (teleporting and barriers are always going to be useful)
Alchemical 3
Elemental 3 (can be used for utility as well as combat; lighting fires, creating clean water, temporary shelters, etc.)
Light 5 (healing and divination)
Luck 4


Recent Changes:

  • Added:
    -[Dick Destroyer]
    -[Semen Demon]
    -[Void of Corruption]
    -[Mr Clean]
    -[Soul Split]
    -[Wisdom Incarnate]
    -[Full Party Required]
    -Dark T5
  • Removed:
  • Changed:
    -Skin is now [Tan] to match new pictures

==== Servant Build ====
Race: [Marionette], [Neko], [Tenshi]
Sex: [Futanari]
Hair: [White]
Eyes: [Crimson]
Skin: [Tan]
Face: [Feminine]
Bust: [Medium] (D cup)
Height: [Tall] (191cm/6'3")
Hips: [Thicc]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Buff]

The Marionette my parents discovered in a dungeon. My mother spent several years trying to complete her, learning to make simple homunculi in the process. When I was 5 I was looking for a healing potion in the atelier after cutting my hand. The smell of blood caused Lethe to awaken, surprising me when she suddenly appeared next to me and licked the blood off my hand.

[Life, Uh, Finds A Way]
[Breeding Season]
[Indestructible Ahoge]
[Resting Smug Face]
[Localized Regen]
[Love Nectar]
[Eggz] + [Scrambled]
[Magnum Dong]
[Multiple Breasts x1] (A cup)
[Arka Tanks x1] (thighs)
[Buckets Of Cum]
[Dick Destroyer]
[Semen Demon]

[Monster Mash x2] + [Ubermensch x2]
[Auxiliary Systems]
[Pain Zero]
[Vampire] + [Vampire Lord] (blood is her power source)
[Unusual Eyes] (pupils shaped like gears)
[Tasty Fate]
[Invitation] (hopefully I can get around this by forcing/teleporting her into buildings if I need to)
[Mushi] + [Sleigh Beggy]
[Wings] + [Seraph x2]
[Dulluhan] (her head will be modified to screw on, with latches on the sides to lock it in place.)

[Perfect Pussy]
[Fertile Fields]
[Pron Physics] + [Pron Studio] (as long as she's nearby I'll benefit from this)
[Divine Pregnancy]
[Back Support]
[Void of Corruption]
[Mr Clean]

[Hush Money]
[Phylactery] (an anklet I always wear)
[Tasty Prof]
[Hero x3] + [Demon Lord]
[HUD] + [Status]
[Hammerspace Inventory] (she'll be carrying most of our equipment)
[Gate Of Babylon] (I'll keep her stocked up on bombs and splash potions to be fired out of her inventory)
[JuJu] (she's going to be my bodyguard)
[Ooga Booga]
[Unbreakable Mind]
[Relative Realism]
[Banishment This World!]
[Sensory Overdose]
[Talk To Me] (if I can't speak to her through her phylactery, I can keep a small part of her body near me to speak through instead. I could wear part of a spare arm as a gauntlet or bracer or use a spare leg to make a shin guard)
[Aura’s Veil]
[Communism] (To counter people using Capitalism to immobilize either of us)
[Soul Split]
[Wisdom Incarnate]

[Teacher's Pet]
[Dere Dere]
[Chūni Deluxe]
[Yan Yan]
[No Metagaming]
[Attention Whore]
[Masochist] + [Sadist]
[Femininity] + [Masculinity]
[Calamity Magnet]
[Dankest Dungeons]
[Reap What You Sow] (hopefully this is the same reaper that's chasing me. Trying to befriend two of them might be tough)
[Mark Of Failure]
[Gaijin Goon]
[Medal Of Honor]
[Continental EXTACY]
[Full Party Required]

Start Location: [The Great Wilds]
Ending Fate: 0
Ending Prof: 0
Strength 3
Agility 5
Endurance 3
Durability 4
Combat 5
Smithing 4 (she'll be making her own upgrades)
Spatial 1 (even small barriers will help with defense)
Light 4
Dark 5
Luck 4

Old Builds

V0.6 -

Iris - Demonic Dynamo Soul Split


Formed from the gem I fused with after defeating the Black Rider. I can use some of their skills while fused or we can split for more versatility.

Hair: [Black]

Removed - [Hero x2], [Demon Lord]
Same general appearance, banes, and boons with only one appearance change

Ending Fate: 137
Ending Prof: 0
Strength 3
Agility 3
Endurance 3
Durability 3
Combat 1
Beast Mastery 43
Charisma 4
Arcane 3
Illusion 2
Spatial 2
Elemental 43
Light 4
Luck 4

Proficiencies are a combination of the original Demon's stats and the racial bonuses from copying my body (plus just enough Illusion to hide her wings and halo). Light magic replaces her Dark prof now that she's part Tenshi.


The Black Rider's skills. Some are unusable until the former Demon gets used to having a Tenshi body.

Zurie - Wisdom Incarnate Soul Split


Face: [Girly]
Bust: [Small]
Height: [Short] (147cm/4'10")
Hips: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Slim]

Due to only recently gaining a body, her physical form is somewhat like a younger version of myself.

Removed - [Arka Tanks x2], [Arka Fountains]

Removed - [Hero x1], [Demon Lord]

Most Racial Traits, Banes, and Boons are the same again, though there are some differences due to the underdeveloped body.

Death Mods:
Removed - [Chosen]

As she isn't truly 'me', she doesn't benefit from my Chosen status, making her significantly weaker.

Ending Fate: 87
Ending Prof: 0
Agility 2
Combat 1
Strategy 4
Charisma 4
Arcane 4
Illusion 2
Spatial 2
Alchemical 3
Light 2
Luck 4

Physically even frailer than myself, having not had the benefit of growing up with this body to at least approach adult levels for physical profs. Retains those profs where I at least partially relied on her help (Strategy, Arcane, Alchemy) as well as innate racial stats (and some illusion once again).

Sadie - Former Pirate

Race: [Neko]
Sex: [Female]
Hair: [Brown]
Eyes: [Green]
Skin: [Fair]
Face: [Girly]
Bust: [Small]
Height: [Short]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Slim]

A young woman with a tendency to get kidnapped. Was captured by and forced to work for pirates but was then captured by me. I offered her a job and now have to regularly prevent her from being carried off by someone else.

F.M.S.U.: [Megane], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens]
G.R.M.: [Tasty Fate], [Mofu Mofu], [Kyuu], [Claws]
U.T.T.: [Pron Physics], [Pron Studio]
Boons: [Hush Money], [Tasty Prof], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [Popular]
Banes: [Nyaa], [Fate Dynamo], [Damsel]
Items: [Spectacles x1]
Afterlife: [The Archive Estate]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Month]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Start Location: [Ballad]
Ending Fate: 0
Ending Prof: 0
Strength 1
Agility 3
Endurance 2
Durability 1
Combat 2
Cooking 5
Bardism 2

Morgan - Mimic Slime

Race: [Slime]
Sex: [Futanari]
Hair: [Grey]
Eyes: [Grey]
Skin: [Grey]
Face: [Androgynous]
Bust: [Flat]
Height: [Average]
Hips: [Plain]
Butt: [Smol]
Fitness: [Slim]

A mimic slime that was killed in a dungeon and raised as an undead servant. After completing the dungeon it was resurrected and (partially) tamed, acting as a support for Zurie and usually hiding as her clothing.

T3 Combat
T3 Strategy
T3 Illusion
T3 Spatial
T3 Strength
T3 Durability
T3 Endurance
T3 Agility
T1 Arcane
[Ooga Booga]
[Aura's Veil]

They don't have any particular weaknesses. However, they do have enhanced senses, which can make them susceptible to overstimulation. Mimics also don't have erogenous zones when they don't want to.
Special Ability: [Mimicry] - Mimic Slimes can mimic anything they've seen before, and adjust these mimicries as they please. They can even copy actual people, provided they saw them before in enough detail to replicate.
Specialized Spell: [Who Am I?] - Mimic Slimes can perfectly match the voices of those they hear, or replicate other sounds. Unfortunately this level of trickery usually breaks down quickly, because they lack the intelligence to make full use of it.


Minori Kurano


Race: [Kitsune], [Tenshi]
Sex: [Futanari]
Hair: [Blonde]
Eyes: [Green]
Skin: [Fair]
Face: [Girly]
Height: [Short]
Bust: [Small]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Smol]
Fitness: [Fit]
F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Breeding Season], [Indestructible Ahoge], [Resting Smug Face], [Love Nectar], [Localized Regen]
G.R.M.: [Monster Mash x1], [Tasty Fate], [Bio-Immortal], [Kyuu], [Claws], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Ubermensch]
U.T.T.: [Perfect Pussy], [Fertile Fields], [Pron Physics], [Divine Pregnancy], [Back Support], [Contortionist], [Excalibur], [Mr Clean], [Tamed Shark ]
Spawn Point: [The Great Wilds]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Banes: [Dere Dere], [Chūni Deluxe], [Yan Yan], [Calamity Magnet], [Potionholic], [Bestial], [Damsel], [No Metagaming]
Boons: [Hush Money], [Tasty Prof], [Aura’s Veil], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Ooga Booga], [Lucky!], [STEEEEAL!], [Flavour Flay], [Relative Realism], [Age Shift], [Gate Of Babylon]
Items: .
Strength 1
Agility 2
Endurance 2
Durability 2
Combat 2
Cooking 1
Arcane 1
Illusion 3
Spatial 1
Alchemical 1
Light 2
Luck 4

Chie Kurano


Harahel Obtained Items and Loot


  • Silver Coin - Given by Adalinda. "This is a pass that will allow you into my cities without too many questions, and guarantees a home there should you wish it. The enchantment on the coin can create a barrier of my own strength for a few minutes a day should you need it."
  • Shellphone - Made by Domitian. "A complex enchanted device that sits in the ear, it is the cutting edge of spatial communications technology. Talk privately with anyone in Harahel. It creates two portals upon use, one near your mouth or other speaking orifice, and one in your ear. With this new method, you can talk to a single person, or even an entire 'room' of people!"
  • Custom Magic Crossbow - Made by Lyra. It's surprisingly ornate, silver with decorative patterns all across it. Lightweight. Can compress to the size of a small box. High power for basic shots, can store arka to charge up and enhance shots for more power or different effects.
  • Iron Slime Skin Armor - Thin, flexible armor made from the skins of Iron Slimes. Gives protection on par with chainmail while being lightweight. Lethe has a set made from the skin of Silanos, an Iron Slime Viscount, sporting greater durability than the other sets. Besides the Kuranos and Lethe, a set was also made for and given to Terra and Gaia.
  • Remote Detonating Bombs - Created in response to having their bombs teleported back at them. Can be detonated at will by the user. Different elements are available.
  • Maid Uniform - T3 outfit made with a strong stretchy material. Has a lot of hidden pockets.
  • Silver Badge - metal badge in the shape of the house Tiamat arms in silver, with a tag beneath it that just has a picture of the crown. Denotes a staff member with permissions to be on any floor of the castle of Cadenza, except the manor where the royal family reside.
  • Fur Coats (4) - Height of courtly fashion designer coats. Lined with faux fur to match Cassandra, her two splits and her servant. All tailored to their exact measurements. Pulling up the hood and pulling the strings all the way however activates the alteration enchantment. Causing the coat to spread out over the entire body. Into a skin tight sneak suit.
  • The Onegai 72’ - A set of four wine bottles in miniature, each one no bigger than a child’s fist. Shaking them reveals that they are filled with some kind of fluid but the trouble is getting to it. The bottles themselves seems damn near indestructible, Selene herself demonstrating that it can only be opened by allowing it to melt in one’s mouth. Naturally, this was not an effect that was intended and Selene seems somewhat apologetic... Encased in near invulnerable shell of dark chocolate, one will find that the chocolate liquor within tastes vaguely like pomegranate. Turns one’s skin to rough stone for 1d4 hours after eating it and even makes the imbiber heavier for as long as the effects last.
  • Cocoon of Amorous Detection - From Valentines Day. Once per day, the user may summon a swarm of butterflies numbering no less than 500, with up to a further 5d100. These butterflies flock towards other people, forming swarms of sizes relative to their current level of arousal. They persist for one hour before returning to form the cocoon once more.
  • Anklet of Sensation Scrambling - Valentines Day. Upon being equipped, this anklet randomly scrambles and redistributes the intensity and predilection of sensation of the body, such as one's nape becoming as sensitive as the nipple or the bum as plain as the upper arm. This effect immediately ends when unequipped, normalizing once more. If re-equipped, it scrambles it in another, new, pattern.
  • The Hushed Bullet - Valentines Day. A small, discreet vibrator that, when activated, is entirely undetectable without using illusion effects. It automatically senses the user's arousal and stimulation, pre-programmed to edge the user thrice before letting them climax. It recharges with the arka release of climax, allowing it to be used indefinitely. Prolonged use is NOT recommended.

Fishing Trip:

  • This Isn't A Rod (Carried by Lethe) - The Harpoon Gun of Arc: has an effect that causes random events to occur but only when used by a follower of Arc. Has multiple types of ammunition. Included are piercing, explosive, and inert ammunition. The clever and inventive may find the inert ammo useful for their own machinations... Current additionally made ammo: net launcher - flies a set distance before bursting open and releasing a net at target; potion injector - can insert a potion into harpoon which injects contents of potion into target when struck; chain harpoon - first fire a set spike with chain attached into ground, wall, or other solid object, then launch a harpoon with other end of chain into target to restrain its movement
  • Live Bait - Nightcrawlers and worms. Effect when fishing: Increased encounter rate of Ceirean-Cron. Reduces difficulty of all encounters. Not actually alive anymore (hence being able to store them in [Hammerspace]).
  • The Classic Pole of Mastema - a classic archetypal fishing pole. Sized just right, with enough flex and hardiness to get the job done right. Active effect (Chosen of Mastema only): As one would think of sanctuary, everything around you falls into a state of relaxation. Decreases difficulty of standard fish by one and guarantees the ability to run from almost any encounter. Passive effect: Nothing will be lost over the boat and the weather will always be pleasant. Does not effect hazards.

Weasel Island:

  • Fruit - Provides whoever eats it with Arka Regeneration on par with a Demon Core, but would also cause the person to feel intense pleasure after each spell they cast. Tastes like cheesecake. Duration - 10 hours
  • Fruit - The smell and taste of other people's skin seem like the most intoxicating, sweet nectar to you. Duration - 3 hours
  • Bracelet - Capable of giving the wearer the appearance of various youthful female weasel people, each with perfectly groomed fur. Hidden setting that allows the wearer to become invisible.
  • Flattened discs of gold and silver
  • Various weasel-sized jewelry
  • Books about fallen kingdom of Tempo
  • Diary of woman bonded to Phoenix (taken by Adalinda)
  • 2 Copper spheres - 1 glowing blue, 1 glowing yellow. Blue creates barrier that counters with jet of water. Yellow creates barrier that burns anything it touches. 3 ft. diameter
  • 3 Crossbows (1 broken) - magic crossbow outfitted with a small crystal that can convert raw arka into small elemental spells. Given to Lyra to make custom weapon
  • Chunks of lobster kaiju shell - for making armor. Immensely thick and sturdy, radiating light arka. Armor has low-level regeneration and almost complete resistance to aging.
  • Several bottles of Kaiju Blood - Corrosive
  • 2 Miniature dragons - One with blue scales, one with green.
  • 4 solid gold statues - radiate with light arka supressing thoughts of violence.
  • 10 crystals - draw light from the stars and moons, used as room lighting.
  • 2 self-heating furnaces (1 given to Stelia)
  • 2 ovens (1 given to Stelia)
  • 2 stoves (1 given to Stelia)
  • Large diamond
  • 1 cutting of strange tree - grows pre-cut rabbit meat

Conosa Casino and Resort:

Several potions:
Three of each:
-Refractory Remover
-Aphrodisiacs of varying strengths
-Sensual Sense
-Sensual Deluxe
-Orgasm Control
-Orgasm Command
-Power Word Orgasm
-Baby Blocker
-Enhanced Strength
-Enhanced Durability
-Enhanced Endurance
-Enhanced Speed
-Low Gravity
-Milk Gushers
-Salty Taffy
-Juice That Makes You Cum Really Hard
-Tentacookies - one of each type
-Stretchy Gummies
-Passion Fruit Punch

Five of each:
-The Cure
-Maliable Milk


Gem - A strange, black stone shimmering like oil.
VALUE: ???



Underwater Dungeon:

  • Arousing Oil - 1 Jar - Slick, lubricating oil that looks much like olive oil, when rubbed into the body, it causes skin to glisten and the anointed target to experience intense arousal. The more oil rubbed in, the greater the effect! Covering somebody's entire body in this stuff would be an experience that could only be described as "getting double-teamed by Lahash and Onoskelis"
  • Marking Arrows (175) - One-Time-Use Arrows that inflict [Marks of Failure] that last 12 hours.
  • Iron Slimeskin (8) - Thick, leather-like remains from the destroyed Iron Slimes. With proper treatment it acts much like the metal of the same name, or it can be kept as-is to remain flexible, durable, smooth material for armors. Used to make armor
  • Arka Potions (5) - Low grade arka restoring potions that were made poorly, causing them to be more like orgasm potions. Fortunately it's not exactly a long-lived dose of orgasm juice.
  • War Cart - A regular serving cart that has had a ridiculous amount of weapons and equipment attached to it, seemingly on a whim. The cart now has enchanted shields and steel plates protecting it, wheels enchanted for speed and acceleration, and accuracy-boosted arka guns supplementing the spears and swords sticking out. The lower section has been spatially enhanced to have three times as much space as it should, with a mini fridge enchanted to keep it's contents in stasis, and a door enchanted to muffle sound and protect the inside while the door is closed and shock anyone trying to force it open.
  • Silanos' skin - Part of the slime skin left behind after defeating Silanos. The remains of the slime have congealed into something like rubber, a massive slime-skin much like the lesser iron slimes left behind, but stronger. Used to make armor
  • Piano - The piano taken from the fallen Silanos' room.
  • Alcohol - Bottles of alcohol taken from the cabinet in Silanos' room. There's bottles of wine labeled for roughly 500 years old, whiskeys of the same age, and some more exotic bottles suited for vampires and other undead.
  • Aphrodisiac Water - 1 Jar - Water with a weak aphrodisiac effect, it's essentially a weaker version of the Arousing Oil.
  • Shadow Slimeskin - 4 - An almost latex-like material. Slick, smooth, not exactly resilient stuff, good for clothes, maybe make thigh-highs out of them or something.
  • Duchess Aerope Core - Core from the Slime Duchess Aerope. Broken. Kept in storage/sent away from dungeon to keep the Duchess from regaining it.
  • Mimic Slime - Raised as an undead inside the dungeon. Resurrected and (partially) tamed after leaving. Acts as Zurie's support, hiding as her clothing most of the time.
  • Aphrodisiac Drinks - Various containers of wine, water, etc. that all contain aphrodisiacs in them.
  • Orgasm Blocking Food - Various plates of food (Steak, whole roast turkeys, fatty dragon tail stuffed with root vegetables and herbs, seafood pastas...) that all contain orgasm blockers. Not enough to outright stop, either, but enough to make it difficult, it might take hours to find release.
  • Food-preserving Plates - Plates that keep food fresh and hot just like putting it into a Hammerspace storage.
  • Antidote for aphrodisiacs and orgasm blockers - An antidote Eden made for the unique aphrodisiacs and orgasm blockers from the dungeon. Ended up not being used.
  • Trapped Bed - A bed with a spatial enchantment that would teleport anyone who falls asleep on it to another location. The spell no longer works outside the dungeon, and the trap was removed to be safe. The bed is incredibly soft and comfortable, but has no sleep-inducing effect on its own. It's also got enough support to handle a Giant making sweet violent love for hours. Sturdy stuff, enchanted for durability while feeling like sleeping on a cloud.
  • Lanterns - 6 - Lanterns that look like bottles with flames trapped within. The little fireballs inside the lanterns seem steady enough, though they do roil constantly, making shadows move around the room a lot like an arcane lava lamp. The lanterns also operate by absorbing arka from the air, they'll last forever. A little adjustment knob hidden below them also allows them to change color. Nice bit of illusion work! They're all set to reds by default, but they can go to yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta, white, and "black", which is basically their Off-Mode, casting darkness instead of light.
  • Silanos' Bed - The bed taken from Silanos' room after his defeat. Originally picked up by Eden, it was given to the foxes so they would have a safe bed to use to help the twins find relief from the aphrodisiacs they consumed.

Prison Quest:

  • Quarterstaff - Purchased from the market in Adante. The quarterstaff is made from a normal (fey blessed) hardwood, however the wood is somehow still living, and seems to conduct arka incredibly well. Can cast spells through it like a normal spell focus or cast on contact, releasing the spell when the target is struck by the staff. Can even heal someone by striking them. Was covered in cursed talismans but they were removed by Lethe.
  • Curse of Sickness Talismans - The cursed talismans that were covering the quarterstaff. The paper slips each carry their own charge of dark arka, and they are all inscribed with curses of sickness. Contact with a curse marker releases the dark arka and makes the recipient feel sick. Effects are stronger with more curse marks applied. With all the talismans together, ten seconds of contact is enough to bring a strong man to death's door. Effects can be felt even through clothing and normal armor.
  • Arka insulating gloves - Leather gloves that block the flow of arka through them. Originally intended to let someone handle the cursed quarterstaff safely. They have runes inscribed in their palms in blue thread.
  • Teliochite ore - 100 grams - A rare mineral said to have arrived from other worlds. The strange metal contained within is exceedingly reactive, and oxidizes near-instantaneously on contact with air. While it is relatively stable within the iridescent ore, the detonation of even small quantities is extremely dazzling.
  • Rainvine seedpods - 3 - The seedpod borne by Rainvine, a fast-growing plant native to Aria. Possesses strong anti-gravity properties. Rainvine-derived potions can allow the drinker to walk on walls, leap incredible heights and, with sufficiently advanced mastery of alchemy, achieve controlled flight equal to winged races.
  • Stone Necklace - A bright blue and white painted stone necklace made of a sea stone with a hole drilled through it. The stone is ~14,000,000 years old. The necklace is constantly followed by a strange and enigmatic eel Mushi. Arka flows more easily in its presence, allowing spells to be cast noticeably faster.
  • Bronze ring - A bronze ring depicting a cat carrying a fish in its mouth. Worn by Zurie. Bought as a pair with another ring depicting a fox with a fish, which was given to Laura.

Halloween Event:

C Team:

  • Trick-or-treat bags (13) - Bags filled with a random assortment of candy, sometimes containing other fun or useful items as well.
  • Headless Horseman Tonic - The potion grants the imbiber one hour of the Dullahan ability, but without the +1 to Dark Magic. IE, the imbiber can remove their head and remotely control their body. At the end of the hour the body disappears and then reappears attached to the head. Horse not included.

Z Team:

  • Trick-or-treat bags (12) - Bags filled with a random assortment of candy, sometimes containing other fun or useful items as well.
  • Can of Silly String - A can of purple glow-in-the-dark silly string.
  • Black Cauldron-shaped Trick-or-Treat Pail -
  • Glow Sticks (5)
  • Bottle O'Fog (2)
  • Max-U-Mints (6) - Increases strength by 25% for 2 minutes while also keeping your breath minty-fresh.
  • Large Metal Spikes (7) - Spikes taken from a destroyed trap.
  • Big Trophy - Prize for winning the cart race in the maze. Was filled with candy, including some full size candy bars. The trophy is actually pretty nice. It's not entirely gold, but it's gold-plated. There's even a little plaque at the base that says "First Place".
  • Steering Wheel - Additional prize for winning the race. A wicked looking steering wheel that appears to have been forged from salvaged scrap metal. Comfortable leather covers parts of the wheel for an easy grip and the wheel's design includes the face of a metal skull at the center. Added to the war cart.
  • Fake Vampire Teeth
  • Plastic Spiders
  • Fake Spiderwebbing
  • Fake Pile of Poo - Made of rubber. It looks pretty realistic when placed on a flat surface.

Full Team:

  • Trick-or-treat bags (7)
  • Bags of Candy Corn - Were used in place of sandbags by the Labyrinth skeletons. Several were collected for potential future use.
  • Skeleton Tonic - Makes your skin and flesh transparent for one hour.
  • Trick-or-treat bags (??) - Unknown exactly how much was acquired. The boss alone dropped tens of thousands of bags, "leaving a massive mountain of sugary treasure that threatens to bury anyone unable to get out of the way.", and there were more left by the skeletons that were in the room before the boss appeared. As Cass and company were only really matched by Esdeath at gathering the prizes, >10,000 is highly likely.
  • Dragon Materials - Bones, muscles, and tendons taken from the undead dragon at the end of the Labyrinth, including the entire right femur. A few chunks of the rotting flesh and some dragon fangs were also taken.
  • Pumpkins - Several large pumpkins from the Alraune's pumpkin patch. Used in the pumpkin carving competition and by Sadie for several pumpkin-based treats.

Nocturne Auction House


  • 5 Paintings - A collection of 5 paintings of the faraway kingdom of Cadenza. The artist of these art pieces asked multiple sources about the mythical land of Cadenza, sources that might have even been there.
  • La'Diva the Miniature Marvel - La'Diva is not an alraune, she is closer to a mandrake, but is not a mandrake, is a "man" made breed. She is not a vampire or a dhampir, she needs some drops of blood a day as a substitute to sunlight. She has Bardism 4 and Dance 4 (With the limits of someone rooted to a pot), she is completely capable of learning to play any instrument, but will never do it because she believes instruments are beneath her. She won't talk unless is completely necessary, she doesn't like to wear out her voice. She believes that the person who bought her, paid for the privilege of being her servant, however, she will sing and dance when asked, because she loves doing so. "Now, I must warn you, she doesn't like being all, she is an idol after all, so only touch her pot. I'm being serious about this, touching her will made her scream, and her scream can easily kill you and herself, so don't...or do, whatever man, but remember that I warned you."
  • Hypno Choker - Gives the person wearing it the ability to hypnotize others with their eyes. You can only have one person hypnotized at a time, you must make that person regularly look you in the eyes, that person won't commit suicide, no matter how much you try. If used for an extended period of time the wearer will start to transform into a blonde Neko girl with an unhealthy fascination for dicks. To reverse the effects of the transformation you must not use the choker for at least a week, then you will start to go back to normal. If the transformation reaches its end it becomes permanent and you will need help from a specialist to return to normal. Also, if the transformation finishes, you won't be able to use the powers of the choker anymore, but you will be highly susceptible to orders given by men and futas. (Akin to a curse in the technical sense. More than one person can be "cursed" at the same time, and there are. Around all of Harahel there are dick-loving fools who abused the power of the choker. If the "curse" is removed from the choker, it will be destroyed, but the choker will reappear as loot in a random dungeon some time after its destruction. Also, it will curse the person who destroyed it. To fully get rid of the choker all of the other fools who became dick-loving catgirls must be cured or be dead, after that the choker can be destroyed by removing the curse and without risking getting cursed for doing so)
  • Rina the Keychain Girl -

Pirate King Heist

  • Pirate outfits - Disguises provided for those taking part in the heist. Include thematic weapons like cutlasses and flintlock pistols.
  • Cannons (6) - Brass cannons. 32 pounder, but handles like an 18 pounder. Softly glowing blue inscriptions along the barrel. Frost magic stabilized barrel temperature, no deformation, shoots the same no matter how fast your gunner loads it. Can handle just about any conventional and unconventional alchemical powder.
  • "For Emergency Only" - A barrel of multi-purpose gun powder meant for large cannons, with drastically increased explosive strength, either as a last resort to get some extra power out of a shot, or else, for general destructive purposes, and seems to be entirely self-oxidizing at that.

Hellgate 2

  • Vertebral Whip - "The item appeared to be a whip, one that seemed to immediately extinguish any fire that would come into contact with it. The flail head was remarkably light despite its size, and upon wielding it, they would be able to absorb a small amount of arka with every flame extinguished, up to a certain point, that they could either use themselves or to empower the whip with their own magic, it seeming to respond to the bearer's wishes: the Vertebral Whip."
    Vertebral Whip
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Pub: 25 Apr 2021 14:18 UTC
Edit: 27 Mar 2024 02:07 UTC
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