
01. basic dni 02. against self diagnosis and or fakeclaim for no reason 03. endo "systems" or tulpas, any non traumagenic "system" 04. anti recovery irls 05. you romanticize/demonize bpd 06. pro/comshipper 07. dsmp/mcyt fans 08. ex-friends, people i dislike or you dislike me 09. actively hate on my faves

note : just have common sense when interacting with any of us, we will not hesitate to block you if you're a weirdo.


01. we struggle with recognizing and clearly showing our tone, some of us more than others, due to this we need tone indicators 02. ask before dming 03. we will not cw certain characters/medias (that we like) for you unless we are close 04. we use the terms "bro/dude/man" etc as gender neutral terms though tell us if it makes you uncomfy 05. most of us do not like being seperated from source, so i advise you not to unless you absolutely have to for whatever reason 06. if any one of us do something wrong, PLEASE tell us and educate us, we will happily listen and fix our mistakes.

Pub: 20 Feb 2023 05:06 UTC
Edit: 09 Jul 2023 04:06 UTC
Views: 269