Get your brain on the prize, then dive inside the mindset of a killer.

Owen or Atticus
He/Xe/They+ ☆★ 26
GayGay Aromantic hypersexualAromantic hypersexual LibramasculineLibramasculine

Before you interact

I can tend to come off rude, I apologize. Please interact with caution, I'm a headmate in a system but I'm also the current host. I am dating/"married" to Amadeus and I'm very protective of them, and my other headmates. Please refrain from shit talking my source infront of me or bringing up bad things. I am an adult so if that makes you uncomfortable, I apologize. Since I am an "older alter" I will bring up smoking (marijuana) and/or drinking, if it triggers you please tell me. I will come out to front if my source is sent/talked about, or you bring up Ama. I use He/him, They/them, and some Neopronouns, please respect that. I can also snap very easily, if you get on my nerves I will yell at you. I am the anger holder of the system and sometimes I'll have meltdowns from thinking about past people, you may choose to comfort or ignore me, I don't care. I'm suspected of OLD (Obsessive Loving Disorder) and my "person" is Ama so don't tell me you like him and please try to refrain from bringing fang up unless I did. Unless Quinn or Vinnie.

Pub: 05 Jan 2023 20:45 UTC
Edit: 28 Oct 2023 18:26 UTC
Views: 704