Haunted Home Office
by Sko Weaving for FDP Reads
copyright 2020
(Haunted Home Office continued from image above)
"Don't open it," one told the other, as if he knew exactly what the other was planning to do.
Both of them stared at the door.
"There can't be anyone out there," the other one said. "It's impossible. Look, the place is locked up like a vault. We're the only ones in here."
They were both sweating profusely.
"Why are we staring at the door then, huh? Why aren't we working? Is it because we heard a knock? Is it because someone said, 'Let me in'?"
The first guy sighed. "Look, if I open the door, we'll see that there is no one and nothing there and we can get back to work and get out of here."
"Or, let's say that we are hallucinating. Let's just say that we are both having the exact same hallucination. Opening the door won't do anything but feed into it."
"So what are we supposed to do? Stay in here forever? We have to open the door eventually."
The one who'd said, "Don't open it," thought it over. How could they leave if they didn't open the door? And what could they do if they couldn't open the door?
Before either of them knew what happened, they had both thrown themselves against the back wall, as far away from the door as they could get.
"What happened?" they asked one another until they heard it again.
They heard a noise that sounded as if a chair or something large had been thrown against the door.
"Impossible," the second cried. "This is impossible.
Then the shouts came. They heard, not just one voice, but many voices. Let me in, they said, let me in.
The two crouched down against the back wall.
"There are people out there. There must be. I don't care how impossible it seems, someone or something is out there. They might just break the door open. We have to do something--something other than opening up."
The two watched the shelves and the items on the shelves rattle with the continual banging on the door.
"Uhhh, hey, guys, look, we're not able to come to the door. Maybe you all can come back, uh, come back tomorrow. We should be restocked by then."
They heard complaints and sounds like maybe someone kicking the door. That emboldened the first guy to take an even more bureaucratic tone.
"If you don't like it, talk to your, uh, talk to your, talk to whoever you need to talk to, just get out of here. In fact, come back on Monday."
Unbelievably, the banging slowed to a stop.
Both men stood slowly and made a quiet pact between them: get out now as fast as possible.
They crept toward the door. One put his ear against it. He shook his head when he didn't hear anything. He backed away from the door. Before the other opened it, one grabbed a spare QWERTY computer keyboard with dust caked on it from the nearest shelf. The other looked around and found a thick computer cable, which he wound around his hand. Then, he pulled open the door. They held the breaths and scanned the dim view outside.
The place was empty. Dark and empty.
The two men ran with everything they had, which was not much. As they gasped their way through the huge building, and heard their shoes squeaking across the waxed floor, they probably saw ghostly figures moving around desks like model employees. One of them might have been identifiable as Vera, whose mysterious death on the premises had not been properly investigated, or Gary, whose massive heart attack during his yearly review had been especially tragic and swept under the rug.
No one really knows because neither of them will speak about it and the inventory has yet to be completed.
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