
These are terms/roles you may see us use for our alters (roles and types and such) with a little definition of what they mean. Please note we found all on tumblr and none are ours. Please also note that we are ANTI-ENDO , we believe none of these are for endos but if so do remember we are anti-endo and the alter just fits the sort of description in some ways.


Legacy Holder

A legacy holder is an alter who holds all knowledge(within reason) that the system has gathered over the years. Legacy holders will support alters by sharing memories that were thought to be lost, they will also attempt to make sure past mistakes are not repeated. They will usually be used as consultants for potentially threatening or intimidating new situations.
A legacy holder will be on "stand-still" until they are needed by the system. Due to the nature of the role, legacy holders likely have no other roles that don't directly coincide with being a legacy holder.

ANP- Apparently Normal Part

The rational, present-oriented, and grounded part that handles daily life.

social protector

a type of protector that help the system get out of uncomfortable or bad social situations. can present as assertiveness or as fawning.


An alter who has access/can share specific information to specific people.

Relaxation Alters

is an alter that relaxes the body. just in general. during stressful times or like in order to help sleeping happen.

Internal Self-Helper (ISH)

A protector or leader in the system who has extensive understanding of different alters and how they work together, and other systematic knowledge. They work to help maintain the stability of the system. Don't usually front very often.


an alter who provides support to other alters during moments of extreme distress by talking to them. These moments may include flashbacks, panic or anxiety attacks, PTSD episodes, and other intense periods of panic.


A librarian is a type of gatekeeper who may have files or books in headspace (if there is a headspace) of information about the system, often oddly specific things. Librarians may also double as caretakers due to their often relaxed, laid back, chill, calm and/or logical nature.

symptom manager

a type of caretaker alter focused on managing a chronic illness or illnesses.


a protector who is devoted to finding or creating an external safe space for the system. Harboringers are also dedicated to identifying potential dangers, such as triggering items, and will take proactive measures to reduce any risk to the system's safety. To maintain this state of safety, they consistently monitor their designated safe space, and will adapt the space as needed to address and/or remove any threats.


An alter who has more of an extensive knowledge access where they can sort, file and fetch memories /emotions /knowledge for safekeeping or later recall. A type of Internal Self Helper alter.

Frozen alters

alters that are trapped in a specific point in time. usually relive memories of that time often. usually frozen in a traumatic time and can’t wrap their head around the fact they aren’t in that traumatic time anymore.


An alter that holds non-traumatic memories that others dont have access to, these memories are often seen similarly to through the eyes of a child and may be hazy and even fantasy or dream-like in nature. in our case these are very very early memories.


an alter who purposefully causes harm, internally and/or externally, knowing it's unhelpful. Warmongers usually don't accept help and can even be considered toxic and/or dangerous. (DISCLAIMER: This role was created with the intent to give a label to a specific type of persecutor. This role is not meant to generalize or harm anyone.)


An alter who deals with the trauma of feeling left out, and being targeted by people (friends, family, etc). They may act out and try to isolate the body, bully others, and try and avoid being further traumatized.

camouflage alter

an alter that masks as other alters in the system, for good or for bad intent. These alters can also convince other system members that they are still fronting, on purpose or otherwise

smog alter

an alter who sees everything in a negative light, usually in order to not cause the system to get their hopes up or to make sure that the system isn't disappointed because it was already to be expected.

Emotional Distresser

an alter who causes other alters emotional distress. This can either be done on accident or be purposeful, but it's always done with the intent of helping the system or someone outside the system. Emotional distressers will usually unintentionally harm the alter they're targeting in the process. This is always done in hopes of protecting the system, or someone outside the system, from something bad happening. What "bad things" can constitute as can vary heavily - from logical or sound reasoning to things that don't seem to make sense outside of their point of view. Possible examples could range from an emotional distresser believing that going to a specific location would harm the system, to them believing walking in a certain way would lead to something bad happening. An anxiety distresser may cause a fellow alter to be anxious because they're scared that the alter may harm their friend if the alter compliments them. A rage distresser may encourage a fellow alter to become enraged out of a belief that the way their partner talked to them could lead to their partner harming the system.

Restorative anchor

alters who help other alters with their recent or immediate trauma by stabilizing them. They focus on maintaining the traumatized alter, functioning as a guide, and being a helpful reference point on what to do and how to heal. Restorative anchors will also work with alters to restore their sense of worth and safety after traumatic events. Restorative anchors are often split from the traumatized alter, and exist temporarily to help assist the alter in processing their trauma, before fusing back into one.

knight alter

is a type of protector who specifically protects friends and family outside of the system


similar to protector alters but are focused on wanting to get revenge on past abusers or justice for the system

physical protector

is the first to come protect the body from physical harm when needed.


An alter who protects alters from fronting at the wrong times by taking their place. They might prevent a little from fronting during a traumatic event, or an anxiety holder from being triggered in public. They may only front temporarily while they work to trigger out someone appropriate for the situation.

Mirror alter

a form of social protector who mirrors others in order to mask. they might study mannerisms & expressions in media, create and memorize scripts for social situations, absorb and mirror the mannerisms and language of others, etcetera )


amnesia holder for the system. their amnesia is more intense than baseline for the system, such as experiencing blackout amnesia when the system normally experiences grey-out amnesia


alters that act as a stable reference point to ground the system during periods of heavy dissociation and distress. They provide stability and a connection to the external world. Anchor can also refer to an alter who helps stabilize the system in general, not focusing on any given thing (like dissociation).


an alter who holds suicidal thoughts, memories, or acts. This alter may be either more suicidal than the rest of the system, or significantly less due to desensitization. A lifeline is there to try and prevent attempts or the planning/consideration of attempting but ends up absorbing thoughts and feelings. It is unlikely for this alter to attempt suicide themself, but it is not impossible and can happen, same as any alter.


guards certain alters, subsystems/sidesystems, or locations in the innerworld. they might keep locations/alters/groups of alters from being discovered, keep alters or groups of alters from interacting, protect locations/alters/groups of alters, etcetera


provides long-term care to a specific alter or group of alters. they might act as a therapist, mentor, parent, or caretaker to the alters under their care.


an alter who fronts to handle academia & education such as homework, absorbing information from lectures, study groups, research, etcetera.


an anger holder, they might not act on their anger, but they exist to process and feel anger for the system. their anger may be extremely intense and never fully fade due to their role.


uses humor in order to diffuse tension. they might tell jokes, pull pranks, pretend to be extremely clumsy, etcetera to get others to laugh at them or with them.


an alter who doesn’t show themself to the others, but is always watching. they may be at the corner of the system’s mind, but other alters may never get a grasp on them unless they choose to reveal themself.


an alter who acts like a therapist for members of the system. This tends to happen with a lack of good therapy or therapy at all, and can also occur when an alter needs support quickly.

Crisis Crew

managers who only come out in a crisis and specifically do everything to get out of that situation.

Relationship Protector

a term to describe an alters whos specific role is to protect the system from toxic relationships, family, heartbreak, and friendships.


A void alter is an alter that fronts when the host, or any other alter who has been fronting for a while/has been involved in a lot of stress while fronting. Void alters take the place of the stressed alter and are usually very quiet, or even nonverbal. They tend to partake in activities that calm down the body or the collective


an alter who is tasked with keeping the system away from socialization for one reason or another, usually to protect the system


A member that frequently handles romantic relationships, feelings and/or attractions, or is simply present for them. They may be a funnel for romantic feelings/attraction or are easily influenced by the romantic feelings of their headmates. This role can happen naturally, or be assigned.

battery / energy holder

is a headmate that energizes the body when fronting. this effect may extend to others already in the front, whether purposefully or not.

Former host

A term to describe alters who have "retired" from hosting, or used to host.


an alter who specifically fronts to do any chores around the house. usually, these alters will jump to the task immediately after being in front, but this doesn't have to be the case.

Age Slider

An alter that can present as different ages, sometimes within certain ranges or specific ages, sometimes with a different appearance, personality, job or set of memories associated with each age.


A term for an alter of adult age; usually used by littles in the context of someone who looks out for them. Ex. "That's my Big," or "My Big told me..."


An alter that looks after younger, weaker or more vulnerable alters or an external individual responsible for a child’s wellbeing.


This usually describes the alter that is most often drawn to the front. This alter may most identify with the body, but they may also not identity with the body at all! There can be more than one host, or Co-Hosts. Hosts can have other system roles too! Host alters make sure the daily aspects of life get handled. Some systems hosts may even divide up the work having a "socializing host" or "academic host" or "work host."

Verbal Protectors

may attempt to front to take verbal abuse or lash out with harsh words in try and counter perceived verbal attacks.


Persecutor roles are broadly defined as an alter who takes negative actions against the host or system. These negative actions could be self harm, internalized abusive messages, sabotaging goals, or even working to assist abusers. Persecutors generally do these things as method of control. Persecutors believe that the only way to prevent future or potential harm to the system is by using these extreme methods.


A little is an Alter that is a child, usually around the age of 0-10. There are also sub-terms like "middle" to more accurately describe the age range of parts. Little's are a very common type of alter and most systems usually have several. Little's often talk and act in child-like ways, similarly to a biological child of that age, but can usually also understand abstract concepts or large words as well. Little's may age over time or may remain the same age indefinitely.Little's often hold memories of abuse that occurred around the age the alter presents as and are often classified as Emotional Parts.

Gatekeeper / Keyholder

Gatekeepers fulltime job is to maintain a systems stability. This stability can come from preventing unwanted switches, policing sub system boundaries, prevent traumatic memories from "bleeding" through to other parts, and much more! Gatekeepers are usually close to the front to help manage switches.

Emotional Parts (EPs)

EP's are alters that hold memories or experiences of traumatic events. EP's will generally have more issues grounding and staying in the present. They may often experience flashbacks and full sensory experiences of the trauma (i.e. seeing, hearing, feeling like you are there). Some EP's may even be "stuck" in the traumatic experience, unaware time has past that the event is over and can no longer affect them.


An adjective used to describe an alter who either does not identify with a set age or feels that they are too ancient for the human perception of time to apply to them.

Trauma Holder

an alter that holds onto traumatic memories or feelings that the body has gone through. They hold onto these memories and feelings so that other alters do not have to experience them. They may remember the events from a first person perspective, or from a third person perspective.

Memory holder

like a traumaholder, but holds non traumatic memories or feelings. This can be done for a variety of reasons, that depends entirely on various circumstances specific to the system.

Nonhuman alter

an alter who appears as some type of non-human. This can range from humanoid species like elves or robots, to a species of animal such as a dog or cat, to typically non-sentient objects in their internal world, such as a mountain or bridge.

Pub: 27 Feb 2024 15:25 UTC
Edit: 27 Feb 2024 16:03 UTC
Views: 1062