/hbg/ 3DS Pokemon ROMHack Comparisons

~August 2021: This is mostly for legacy. Even before pastebin locked everything that triggered their puritanical word filters a lot of links were dead. If you use a real console this isn't much of an issue as CFW has vastly improved since this bin's creation so prepatched links aren't as necessary, but you're on your own for Citra

F.A.Q. (Read before shitting up the thread)

Q: Can I have more than one romhack of the same game installed at once?
A: No, since the romhack CIAs of the same game use the same title ID they cannot be installed side by side. This includes the stock game. For instance, you can have Rutile Ruby installed alongside stock Alpha Sapphire (or a hack with an AS base), but not Star Sapphire and Alpha Sapphire installed side-by-side.

Q: Can I update romhacks to the latest patch version?
A: Yes and no. Technically you can but whatever was changed in the patch will overwrite changes in the hack. This means that you will always lose changes to the code.bin (includes stuff like mart changes) and a lot of the time you will lose other changes. For this reason it is recommended that you DO NOT UPDATE your romhacks. If you already have an update patch installed, delete it and things will go back to normal. Don't come to the thread asking for help if you have an update installed since it does cause problems.

Q: Is the Lumiose City save glitch still present in the XY hacks?
A: Yes. Don't save in North/South Boulevard in Lumiose City or your save will be rendered unplayable. Saving elsewhere or in buildings is fine. If your save does glitch out, install the latest XY game patch. This will let you boot into the hack and use your save again, move to a building, save there, then delete the game patch to get your hack changes back.
~Somehow, this is still present even all these years later. Watch yourself.

OR/AS Hacks

Rutile Ruby/Star Sapphire

meta-syle teams for gym leaders and most trainers (think 6-pokemon teams and Mega 'mons)
vastly increased difficulty (you will be Lv100 when you hit the E4, Delta episode is anal-gape level difficulty, you will probably need to EV train)
Rare pokemon made common and non-Hoenn Pokemon are available from the start of the game
Marts edited to offer competitive items early game for quite low prices
Regular mart items such as balls, potions, etc available at a very cheap price
However, revives are extremely expensive to discourage bringing back pokemon in battles
To counteract this; you can buy Sacred Ash for very cheap which will revive your entire team but only outside of battle
For the most part is a great romhack
Pokemon are commonly found with their hidden abilities
EV Training made much easier with Honey being sold for cheap for the Hordes option, Power items available on common wild pokemon, and Super Training unlocked early

~More Details + Romfs Download: https://diovento.wordpress.com/rrss/

~the links below are dead, use the above link to go to the author's website for a Luma patch (no prepatched copy available, obviously)

Rutile Ruby prepatched .cia: https://mega.nz/#!9VIj3YYJ!J74hERFP2hosbV-M2pEM6p8DnxrotRDOKHiTDKwh3h4
Star Sapphire prepatched .cia: https://mega.nz/#!AIohRYja!PO48WKFzDidaVkeYtmjsGMu6ZkI294A72oiZ5Ta0UJo

Rising Ruby/Sinking Sapphire

similar meta-style teams for gym leaders but not really many trainers, also the teams aren't done as well as Rutile/Star
not nearly as difficult as Rutile/Star, but still enhanced difficulty from stock ORAS
All pokemon available (I think) and new pokemon you couldn't find there before are now in each area
Weaker pokemon got typing changes/stat buffs/Ability changes/access to moves which make them viable and fun to use
All pokemon can be evolved without needing to trade, etc
Also a well-done hack, made by Drayano who made similar hacks for BW/HGSS in the past
All changes documented and easily readable in PDFs

~Link to documentation and romfs changes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-zmEVN0Mas6Q3lLbDJDaWNyaVU

~the links below are dead, use the above link to go to the author's google drive for a Luma patch (no prepatched copy available, obviously)

Rising Ruby prepatched .cia: https://mega.nz/#!BFRWWKqB!jLXLFsEFBt2Tk6yJB5fhkMAZU_dPXmmevEGgvN_wREo
Sinking Sapphire prepatched .cia: https://mega.nz/#!oYYCWArI!jfe0MkAC9TofAm4QvFelXSXaLqLPcookcYoj3Ob8li0

Pokemon Meme Sapphire

The recommended ORAS romhack
Best of both worlds combination of Star Sapphire and Sinking Sapphire
Has a few extra changes
Full details in the "More Details" section of this pastebin

~Romfs changes:
(both links are the same)

Pokemon -insert title- Cowtits Edition/Busty May Edition

Cosmetic hack to turn May into a titty monster
Romfs files found on Rei's site: https://reisyukaku.org/prog/

~Luma Patch link
~https://mega.nz/file/dlhCmYAS#jrg7XCRy53WyvjINuygokFzVyCabGJfdQRp9NgKQsEs Drop this into Luma\titles (will overwrite other model changes)

~This is a supposedly even bustier version and also makes her ass bigger (will overwrite other model changes)
~preview pics: https://gbatemp.net/threads/xy-oras-sm-custom-3d-models-textures-sharing-thread.392711/page-126#post-9485541
~(if you're particularly lacking of things to do, that thread might have more stuff you want if you look through it. probably not much lewd however)

~Prepatched version of Meme Sapphire: https://mega.nz/file/0UISCKAC#lSS40wFOx2LTUW0TofBl01I8UBJulTqk70cRLmmX4vA

~the links below are dead, use the above patch links instead

Prepatched version of Star Sapphire: https://mega.nz/#!JR5jVQyD!XGKWMZCqll2KT10skLbzv21MUWJW1puosPGAlDcukY0
Prepatched Alpha Sapphire: https://mega.co.nz/#!lcwj1ApL!y0FwDQcCgW1WxB7mQpRA3Q7tqWw6uWxajBlhL9QBndE

Pokemon -insert title-: Lewd Edition (AKA Nude May/Nude Hack)

Anon-made hack put together from lewd textures made by people on other boards

~Drop this into Luma\titles (will overwrite other model/battle sprite changes)
>>(the two links are the same file)

Basically turns May's overworld model (small and big) into a naked version - another cosmetic hack
Also makes some other female characters' overworld sprites (e.g. Flannery) naked and gives them a nude mugshot (battle image)
Not compatible with mega milk May mod (above) because they both edit the same model; applying one on top of the other just replaces the first one's changes.

~the links below are dead aside from the regular one. use the offered patch above (be aware that whatever hack you install last will overwrite what was installed before. most notably star/meme sapphire change May's models)

Another anon created prepatched .CIA versions for each of the more common AS romhacks (plus a stock AS one):
Pokemon Meme Sapphire Lewd Edition: https://mega.nz/#!KgMkEayI!Xw5FK7P0A1Wc9t9b2bbaBje58Lx_jzlDPQReN04Z6h4
Pokemon Star Sapphire Lewd Edition: https://mega.nz/#!381BRBQQ!gHld_Uq2P3ouMLYsIB2kE-TjAfAkkta4ZjexRgecPd4
Pokemon Sinking Sapphire Lewd Edition: https://mega.nz/#!aw8SUJID!LV-FmqGhVgDLxFnZ_RnE9llt9ZVCfwM-DOKZFWAblOc

~Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (regular AS) Lewd Edition: https://mega.nz/#!X4EGwRKK!7XBc1fS1n8cUNK_rtmlOfmAvrq8oyGZDp4WYaJtQ94k

Whatever you pick, you'll have fun (unless you're shit at Pokemon, then probs don't pick Rutile/Star/Meme, they will frustrate you when the difficulty picks up)

X/Y Hacks

Busty Serena Mod ~NEW
~Cosmetic hack to give (playable) Serena bigger breasts
~I haven't actually checked this myself so your mileage may vary
~Much like with the above Busty May hack this will overwrite any other model changes if applied on top of them


Pokemon Eternal X/Wilting Y (EXWY)

The recommended X/Y hack
New TMs such as Elemental Punches, etc
Enhanced difficulty similar to the difficulty of Rising Ruby/Sinking Sapphire (gym leaders will have full teams and Mega 'mons)
Hidden abilities more common and easy to obtain
Better Level curve designed around having the EXP share on
Competitive items purchasable
Fossils and Mega Stones much easier to obtain prior to the E4
Makes changes to Pokemons' move pools/abilities/typing/stats to make weaker 'mons more viable

~Similar changes to Dray's hacks (Rising/Sinking and his various BW/HGSS hacks) but many original changes too

Rebalanced, Legit and Insanity versions

~Legit doesn't have base stat, type and movepool changes intended to make weaker Pokémon more fun to use
~Rebalanced has everything
~Insanity has all Rebalanced changes with an even more increased difficulty (and some important trainers have legendaries)

Fully documented changes + Romfs changes: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bw0cbznV4l_TdzhNVHNqcWxnQUE&usp=sharing&tid=0Bw0cbznV4l_TSExKTW04bFB5TUE
Thread: http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=362505

~Links below are dead, the above google drive link has luma patches so it doesn't matter

Eternal X (Insanity) v1.1 prepatched .cia: https://mega.nz/#!f8EVmT6a!JhgdA4dtVxUY13t4p9v2FWai_I0yJZrbpKswbnudGjU
Wilting Y (Insanity) v1.1 prepatched .cia: https://mega.nz/#!roVhHKZQ!0bXy7vOYe-wXnDZ49KmbuPFN-zpN8UMMz_eK2aDOJ-s
Eternal X (Rebalanced) v1.1 prepatched .cia: https://mega.nz/#!Pw00xIAA!4trUChmAI3gw5AlF_exm6xtMWdJPHGuVD-6Ho-I_Q74
Wilting Y (Rebalanced) v1.1 prepatched .cia: https://mega.nz/#!e19zAaIK!RaQu4ELdHPyQuLWQ5SdxCz2WlspxeKsZ8mf1KuVC2Sc

Pokemon Neo X/Y

Harder level curve
Most trainers have vastly more difficult teams but Pokemon know moves they shouldn't ever reasonably know at levels they shouldn't know them (e.g. one early game trainer has a Power-Up Punch ~lv10 Taillow)
Gym leaders also much tougher, mega evolution, etc available to them
Easy access to mega stones, all Pokemon available, easy access to hidden abilities
Makes major changes to Pokemon typing/movepools/abilities/etc EXCEPT these are shit changes that make no sense unlike the changes in Rising/Sinking ORAS hacks. For example most things now become Dark/Psychic/Fairy typed for no reason and Pokemon get retarded ability and movepool changes that don't make sense and aren't enjoyable
ULTRA SHITTY 2 EDGY 4 U STORY LINE (abusive drunk mother, "Supreme Lady Diantha", etc)
Lite Mode and Full Mode

~Full mode has all changes
~Lite mode only changes wild Pokemon and trainer battles

You can also manually compile a CIA which has every change except the shitty storyline changes
Overall the hack isn't very good; the storyline is trash and even without it there are bugs (e.g. random trainers will actually turn out to be rival battles, etc), I would definitely recommend the EXWY hacks instead.

~All the prepatch links are dead, doesn't matter because the hack probably sucks

Neo X: https://mega.co.nz/#!ANBBDLYR!XtGT2Dp_CjsHGWk9I7yd3H_btnNDRUOT0Dbo8Ux7tp0 (Full)

https://mega.co.nz/#!tdx3HY7B!ytgZP-L6olO0RbWyMc16TQFMkXcjpBcPnTImXD6nrV0 (Lite)

Neo Y: https://mega.co.nz/#!9Ix1WYTb!x58we1d_KL0mZYbbuh0x4Lx-FIvPOPzswgkPWv0uEjE (Full)

https://mega.co.nz/#!4YAgzAqa!kx-Pl2YVEbc_rZ73ZWP4ZlUAh6MOxVoCOVSlw3qDHO0 (Lite)

~More Details + romfs changes: https://gbatemp.net/threads/pokemon-neo-x-neo-y.388272/

More Details (for Romhacks that were posted on 4chan and don't have a forum thread, these are their original posts)


A daring synthesis of Star and Sinking Sapphire hacks, along with some original stuff
All 721 pokemon are encounterable in the game, trade evolutions changed, etc.
Most of the shitmons (ie. below OU) buffed to a reasonable extent, with altered stats, types, and movesets (Most changes actually coming from Dray's BBVW2 hack instead of Rising/Sinking)
Rutile Ruby/Star Sapphire's hard as balls story trainers. Everything in that game still applies, so EXP Share is expected to be used and you should be nearing level 100 as you get to the Elite 4
Rutile/Star's shop and item changes, most of the competitive shit you can get in Slateport like the original rom
Rutile/Star's aesthetic changes, meaning its Title Screen/Home Menu splash as well as Brendan and May's older RSE style clothes


Protean Eevee
Ice/Steel Avalugg with Heatproof (Sp.D is still shite tho)
Defeatist Fighting/Flying Farfetch'd from BBVW
Permanent Sunshine Cherrim and Zen Darmanitan (similar to BBVW)
Cosplay Pikachus having their stats, types and level up moves changed (so Pikachu Libre is Electric/Fighting, and learns Thunder Punch and Close Combat while its stats shifted to be physically oriented)


I probably wouldn't Nuzlocke this shit.

Hopefully it's a good hack!

~Luma patch link (Note: contains model files, so it will overwrite whatever was installed before it)
>>(both links are the same)

~This prepatch also comes with the Busty May mod, use the patch above for a clean version
>>prepatched .cia (Meme Sapphire): https://mega.nz/file/0UISCKAC#lSS40wFOx2LTUW0TofBl01I8UBJulTqk70cRLmmX4vA

Pokemon Changes:

Learnset Changes:

Encounter Changes: >>Note: This hack uses an old version of Rising/Sinking's encounter tables. Do not download the current documentation from Drayano's links and expect them to be the same.


Typical 721/difficulty hack
Optional type/stat/movepool changes, but with easy access to hidden abilities, egg moves and tutor moves in both versions
Harder battles, more enemy Megas, etc
Six new TMs: the elemental punches, Sucker Punch, Drain Punch, and Giga Drain
All Mega Stones and all but two TMs available before the E4, most before the 6th badge
Fossils are held by wild Pokemon around Glittering Cave (no room in the marts)
Competitive items available in Snowbelle City or on wild mons
Shitmons now need less EXP to level up, giving them a level advantage later in the game
Documents for everything except Trainer rosters, complete with pictures and shitty word art
Level curve designed around leaving the EXP share on, but with reduced EXP gains to keep it from getting ridiculous

~Download: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bw0cbznV4l_TSExKTW04bFB5TUE&usp=sharing
Drive is a bit slow, but it allows you to skim through the documents to see if you like the changes before downloading.

Pub: 21 Aug 2021 15:00 UTC
Edit: 21 Aug 2021 15:27 UTC
Views: 265