⠀⠀Why shouldn't you use HC-DID?

HC-DID, aka Highly Complex-DID is a problematic, medically inaccurate, and controversial term in RAMCOA community for various reasons.
In short, Maymay system, the system credited with popularizing, sharing, and partially coining the term with the definition we know today, is a terrible person. They have groomed minors as an adult, contributed to rape culture, made sa, rape, and abuse "jokes" without consent, are antisemetic, an indulgent pedophile, made sex/nsfw comments/"jokes" to minors, and many more alleged claims we cannot confirm for sure. If you, similar to us, like seperating creator from creation, we can assure the term HC-DID is also medically innacurate and spreads misinformation. The term HC-DID pushes the idea that program survivors (complex system or not) are inherently MORE complex than organic systems, this is not possible as according to Theory of Structural Dissociation, Polyfragmentation is the HIGHEST on the dissociation scale, something "more complex" than polyfragmentation does not exist, regardless of organic or synthetic formation.
While systems who are programmed may experince symptoms more extremely or have symptoms organic systems don't, it's good to seperate symptoms caused by programming and symptoms caused by having OSDDID, because while these experiences are intertwined for synthetic systems, implying program symptoms make the complexity of a system is incorrect. Some symptoms, namely RAMCOA symptoms, would be exactly the same with or without OSDDID. As well as this, the term HC-DID never left space for OSDD1 and/or DID Synthetic systems to have a space to speak about their experinces because of not identifying as "complex" due to their trauma.
The only reliable resources we could find about Maymay and HC-DID were screenshots that we dont have saved, so take some first hand opinions from another survivor : &



Pub: 04 Oct 2023 20:43 UTC
Edit: 14 Dec 2023 04:02 UTC
Views: 2807