I started a blog

Theme: To my fans

How is everyone doing during the warm sunshine weather in May?
Its Sasuga Chisa here, from the acting troupe, Sirius.

I know its pretty sudden for me to start a blog like this, but I do have some pretty deep reasons for it.

A while ago, I saw Panda write a letter out dedicated to her fans.
The kind of letter that introduces locations that you've been to and the memories that were made there.
It looked like she was having fun with writing the letter.
So I decided to give it a try.

I immediately got permission from the boss, and at first thought about buying a letter set for the fans.
But if I were to handwrite all that, I wouldn't be able to even lift my hands up anymore.
Even though I think I would be able to write 1000 letters.

This letter idea failed right from the beginning, so I decided to ask Panda for some advice.
She said that if I wanted to reach all my fans, then I should start a blog instead.
I thought that was a nice idea.
As expected of Panda. Thanks Panda. I'll treat you to a years supply of pandayaki.

And so, I'm starting to write this blog.
What a long introduction. Sorry for that.
Starting from now, I'm going to start introducing local sights.
I'm not going to lose to Panda, so I'm going to think up some good spots.

The first place I want to introduce is a fishing spot.
Near the Kototoi Bridge is a fishing spot. You can really catch a lot there.
But I'm going to keep that spot a secret. Sorry, it's my secret fishing spot after all.

Also the park nearby is the best.
There's a whale shaped slide, and when you sit at the top and feel the wind blow, it feels great.
I've done my fair share of thinking there, so it's one of my favourites.
Thoughts like plays, and how to protect the sperm whales.

But if we're talking about where the best spot is, its got to be Asakusa Hanayashiki.

It's a famous amusement park, so I don't think it even needs an introduction.
It's really close to Sirius as well, so I think that a lot fo people already know about it.

But still, I couldn't help myself.
Because I love Hanayashiki.
There are a lot of attractions there that I want to talk about.

Firstly, there's the Little Star which flips you around and makes your stomach all queasy.
If you're a connoisseur, I recommend having a meal before going on the ride, it really raises the anxiety levels on the ride.
I also recommend not thiknking about anything while on the ride, all sorts of things will fall out of your head otherwise.

Next, is the haunted house the Panda and I would visit and escape from when we were young.
It's a shame but it seems it's not being maintained anymore.
The realism and horror, I wish everyone could have experienced it least once.
But it seems like they're building a new one, so I'm looking forward to it's completion.

Also, theres the helicopter where you don't need a license.
It's a helicopter, and you can't mistake it for being anything else.
It's eco-friendly, and foot-powered, truly an attraction for the modern era.
Whenever I go on with Panda, I'm usually the one that's pedalling.
Sometimes I go too fast and she gets mad at me.

I also can't forget the rollercoaster.
The speed is surprisingly slow, but it's endearing that way.
But it still has the rollercoaster thrill so it's still good.
Oh right, in the middle of the ride, theres a section where you go through a house.
I remember I once thought that people actually lived in the house.
I thought that the people that lived there really suffered having a rollercoaster run through their house.
Turns out its just a prop.

At first, I thought I would go through every attraction thats there.
But Panda saw me writing it up and said "It looks like a novel!" and so I stopped.
Seems like I really wanted to write a 100,000 word essay on Hanayashiki.
But lets leave that for another time.
I might title it "Hanayashiki and Me Soumen", that has a good ring to it.

With that said, I decided to only select a few attractions for this blog.
Lastly, I want to introduce a photo from there.
Here have a look. Bam.

Thats right, its a Pandacar®. It's not Hanayashiki without it.

Whenever I enter the park, my first thought is to ride the Pandacar.
When you ride the Pandacar at the start, you can really take in all the excitement Hanayashiki has to offer.
And once you're all tired from riding attractions you can rinde the Pandacar with a crepe in hand.
The speed is 13 metres per minute, which is relaxing.
Once you've recovered, you can go back to riding attracions and then finish the loop riding the Pandacar.
Going with the flow, listening to the gentle music as you say goodbye to Hanayashiki.
It's the perfect way to enjoy Hanashiki in all its glory. Put that in your notes.

That photo earlier was from after riding the attractions.
A scene out of me relaxing on a Pandacar.
It was taken when everyone in Sirius went out to play.

I was escorting Shizuka and Kathrina who were going for the first time, and seemed like they were quite nervous.
But since Panda and I are such great escorts, I'm sure they fell in love with it afterwards.
They rode every attraction 3 times, so I think it's a fair thing to say.

When you see people enjoy the same places you do, it really makes you feel happy doesn't it?
I felt that seeing Kathrina and the others enjoy themselves.

I have a lot of memories with Panda at Hanashiki, because we've played there for so long.
I would like to create even more memories with the other Sirius members there.
That would make me really happy.

I'm sure that there will be many more memories at Hanayashiki to come.
This place is a part of myself, you can't sever my bond with it no matter how hard you try.
No Hayashiki, No life. I will keep living alongside wiht it.

When I mentioned this slogan to Panda, she just stared at me with a blank face.
That lack of reaction is also nice.
Panda loves Hanayshiki too, so I think she really took those words to heart.

To you who's reading this blog, I hope you will enjoy it like Panda does.
The tickets are the key. If you manage to get your hands on them, the door to a brand new world will open.Maybe one day we can enjoy Hanayashiki together.
I can't wait for the day where we can make these memories together.

And also Sirius is right nearby to Hanayashiki.
It's a great luxury to be able to enjoy them both, you get double the fun and joy.

So, the next time you come to see a Sirius play, make sure you visit Hanayashiki.
I've said it a couple of times already but it would make me happy if you could enjoy the same places I do

Pub: 23 Feb 2024 01:47 UTC
Edit: 23 Feb 2024 03:01 UTC
Views: 164