00:38:000 - i think u should map the new snare additions here cuz theyre prominent sounds and it would create contrast between this and 00:37:000 -
00:44:208 (44208|0) - i think u should remove this note so that the short wub at 00:44:125 (44125|2,44166|3) - can be highlighted, similar to 00:42:125 (42125|3,42166|4) -
00:43:875 (43875|2,43937|3,44125|2,44166|3,44291|2,44333|3) - i feel like these graces should be different from each other cuz they all represent different kinds of wubs
00:57:000 - i have a bit of an issue with this section, cuz there are a few additions to the song but they are ignored despite being audible and the whole section is mostly the same with the jumpstream patterning so it gets a bit dull after a while
01:54:375 (114375|1,114437|2,114500|3,114562|0,114625|1,114687|4,114750|3,114812|2) - maybe turn these into LNs as well? cuz the other synths here are mapped as LNs too
02:47:787 (167787|0) - im confused abt this long note cuz it doesn't seem to represent a melody
02:54:287 (174287|3) - i think this should be 1/2 cuz its like 02:52:287 (172287|2,172412|3) - or 02:53:287 (173287|0,173412|3) -
02:59:474 - maybe add a note here for the percussion? it's fairly audible
03:02:037 (182037|3) - i think this should be moved to column 3 cuz it's a different pitch compared to 03:01:912 (181912|3) -
03:03:162 (183162|2,183349|3,183537|4) - these are kinda late i think, they should be moved backwards by 1/4
03:15:599 - i feel like one of these should be a long note since you primarily use long notes for the streams
03:18:662 - you can do some sort of progressing long note patterning here to reflect the increasing pitch (?) of the kicks
04:01:412 - i also have a bit of an issue for this section, since u can hear guitar notes at parts like 04:05:537 - but they are ignored even if they're audible. i think u should map them to be more representative of the song