Aiden and Wadanohara are CANON. FOREVER!! ♥︎

Thank you to my sweet angel Wadanohara for being the best character Known to man. She ends all of your favs... If you do not like Wada I fear you are missing out on one of The best characters known to man. I have been obsessed with her for years and love her so utterly and dearly. It's weird I have been through so much throught my life and I am an adult now but I still Love her character just as much as I did years Ago.. My autism Will never fade. I think people who are unable to appreciate her character or Only dumb her down to "shes kind" are Dumb and stupid.

I like Wada MORE than you Ever will and I appreciate her character so deeply and what she represents, I love wada in all forms and the development she has Over the course of WATGBS.


Pub: 10 Mar 2022 19:50 UTC
Edit: 11 Jan 2025 08:22 UTC
Views: 814
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