luv ﹒ 05/23/23 ♡ STAR only you are the life among the dead !

06/18/23 . 2:58 PM ik you were just over yesterday but we miss you guys so so so much T_T it's so hard to sleep at night when you guys aren't here but we make it work cry we cant wait to see u guys and hang out after testing this week AND AND AND we're going out to eat with your family next week and we're sososo excited :33 we cant wait for the days where we'll be able to eat meals with u guys all the time and AAUUUUGH we just wanna spend every waking minute with u all cry we miss u so much baby

08/1/23 . 12:01 PM we haven't seen you guys in person in so long and we miss you sososo much cry we rlly rlly miss your voice and hugs and AUUGH we need to hang out soon . WE LOVE U SO MUCH <3

08/25/23 . 1:58 PM HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING !!!!!!!!!! s i can't believe it, you're 17 now . it feels like just yesterday we were still 7, having no idea what life had in store for us. we're so happy we got to experience you guys' first concert with you. ferris beuller's magic day out definitely needs a sequel . we're so thankful to have you guys in our life, you mean the world to us. have a happy birthday, sweethearts dh

08/30/23 . 12:59 PM hi honey :] you guys spent the weekend at our house and it was so much fun. i love going to the mall with you and just shopping with you in general.... and i love spending time w you and sleeping in the same bed. we won't be seeing you guys again until school starts and its gonna be difficult because of our two different schedules T_T but it's okay, i know we'll make it work and get through it k we love you so much sweetheart, and we miss you <3

09/07/23 . 9:07 PM AHHHHHHH ?!???! today was our first day of school :O i cant believe you guys are juniors now. we remember like it was yesterday when you would copy our hair every day before school in elementary... at the time i was annoyed lol but genuinely i think its so cute that you guys take inspiration from us :3 im so sad that we have to be the senior boyfriend and you have to watch us graduate cry BUT we still have the whole future in front of us and i cant wait to explore it with you ! we love you so much honey, and im so proud that you've made it this far <33 hearts

Pub: 18 Jun 2023 17:44 UTC
Edit: 08 Sep 2023 01:12 UTC
Views: 92