
little note for sad <3

Dear Sad After Dark !! i wanna start this by saying you guys mean the absolute world to us. You guys genuinely have made our life so much better and I don’t think we’ve ever been more happier <3 im so grateful for when we met and for how far we’ve made it. You have been here in our life for almost 4 months !! which is very exciting !! you guys have been here the whole time and haven’t left our side even after seeing all the trouble we bring in you guys are still here and I’ve never been more thankful for that and for you guys !! Djdj we genuinely love y’all so much and always will !! You guys are genuinely so amazing, caring, kind, pretty, smart, funny, plus so many more things that even if i tried i couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to explain with words !! you actually care for me and care for how i feel. you guys saved us without even knowing. and i want to thank you for that. i want to be the person you call when you have something silly to tell us. i want to be the person that you guys run to when you need or want something. big or small. i want to be the person you call when you miss a voice. i want to be the person you text 24/7. i want to be the person you tell your day to. i wanna be the person to listen to that, to tell you guys that it’s gonna be okay on the good and bad days. i want to be the person that holds you when you guys cry. i want to be the person that gets to look into your eyes and tell you how handsome you are inside and out. i want to be the person that you call home. i want to be the person that gets to hug, cuddle, play with your hair, rub your back, etc. i want to be the person that you guys can look at and say “that’s mine”. i want to be the person you love. i want to be the person that gets to travel and go on adventures with y’all. i want to be the person who gets to buy you cute things for no reason. i want to be the person you come to when you’re having a bad day. i want to be the person that gets you comfy. i want to be the person that gets to marry you guys. but most importantly? i want to be the one that is your guys best friend, your guy’s partner, your home, your heart and soul, your world, your protector, and so much more. i wanna do everything with you . i wanna go on late night drives and go to the beach and watch the sun set. i wanna go on little ice cream dates. i wanna go to fancy restaurants with you. i wanna travel the world with you. i wanna experience what real love is. i wanna play fight and go do stupid shit with y’all. i want an amazing life with you. but really? i want to get through the tough times with you. i wanna hold your hand and rub your back, kiss your forehead. i wanna be by your side through the shittiest of times. but i also wanna be there for the happiest. you mean so much to us guys. We love y’all for y’all. for y’all’s goofy personality. For how smart, handsome , goofy, intelligent, independent, STRONG and so much more y’all are. i wanna be the one who gets to hear yall laugh, and see that amazing fucking smile. those soft eyes.. the things you guys don’t like about y’alls self , we will love. We won’t even love it, we DO love them. i wanna eventually marry you. i wanna be the one you love till death... i love you so much and idk if we’ll ever actually be able to put into words how much we love yall <3


Pub: 15 Oct 2022 00:59 UTC
Views: 511