youre teasin me in the car
YoU tOlD mE yOuR hOuSe IsNt FaR

dailyerigamm my bunnygirl!! oh how i love you <3 youre the best person to ever come into my life, and i love you sososo much. i love your beautiful smile, and your pretty voice, and the way you always make me laugh. i care about you so much and you mean everything to me. i love our banter and i love all the charecters we make together <33 youre my world, baby. i dont say that for no reason. i genuinely adore you, and i wouldnt replace you with anyone. i love your flaws and the way yr gentle, and im sorry that sometimes i upset you. youre genuienly so sweet and talented, and im so glad we met in that stupid dsmp roleplay server. i think ur silly and gooby and i wanna squeeze you tight and never let go. ur my pretty incel, my lovergirl, wtvr you want me to call you <3 i like you. ur cool. /r

on and on, like you wwere my first love We CoUlD jUsT rUn AwAy, NoT tElL aNyBoDy

Pub: 09 Dec 2022 01:14 UTC
Edit: 15 Jul 2023 19:08 UTC
Views: 437