What the hell kind of name is Soap, eh?


basic dni criteria our simply plural is T41NT3D we're mentally ill, auDHD and on antidepressants. we are physically disabled and use mobility aids. we will freely talk about our system, our parents and family, and friends (irl or online) introjects will talk about source memories often, including sources like dsmp. we don't watch that shit anymore tho be so srs we cannot tag the existence of our alters, but if you prefer some of them not to interact, please tell us we have littles and they occasionally front by themselves and chat with people. they are not stupid, please do not treat them that way. they're very capable of taking care of themselves we might come off a little strong/dry/blunt/mean sometimes, don't take it personally. unless we tell u to. then take it personally ^ because of this we might not realize we hurt your feelings or some1 else's. if u have a problem, confront us directly instead of tiptoeing around it ty if you need something tagged, please tell us, but if we don't remember, don't get upset. we have a dissociative disorder and forget things often we're generally okay with nicknames/petnames, but please do not call any of us "king"/"queen"/"prince"/"princess"/"royalty" unless given permission we watch jschlatt cause it's incredibly obvious that 99% of his content is a persona. if u have a problem with that grow up if u hoard rentry urls kys i don't even care who what or how sorry go away... we are critical of our interests. enjoying military media does not mean we actually support the military. free palestine.

requesting exfil...

Pub: 07 Aug 2023 09:30 UTC
Edit: 18 Apr 2024 14:26 UTC
Views: 150