this is a public blacklist regarding hellish dolls system. this will include talk of stalking, obsession, RAMCOA trauma, number names, pedophilia, bullying / suicide threats, drug use as a minor, identity theft, discrimination and ableism. read at your own discretion, and dm @bpdargenti on discord with any concerns, new information and / or for more proof than what is provided on this rentry.

why is he getting blacklisted?

the hellish dolls system who has also been know as: moonlight system, the broken dreams system, deathcore, sweetheart collective, koi, kitsibonez, pupachinos, kitsune, and possibly more that i do not have screenshots of. we have had issues with mutt for almost two years now since he came out as a system. he has repeatedly stolen templates, taken heavy inspo from us, used names we created ( pupitskiz, kitsibonez, kenne1, nyska ) even after being told to stop and / or without ever getting permission to use them. he has admitted previously to have an extreme attachment / obsession / delusion with us as a collecitve where he wants to be us and will steal templates, names, etc the moment we stop interacting. he self diagnosed as a ramcoa system after less than two months of knowing what ramcoa was and used number names before even claiming to have that trauma. he has admitted he did not see a professional ( he is now going back on this , but pup has stated numerous times that delicate would be unableto get help while in hxs currenthouse so ?? ) about this and ignored our very serious and strict warning that it was unsafe to self diagnose with this and is something you have to see a professional for. he ignored not only our imput as a ramcoa system but words of other ramcoa systems and survivors we used as evidence. he did not appologize for this nor did he take any sort of accountability. part of his DNI has previously been about people with NPD making harmful generalizations about people who have NPD along with telling pathological liars who "lie for no reason" not to interact. he has used fonts, closed symbols, names from cultures he is not from, used shi / hir pronouns without being intersex, and ignored any reasources we gave on these topics. he has also encouraged drug use as a minor, said weed is not a drug and does not have negative effects on minors and repeatedly ignored people who were recovering from an addictions boundaries about not wanting to be offered nicotine or weed. he has also put on his DNI christians before claiming that most of them have thought of doing something wrong or illegal, using a name directly relating to our trauma ( kenne1 ), using our sick dogs name that our step dad came up with when we were literally like 6 ( nyska ), dragging people into this who had no part in it and putting muttself and our friends in danger by doing this, lying about not knowing templates were ours ( someone in hxs system would have had to of copy and pasted it. delicates entire spotify is still our templates based on the last screenshot we were shown ).

! this is only the stuff that has proof online and was not in person or will turn into a he said she said situation. with any and all concerns surronding him fakeclaiming others, defending a pedophilic relationship and recklessly self diagnosing please be aware of the lack of proof there is as these were irl conversations.

where is the proof?

all screenshots are in this doc. some of these are cropped due to safety concerns, privacy concerns or other issues. not everything we say in these screenshots are warrented and not all of it is nearly as simple as the screenshots make it seem.

what are all of his links and users?

most of these have been removed due to them being changed !

@preciousdolls — 1239851232399458318
@fragile.pupz — 955806810814677002

final update : we will no longer be replying now that our friends are no longer being put in danger . i'm tired of replying to lies / old things we have said out of frustration and / or negligence that we have already taken back . we take accountability where accountability is due with our past fake claiming . we thank everyone who supported us through this . we will clear up things privately if needed , but we will no longer be making updates to this doc & rentry unless absolutely necessary . & please remove our templates , just because they were posted online doesn't mean they're okay to use especially without credits ^_^

Edit Report
Pub: 10 Oct 2024 21:39 UTC
Edit: 19 Feb 2025 21:22 UTC
Views: 623