Why be the god of some unknown place when you're the god of my world already?
♩ i am very bad at communicating!! if you plan to be friends you should probably keep in mind that you'll need to be pretty patient.. there might be times i just wont respond to your message at all :( it's not personal i promise!!!
♬ it's very difficult for me to get into new media... i will always try to listen when you talk about your interests, but if im not particularly interested in it, i might not get into it a whole lot...
♩ i'm a very sensitive person! i've got a bucketful of mental issues that i'm still learning to manage... there's a chance i'll get upset pretty often :c i always try to be nice about it though!!
♬ i block/softblock as i please!! if you find yourself blocked by me, it could be for a multitude of reasons!! you could have done or said something to make me want to cut contact, or it could have been built up for awhile... regardless, if you find yourself blocked, please do not evade to ask me why! i will probably just block you again!
(☍﹏⁰) i promise i'm a nice person!! i've just been through a lot and am trying to put myself first more often since i tend to be a people pleaser... i will try my best when interacting with you as long as u do the same!!!
♩ basic dni criteria
♬ fakeclaimers/skeptics
♩ emiemma, xpocket, lairy, charfrei, akitaba, yooran shippers
♬ anti-recovery shedtwt users