Troll Slurs

goldfish - goldblood x seadweller
oyster farmer - highblood who only hangs w seadwellers for the rep
fishnet - landdweller whos "caught" multiple seadwellers in their quadrants
clownfish - purpleblood x seadweller
bottom feeder - seadweller who likes lowbloods
guppie - small seadweller/any troll if a seadweller is saying it
octopus - has .... a lot of partners in a short amount of time, i'll say
urchin - unapproachable and antisocial seadweller/any troll
flounder - insult that means they're ... flat
alternian ocean garbage patch - everybody hates you
wader - (might be beforan specific) insult (is it a slur?) for seadwellers and those who cohort with seadwellers
mermaid/siren - beautiful seadweller (girl), usually used like "babe" or while catcalling
sailor - non-seadweller in seadweller territory, usually threatening
finsucker - bootlicker
"theres lots of fish in the sea" - a threat
"playing go fish" - trying to become a fishnet
poker face - hiding a crush
prick magnet - blackrom chick magnet
gambler - not-seadweller-specific version of "octopus"
shuffling the cards/deck- multiquadrant vacillation
school - clique of seadwellers
painted red/rusty - when a media is changed to fit the "lowblood agenda" (almost never happens)
painted blue/purple - when a media is changed to fit the "highblood agenda" (happens a lot)
full deck/house - all quads filled
vestigial seaparts - fins/gills of a seadweller who spends most of their time on land
waste of slurry - probs akin to waste of semen or something similar
feeling blue - probs a lowblood getting a highblood treatment
feeling red - highblood being treated like a lowblood
caegarsmoker - a troll who spends a lot of money in a short amount of time (gambling addict)

Caste Specific

Lowbloods - gutterbloods, peasantblood, scumblood
Burgundy - Rusty
Bronze - Shitblood, hick, mudblood, bronzie
Gold - pissblood, mustardblood, goldie, battery,
Lime - vomitblood, limey, harlequin, snotblood, boogerblood, mucusblood
Olive - vomitblood, sewageblood, meowbeast wannabe, snotblood, boogerblood, mucusblood
Jade - cavern crawler, slurry chugger, blooddrinker
Teal - wannabe-blue, tealie, blueblood, aquablood, not true blue
Cerulean - blue bulge, true blue, royal blue, big blue, false indigo, blue devil
Indigo - blue bulge, true blue, royal blue, big blue, blue devil
Purple - chucklefuck
Landdwellers - airbreather
Violet - water violet(?), violet streak, violet tinted, ultraviolet
Fuchsia - idk fuchsie??
Seadwellers - wader. brine sucker, flamboyantblood, water sucker, chum chewer

Insults based off real fish

Slobbering Catfish, Hagfish, Coffinfish, Lumpsucker, Bony-eared Assfish, Monkeyface Prickleback, Dumb Gulper Shark, slimehead, anglerfish, piranha, trout, tuna, sardine, anchovy, bullhead, forkbeard, algae eater, blobfish, bonefish, bonytongue, bonytail, bitterling, carpsucker, chubsucker, cutthroat eel, mudsucker, oldwife, parasitic catfish, pigfish, pupfish, ragfish, ratfish, rattail, grouper, snailfish, sea devil, swallower

Edit Report
Pub: 11 Sep 2023 18:22 UTC
Edit: 19 Oct 2024 16:22 UTC
Views: 824