no one could say that he was left up on the shelf

it's you and me against the world, kid, he mumbled to himself

Let me begin this tale with that old line of once upon a time.

A long time ago, thousands of years ago in fact, in a world known as the Third Period, scientist Seth Twiright worked to make vessels for the twin gods Levia and Behemo Barisol. His experiment succeeded using the ghoul child Meta Salmhofer and her newborn twins - a boy and a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. The boy was named Hänsel and the girl was named Gretel, and they were "irregulars", a type of human that were capable of great creation and destruction.

Twiright's experiments, however, caused both twins to be born with Hereditary Evil Raiser Syndrome, a syndrome that causes great malice and evil. Both twins were destined to the same fate - should they die, they would simply be reborn, whenever the next day or centuries after. Whether this was the wishes of gods or demons is unknown. Artificial souls, furthermore, aren't meant to be - they go against the natural order. Perhaps it was how they were meant to be a vessel for a god, or the harsh circumstances, but some divine entity took pity on them. Hänsel lived in the Third Period in three incarnations - Hänsel, Pollo and Lemy Abelard. After departing with his Lady Conchita, he travelled with his new family around the worlds. Upon his final death, he was reborn into a parellel world as a man named Lloyd Lowell. Going on about this timeline would take too long, and there's so little time.

However before reincarnating into Lloyd, Hänsel was approached by a mysterious figure the size of a giant. He gave him a purpose: to observe humanity and learn more about why they are this way. He feels like he isn't supposed to interfere with the natural order and blend in but hey... you gotta let loose or life will just get boring. Hänsel is constantly changing his mind of his views of humanity - he can appreciate people one second and show misanthropy and apathy another second.

Because of HER syndrome, a lot of Hänsel's reincarnations - or kins - suffered through tragedy, or became evil themselves. Though some of these elements of his soul dispelled malice and triumphed, every act of good was met with an act of evil. Over these millenniums, Hänsel's soul became latched to certain elements that merged as part of his soul, instead of being yet another incarnation. Some in particular became permanently him.

The natural malice Hänsel exhibits also allows himself to become attached to dark topics. He does however have a moral compass, though he is very morbidly curious, and dark topics come easier to him than to others. This might also be influenced by the fact some of his incarnations lived in parallel versions of this very Earth with tad changes in different decades, where people known currently to be bad were not seen that way.

Hänsel furthermore has huge loyalty to those who he has been in a family with in the past, and continue to meet and remeet. This is especially true of those who he knows now.

Even though Hänsel is malice in a human form, he is not naturally a villainous being. He is misguided, and has always been misguided, and is trying to find his way out of trouble, even though it usually finds him first.

I'm still remembering a lot about myself, so it's possible this will be updated.

Pub: 12 Apr 2023 01:12 UTC
Edit: 08 Dec 2023 21:25 UTC
Views: 546