The micro switches of his mechanical keyboard gave off a very satisfying clack with each keystroke his nimble fingers delivered. With the evening finally rolling around, the sun had started to sink, the only light piercing through the partially open blinds of his window now being the streetlights on the sidewalk that had just begun to turn on. With his bedroom lights shut off, he had only the warm, comforting glow of his computer monitor to illuminate the overly neat desk on which it sat. The set of speaker that lay on each side of the screen, emitting a pleasantly loud song from some pioneers of the early 1970s progressive rock. After growing up listening to the bands his dad preferred, it was hard to not follow in his footsteps as well. The music proved to be a relatively successful mental escape for him, along with the mindless articles and pictures he was sorting through on Reddit, constantly switching between tabs. Besides YouTube and Reddit, the tab he was most focused on was on a website that would typically be described as "not safe for work". Since he owned his computer and had a lock on it as well, he wasn't concerned with anyone nosing through his browser history when he wasn't around, so he'd long abandoned the idea of using a private webpage whenever he'd visit the site. Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to leave himself logged in. God, he couldn't imagine his parents reactions if they'd found that cache of constantly depraved, warped, and perverted ongoing exchanges with a faceless user on the site. Only after scouring through his message box, would they come to the shocking realization that the deviant responses he'd receive were from none other, than his own gym teacher.
It wasn't easy trying to formulate a lie on the spot for why he was in so much pain when his mother came to pick him up from the school, like usual. Even now, with a bag of frozen peas laying against his tender, bruised genitals, he still felt aroused from what had transpired a mere four hours ago. Bryce told her that he pulled his groin doing jump squats in gym today. It was believable and she did just that, but only after chastising him for getting hurt again, after his ankle had finally healed a few weeks back. The human didn't even consider his excuse to be an outright lie. Well, aside from the injury being the result of squats. It wasn't really a "pull" to his groin either. More like a stomp or kick. Regardless, it was better than the truth. Oh, how he wished he could brag to his friends about how that lynx and her lethal paws had trampled his face, caressed and stomped his cock, until he gave them a much needed bathe with his tongue, before he doused not only his pent up hunger and lust, but her beautiful paws with his barely legal seed. He wanted to, but he wasn't stupid.
With the memory fresh in his mind, he waited at his desktop, hoping for a message from his teacher, after she told him to be expecting one. So far, nothing. This wasn't stopping Bryce from fantasizing about what she wanted to do with him. At least on a webcam, she'd be unable to hurt him. That is, unless she instructed him to do so. Would he actually do something like that though? Regardless of what his rationally thinking brain might have answered, his bruised manhood would answer otherwise. Would she make him dig up all the socks and shoes he'd bought off of her? Force him to indulge himself in their trapped scent, wishing he could have the real thing shoved against his nostrils. Stick his cock into her heavily worn running shoes. Not to fuck, but to instead gently rock himself inside of, milking his sore erection with the imprint of the gym teacher's large paws, feeling the grooves and indents teasing his dribbling cocktip. Watching her face twist into an expression of amusement as she belittled him, listening to his moans as he mated with her smelly footwear. Maybe she'd tell him to be even riskier than usual. Perhaps she'd instruct him to unlock his door, forcing him to hurry to ejaculate, relying on her filthy mouth and the dirty words spewing from it, along with her cum stained shoe to coax out an orgasm, before his mother or father could walk in and catch them. Luckily for him, they were nowhere to be seen for the time being.
What he'd give to be back inside that equipment room, on his back, Ms. Holt's heavy, sweaty paw fresh out of her shoes pinned on his face, following every instruction of hers, dragging his tongue over the overly fluffy sole, sucking on her heel fluff, obediently taking her wide toes into his maw, worshiping each one. The lynx jamming her damp, furry sole to his nose and mouth, feeling her marking his skin with her alluring scent, while his tongue explored the confines between her toes. The way she abused and talked down to him, taunting him as he was ordered to contort his body and present his throbbing manhood to her, making him sniff and describe how the shoes he stole from another student smelled.
Mmm, that's right. That ditzy little Yorkie. He'd almost forgotten about Daphne. How he'd love to tell her what he did to her overpriced, designer trainers. The face she'd make, after he'd confess how he molested her nearly $800 pair of shoes, commenting how she needed to wear them more, so they'd actually be pleasant to sniff. Until then, they'd pale in comparison to the lynx's. Of course, he couldn't do such a thing. At least, not out of the blue. Should he be able to actually get into a relationship with Daphne first, then maybe he would. Bryce never thought much about her, especially anything positive, until yesterday. Only then, hiding behind the bleachers, could he really ogle the canine. Performing those painful looking stretches under the watchful eye of the gym teacher, gazing at her fur breaking out into a strained sweat, her shirt sticking to her body, getting to see the inside of her thighs as her shorts hiked up during her strenuous activity. Those thick doggy thighs looking like a perfect place to rest his face, listening to her irritating whines as he'd bite at the waistband of her stuffy gym shorts, pulling them down to get a faceful of her musky, canine muff.
That bag of frozen vegetables wasn't starting to feel cold against his manhood anymore. Fuck it. Might as well see if the equipment still works.
Dropping the bag of peas on his desk, Bryce cautiously unzipped his jeans, daring to look down as he scooted up from the computer chair and tugged down his boxers. He hadn't taken the opportunity to examine his genitals, after they received one hell of a kick from the lynx and, frankly, he wasn't expecting a pleasant sight. He peeked through his eyelids that fearfully squeezed shut, hanging his head down to examine his manhood. Though not unscathed, his sex was thankfully not terribly injured. With a sigh of relief, he carefully sat back down, cradling his forming erection in his palm, gently pulling it against his chest as he leaned forward, frowning at the bruised, swollen orbs that were now his testicles. Sinking back in his chair, he curiously touched his manhood, staring at a wide bruise that spanned the width of his cock, right at the spot where the teacher had stood on him. On the plus side, the constant slew of perversion that filled his mind and stiffened his member was numbing the pain he was feeling earlier. That being said, his balls still hurt like hell.
The office chair quietly squeaked as he leaned back, taking the bag of frozen peas and resting them under his aching testicles, ignoring the freezing touch as he did so, focusing on the stiffening erection against his palm, squeezing it slightly as he fantasized about Daphne and Ms. Holt. That little doggy was a bit dull in the head. With her and the lynx spending time together now, maybe she'd start to rub off on the Yorkie? He could picture it now. Daphne sitting in the lynx's lap, petting through the dog's wooly coat, raking her claws against that shiny fur as they both watched Bryce in front of them. Cock in hand. Masturbating to the sight of their paws up on a table, rubbing together, Daphne giggling at the open display, Ms. Holt sneering at him. They'd compare the sizes of their feet. Pressing them together, the Yorkie laughing at how she'd never noticed how big the gym teacher's paws were, commenting on how soft the fur was, while being slightly put off by the dampness. Ms. Holt would ask Bryce various questions, which he'd immediately answer, not skimping on any details as he'd masturbate before them. The teacher would lift up one of her shoes, giving it a quick sniff, receiving an odd look from Daphne. Ms. Holt wouldn't stop there. No, she'd pick up the Yorkie's shoes next, giving them a sniff, Bryce moaning at the off putting reaction Daphne would give. She'd ask her to try it, passing over that shoe. Daphne would say no at first, but she'd know better than to defy her teacher and coach, sheepishly nodding with a whine, reluctantly putting her snout into her own expensive shoe for a weak sniff. What would that response be like? In Bryce's mind and twisted fantasy? She'd fucking love it.
Bryce's eyes snap open at the familiar sound, breaking away from his fantasy, rolling his chair forward, his hands returning to the keyboard and mouse. Switching tabs, his eyes darted to the top right of the camsite. Sure enough, right beside his avatar was a new notification.
maneater85 has invited you to a chat.
With a click of the mouse, he was redirected to a new window, joining the private chatroom.
[2019-04-16 15:07] maneater85: how do you feel
[2019-04-16 15:07] PM_ME_YOUR_FEET: Still waiting for my left ball to reappear.
[2019-04-16 15:07] maneater85: couldnt have gone to far
[2019-04-16 15:07] maneater85: at least you know where it is
[2019-04-16 15:07] PM_ME_YOUR_FEET: Yeah. Thanks. Really appreciated that.
[2019-04-16 15:07] maneater85: you should also appreciate that i cant detect sarcasm through text
[2019-04-16 15:07] maneater85: we should change that
[2019-04-16 15:07] maneater85: u alone
[2019-04-16 15:07] PM_ME_YOUR_FEET: Yes. My parents are out of the house. Can't remember where they went. Maybe a PTA meeting :P
[2019-04-16 15:07] maneater85: get on webcam
Bryce obliges and opens up his device manager, switching his webcam on. Unlike before, he had no reason to worry about showing his face. Still sporting an erection, he thought twice about letting her see it for right now, since he wasn't sure what she had up her sleeve. Before his hands caught up with his brain, the screen went bright as his cam kicked on, displaying him sitting there, the other window black as the lynx went to reconnect his. The human quickly tugs up his waistband, concealing his erection in time, he hoped. Her webcam finally went live, showing her bedspread and the shadowed outline of the lynx. Dressed in only a pair of white shorts and a matching tank top, she was partially visible in the light shining from the screen of her laptop, most of her face cloaked in the darkness of her room, though he could still see her muzzle, on which was a sharp, amused smirk.
"Uh, hey there." Bryce clears his throat, waving to the camera.
The lynx stayed silent, chest rocking with a silent laughter.
".....what's up?" Bryce nervously asks.
"Nothing." Ms. Holt finally speaks, reaching forward to pull her laptop closer, illuminating more of her face and body, able to now see her bedroom wall as well.
"Ooookay." the human nods, shifting in his seat, the peas crunching under his weight.
"Now, why do you think I'm talking to you on here?" she asks, grabbing a pillow and putting it behind her back to lean against.
"Uh....." Bryce droned, while choosing which answer to give very carefully.
"Don't get your hopes up." the lynx scoffs, taking his lack of an answer to presumably mean something lewd.
"Then what?" he asks, frowning.
"I want to discuss where we go from here or rather if we should go any further." Ms. Holt states, crossing her arms.
"W-what?" Bryce chirps, dumbfounded.
"Listen, you're not entirely stupid. You've seen the news. You've seen all the teachers getting arrested for dating a student." she starts, purposely keeping her socked paws out of frame, before he could become distracted.
"....are we dating?" he murmurs, sadly getting his hopes up, while they were already being crushed.
"I'm not risking getting caught and having this all blow up. I've wasted too many years in this school and I'll be damned if I'm going to let it all be for nothing. There's talk of me getting a nice pay raise too." she continues, tail wrapping around her waist.
Bryce stays silent, nodding at her words, understanding that this couldn't last forever.
"I'm not happy with ending it either. I will admit, though I really don't want to, that I did have fun with you. I enjoyed it. Really enjoyed it." she growls, looking away from the screen.
This caused Bryce to slightly lift his hanging head, seeing the lynx turned away, clenching her jaw, her fur ruffled with emotion.
"I understand. I don't want anything to fuck you up either and I respect that. I'll do my best to keep myself in check. Gonna be hard to not swipe anymore shoes." he sighs, shifting his weight on the bag of vegetables that were now starting to thaw.
"I hope you will, but I won't lie and say that I think you'll be able to keep your cock in your pants." the lynx huffs, shaking her head.
"But, you did enjoy this too?" Bryce clarifies, interested in what she stated earlier.
Ms. Holt turns back to face the screen, her normally stoic expression starting to crack with hints of sadness.
"I did. You're like a stress ball. A big, squishy one with a tongue and cock." she smirks, laying her hands down on the top of her legs.
"And I'd jump at any opportunity to be one for you. One you can trample, yell at, bully, and.....kick. I'll always love being at your mercy. Quietly obeying whatever demand you have. Taking whatever punishment you give me. Worshiping you and those immaculate paws. You seriously deserve it." Bryce declares, gulping as he thought of the fleeting amount of time he had to show his devotion to the vixen.
The lynx listened, ears perked at the top of her head, remaining unfazed or so it seemed. Judging by that little twerk of the tip of her tail, Bryce knew he was getting to her.
"You love having a mistress, hmm? You could care less about getting your dick split in half, balls kicked, face trampled. It's just icing on the cake. You take it all and never bitch. And it's all, for what? To lick my paws for a few minutes, before cumming on them?" Ms. Holt questions, her tail squirming slightly, partially unraveling from around her waist.
"God, yes. As much as I love it, it's not even about getting to cum. Just getting to be with you in such a way. I want more of you. More to explore. To touch. To worship. I'll still pamper those oversized, furry paws, of course. I'd never decline having some time with those." he moans quietly, fingers clawing at the arms of his chair.
That fleshy tip of her pink tongue flashed from her muzzle, quickly wetting her upper lip.
"And you know that doing something like that would take time. You'd have to work your way up to such a standing with a mistress like that. She'd be very, very mean at times. Maybe not all the time, but you'd need to be able to accept and willingly take that kind of abuse. And only on her terms. No begging. No whining. Only when that mistress is ready for some private time or needs a punching bag, could he receive her attention. Would the slave accept that offer?" she purrs, lips gradually shifting into a malicious sneer as she went on, angry at the human and herself as well for giving into continuing such a fling.
Bryce paused and looked into the webcam, the hairs on the back of his neck standing, his heart racing at the proposal. The idea was both enticing and terrifying. If that wasn't her at her worst, then what was? Oh well. He was either brave or stupid, cause he was willing to find out on his own.
The lynx emits a mixture of a moan and growl, slowly blinking her eyes at his answer, still wearing that sneer on her speckled muzzle.
"Good. And my terms do mean my terms. No more being sloppy. You nearly fucked up everything when you forgot it was a lunch period and I caught you in my office. Get caught by the wrong person and we both go down. I need to look out for the both of us and protect us. One big fuck up is going to spell the end for you. I think we should wait a bit, before we start up again." Ms. Holt warns, unsure if the human was still trustworthy.
"I know. I don't plan on it. That being said and being on your terms, can I still buy your used shoes? You know, to keep me settled?" he eagerly asks, the scent of the current pair sitting under his bed having lost their strength, sadly.
"Oh? What's wrong? The little shoe bitch already whining? Unable to get his cock hard without a smelly pair of shoes to grind his nose into?" she unexpectedly hisses, the irises of her eyes glowing in the dim light.
Bryce whines and nods, refusing to touch himself as she berated him.
"Uh huh. A guy your age should be trying to hook up with a classmate, finding an actual girl to fuck, but he wouldn't, would he? No, he'd be too busy drooling into her shoes. Leaving the poor girl untouched as he huffs her shoes and fucks the other. He couldn't risk her telling everyone in school about what kind of fucked up sicko he is. That's why he has to sit at his desk, lock the door, and buy used shoes online to defile and continue his sad little existence." she belittles, tail flopping against her thigh.
The human feels his cheeks flush, that stinging insult being partially accurate, ashamed at how accurate it was. To his surprise, his bruised manhood suddenly sprang from his boxers, after unknowingly having partially covered himself, the first inch of his member having been peeking up from his waistband the entire time. Scrambling to cover himself, the laughs of the gym teacher pounded through his speakers, having never heard her laugh so hard before.
"Damn, I was wondering if I'd be able to free that. Knew it's no issue getting you hard, but I didn't expect that reaction from just my voice." Ms. Holt chuckles, hands behind her head as she leaned back on her bed.
Wincing in pain as he put too much weight on his testicles in the scuffle with himself, he returns to face the webcam, flustered and panting.
"Of course! I love how you talk with such authority." he moans, letting his cramped erection dangle above the desk for her to see.
"Mmm, clearly you do." she grins, staring at his cock, chuckling again at the noticeable bruise she left behind on him.
"Now, what should I do with this?" Bryce cheekily asks, brushing the tips of his fingers against the length of his manhood.
"I don't know. Any ideas?" the lynx asks, rolling her eyes, playing along.
" about you put on a little show? You know, since you said we won't be able to get together for a bit?" he requests, praying she'd agree.
Her eyes looked up at her ceiling, lips puckered a bit as she mulled over an answer, tail thumping as she finally nodded.
"Fine. Might as well, before you actually get my shoes." Ms. Holt shrugs, staying back on her bed as she moves her knees towards her chest.
Bryce grins and watches as she slowly lifts up her paws, covered with the familiar brand of socks she'd wear. Teasing him, she forced him to watch her ankles slip into frame, the hem of the fabric hugging the joint, pulling back further to show the start of her broad paws, continuing until they were fully in view.
"Yes!" he panted, watching her lift her socked paws, spreading her toes out inside of her socks, watching the fabric stretch and follow her digits, the cotton spotted with blotches of sweat.
"You want to see?" she coos, diving a finger into the elastic of her sock, playfully tugging on it.
"Yes, mistress!" he immediately answers, hand on his cock as he began to pump his shaft, without caution for the bruise.
"You sure?" she purrs, starting to pull it forward, balling it up as she exposes her naked heel.
Bryce's eyes widen at the precious tuft of excess fur that dangled from her heel, the extra inch and a half of white plumage slightly matted from being trapped inside of the sock. He watched as her finger continued to pull up more and more of the sock, now aware of the pre soaking his fingers as the motions of his hands sped up. That gorgeous pink pawpad of hers sparkled in the light of the laptop's screen as it was revealed, partially dabbed with specks of black, which he found to be a very adorable beauty mark. At long last, she pulled the sock off completely, letting it drop to the floor as her four big, thick, sweaty toes were exposed, happily fanning them apart, displaying the matted down tufts of fur that poked up from the gaps of her toes, softly wagging them towards the lens of her webcam.
"How's that?" the lynx smirks, inching her toes closer and closer towards the webcam.
"So good!" Bryce whined, aggressively jerking his swollen erection, the pleasure far outweighing the pain as he agitated his injury.
"Yeah? You want to see the other?" she asks, her toes growing closer and closer, until they took over most of the broadcast, the view of the rest of her being eclipsed by the waving digits.
"Please!" he pleads, mouth hanging open as he furiously masturbated, on the verge of needing a new keyboard by the time he was finished as globs of pre were flung onto the keys.
"Too bad!" she taunts, curling her toes to grab the lid of her laptop, before slamming it shut.
maneater85 has logged out.
Bryce digs his thumb against the underside of his shaft, hooking his finger below his glans as he angrily squeezes his urethra, ceasing his impending orgasm with a hiss.
"Goddamn it!" he huffs, ignoring the bead of pre that weakly dribbled through his slit, sticking to his finger.
Turning his desk chair around, he rolled over to a rarely seen lump of dirty clothes laying in front of his bed, snatching up the towel he'd use to dry himself off, after his morning shower. While he wiped away the dollops of pre that clung to his fingers, Bryce irritably muttered to himself. Should he have even been surprised that she'd do such a thing at this point? That damn lynx seemed to always find a way to torture him, even through a damn webcam! As much as he wanted to climb into bed, lay her socks and shoes on his pillows and lay with his face buried against them, while he ground his erection into his palm, he thought Ms. Holt wouldn't exactly approve of him daring to spill his cum without her permission. Besides, listening to her directly order him to drain his tender, sore balls, while he kneeled in front of her was well worth going a night or two without ejaculating.
Hearing an SUV pulling up into his driveway, Bryce collects himself and stands back up, pulling his pants and underwear back on as well, but not without a wince of pain as he was no longer distracted from the throbbing pain of his testicles.
"Guess it's time for a new bag." he sighed, picking up the nearly room temperature bag of once frozen peas off of his desk, before heading out into the kitchen, his legs as far apart as possible.
The raindrops ran down the fogged up window, racing down the glass pane, colliding with each other to merge into one, before disappearing from view. His eyes were heavy with little sleep. Oh, how he wished he was back in bed. Ugh, the covers were probably still warm too. God, Mondays always suck. Why did it have to rain on top of it? He tossed and turned all night long. That goddamn brain of his filling his thoughts with every single scenario and seemingly insignificant variables that could lead to his disaster with her. Certainly wasn't the first time either. Normally, the natural remedy for a horny teenager in the form of a healthy orgasm would be enough to get him drowsy, but he still hadn't allowed himself the pleasure. The constant pitter patter of rain pummeling the metal roof of the bus wasn't doing much to keep him awake either. The bus was normally nothing more to him than a way to get to school, but whenever it rained, it took a much different form to him. Being inside, out of the cold, the heaters turned on high to dry everyone off, and the rhythmic beating of the raindrops against the roof and window, made it into the most relaxing vessels for him to sneak in another nap. Even that familiar scent of old, cracked, leather seats and the worn down rubber floor mats did little stop his eyelids from growing heavy.
The bus lurched forward as it pulled away from the stop, some of the sleepier students, Bryce included, being almost knocked to the ground.
"Ugh, is that fucker drunk already?" he thought to himself, glaring up at the driver.
That sudden jolt was enough to rouse him, if only for a moment or two. Stretching his mouth open in a quiet yawn, Bryce leaned against the side of the bus, pulling his hood back up, so his forehead didn't have to directly touched the chilly glass window. The glass constantly rattled against his skull in a soothing way as the bus continued down its route. Along with the ambient noise of his classmates talking and the groaning of the school bus as it drove, was enough to put him back into that dazed state, hoping he could catch a few more minutes of sleep, before getting to school. If only he was that lucky. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Something wrong. What the hell was it? He'd done all his homework and even got an early start on a group project that'd be due at the end of the week. Did he forget something at home? Maybe an overdue library book? He had been checking out a bunch of them lately, but was always punctual with returning them. If not that, then what could it be?
The human's eyes shot open as he came to the sudden realization.
How was he this stupid? It was raining.
Rain could only mean indoor gym today.
He could already feel the grin crawling across his face. That damn ankle of his was fucked the last time the class had to stay inside and he ended up missing out on a game of dodge-ball. Well, he wasn't about to let that happen again. Would they be playing that again, though? They'd already done it a few weeks back and he had a sneaking suspicious that Ms. Holt wouldn't be so forgiving and spoil the class twice in one month.
The human pushed away from the window, stretching out his legs and arms as he yawned once again, snapping his head backwards, feeling the stiff vertebrae popping with relief. No way he'd be dozing off now. He was now too excited to see where this day would lead. Ugh. Why the hell did he have to gym at last period? This was going to be a long day. Judging by the tightening of his pants, it was going to be a hard one as well.
His fingertips nimbly turned and twisted the dial of the combination lock. At least, he thought so, until it refused to pop open. Growling, Bryce spun it around to reset whatever numbers may have still been inputted.
"Up for some dodge-ball?" the yeen asked one of his friend, yelling over his shoulder.
"Is the Pope Catholic?" a fairly athletic looking human replied.
"Is he? You know I'm Jewish, right?" a sheep replied as he tightened the laces of his running shoes.
"Shut up, Michael." the human snorted, slamming his locker shut.
"You really think we're playing dodge-ball?" the sheep asked back to the both of them, double knotting his laces, just to be safe.
"With that bitch? Hell no. We're lucky to play that once a semester. Probably having us sprinting up and down the bleachers all class or some shit." Aaron shakes his head, after pulling the required plain, white, t-shirt over his fur covered cranium.
Bryce gave the hyena a look from the corner of his eyes, narrowing his gaze at him. He wouldn't call himself protective of their gym teacher, but he never cared for people insulting her either, even before they began to "date". The lynx was strict, but never threw someone under the bus without a good reason to. If only they knew the things she did to him, then maybe they'd have a legitimate reason to use such language.
"Who cares? Think I'm scared of more running? It's all we ever do!" Carter rolls his eyes, kicking his backpack under the thin, wooden bench sat in the middle of the locker room.
"Most of us. The ones that don't use a fake doctor's excuse to get out of it." Michael jokes, the sheep glancing over at Bryce, who quickly snapped his head the other way, before he could catch the human's staring.
C'mon. What's with this fucking lock!?
"Oh, yeah. Almost forgot about that stunt. Can only imagine what happened when everyone left." Carter laughed, joining the sheep, throwing a look as well.
"Yeah, if only you fucking knew. Never came that hard in my life, asshole." Bryce snickered in his mind, finally managing to open the combination lock.
"Hadn't seen her pissed like that in ages." the hyena cackles with their trademark glee.
Bryce clears his throat and pulls open the locker door, setting his lock down on the bench as she began to undress. He didn't need to look over to know they were all staring at him. It didn't help that they were the only ones left in the locker room either. Usually, no one was willing to risk being late, so they'd change as quickly as possible. The three of them had classes close by that they were able to change with enough time to kill to sit around and catch up before class. Bryce wasn't in the same position, but frankly, didn't care if she'd punish him or not. Hell, he was honestly looking forward to it if it so happened to come to that. Though he didn't want to risk talking about her, he forced himself to break the silence, growing annoyed at the pestering looks they held upon him.
"Cheap, shitty locks. You guys ever have an issue with these?" he innocently asks, kicking off his shoes, keeping his eyes on his locker, rather than over at his giddy classmates.
"Can't say I have."
"Of course not." Bryce sighed in his head, tugging off his hoodie and t-shirt.
"Anyway, how'd things go, after that?" the sheep asks, checking his phone to see how much time they had, before class.
"Yeah. Those legends true?"
"Bet you were puking blood!" Aaron continued to howl with delight.
He grumbled at the prying questions, feeling his stomach knotting at the unpleasant memory of sprinting lap, after lap, after lap on his injured ankle, while that lynx chased him, practically foaming at the mouth with her frenetic temper.
"Didn't go that far. I did come close to keeling over though." Bryce admits, reaching into his locker to pull out his gym clothes, tossing his shorts on the bench, before pulling the t-shirt over his thin frame.
"Came close? Bullshit! There's no way she didn't stop, until you were blacked out on the track." the hyena sputters.
"I mean, uh, fine. She made me run until I was nearly dead. Happy?" Bryce sighs.
"No, but I'm sure she was." the sheep laughs.
"Why the hell did you forge a doctor's note, anyway?" Carter asks.
"I don't know. Got sick of running all class. That's all we do." Bryce shrugs.
"And I'm sure she had you making up all you missed and then some." Aaron snickers.
"Yup. Dragged me into her office too. Gave me a scolding I still haven't forgotten." Bryce adds, hiding his grin.
"In her office? Damn. Couldn't imagine being trapped with that psycho. All by myself." Carter cringes, joining his friends on the bench.
"I dunno." Michael chuckles, absentmindedly thumping his heels against the tiled floor.
"Don't know what?" the hyena questions, Bryce looking over for the first time as well.
"How bad that would be." the sheep shrugs.
"The hell are you talking about? I can't stand being that close to her, when I pass her on my laps." Aaron scoffs.
"Hmm, I think I know where he's going with this." the other human smirks, nodding at his friend.
"Yes, you do. I don't know. She's scary as fuck, but I think she's pretty hot too." Michael grins, amused at his friends reactions.
Bryce doesn't show much of a reaction on the outside. Instead, he quietly listened to the conversation, curious as to what he had to say. After all, with that statement being made, the focus was no longer on Bryce, but the sheep instead.
"What?! You serious?" the hyena scowled.
"Hey, I can see what he means. Holt does have a nice pair of tits." Carter comments, picturing the perfect bust that was always hidden away behind her tracksuit.
"Hell yes." the sheep groans, hanging his head back.
Bryce grew flush at the exchange, wanting to add in his own two cents about the lynx, but knew he shouldn't.
"You'd really want her?" Aaron raises a brow, "She's fucking crazy. She'd snap your dick off like a piece of celery!"
"Nah, man. I think that's all she needs." the sheep grins, sliding down off the bench.
"What?" he asks.
"A good, hard, cock. Poor woman probably hasn't been fucked in ages. A nice, long, pounding would sort out her issues real fast." Michael sneers, turning over towards the bench as he lewdly thrusts his hips in slow, exaggerated, motions.
Bryce shivered at the thought. Would she ever let him even see her naked, though? Let alone giving him permission to touch her or even mount her.
"Oh, like you'd be the one to give it to her!" Aaron puffs, shaking his head at his friend.
"Hell yes! Maybe I should stay after class." the sheep continues, before returning to his original seat, crossing his arms.
"Sorry, but Bryce probably beat you to it then!" Carter taunts, nodding at his fellow human.
Bryce freezes for a moment, knowing that he couldn't allude to their relationship. It was so hard. He never thought his classmates would ever show any type of intimate feelings for Ms. Holt, even if it was just some typical teenaged fantasies. It was a pleasant surprise and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in actually having been able to get down and dirty with the luscious feline. He didn't have much time, but quickly chose his next words carefully as he pulled on his shorts and shut his locker, clicking his combination lock closed as well.
"And this is why I choose not to stay in the locker room." Bryce groans with a forced revulsion at such an idea.
The others laughed as he walked past them, quickly returning to their conversation as Bryce exited for the gym.
"Seriously though. I'd bury my tongue in her ass."
"The fuck!?"
The class gathered around the bleachers, sitting down and talking about the questionable equipment set up inside the gym. As Bryce entered, he hoped to see a few carts filled with dodge-balls, but sadly, none were to found. Instead, he saw nets set up on the ground on each side of the room.
Odd. He expected maybe basketball or flag football, but not soccer. Hmm, maybe Holt wouldn't mind showing off her foot work, then?
Bryce walked over to his classmates and took a seat on one of the many unoccupied spaces on the bleachers, peering over at the windows to see the sun starting to finally break through the dark clouds that had been filling the sky for the entire school day. The chance of them going back outside for class were slim, though. She wouldn't bother setting up equipment, only for them to go back outside anyway. He quietly sat, looking over at the others. Same as usual. Idle chit-chat and gossip. He wasn't one to spread rumors and bother giving them any attention, but it was still a guilty pleasure of his to listen to from time to time. Teachers sleeping together, the principal who hides a bottle of bourbon in his desk, the cafeteria feeding the school questionable or contaminated meat, and the list goes on. So stupid, but he was a sucker for a good story. Sadly, his eavesdropping ended as the double doors were kicked open, the lynx making her first appearance of the day to them.
"Alright! Three laps around the gym and twenty quad stretches after! Get going!" she bellows, her voice booming throughout the gym, not bothering to go for her whistle.
The class immediately took off from the bleachers, knowing the consequences if they didn't react the second her orders were given. Bryce was close to trampled as the crowd parted around him, before he had the chance to stand back up. With everyone else on their feet, he stood up and broke into a lazy jog, looking at the lynx as he grew close.
"That means you too, Mr. Martin. If you're still lagging behind the others by the time I see you again, you're running another!" she warns, eyes wide with impatience.
"Yes, ma'am!" he nods, picking up his pace.
He chuckled to himself as he jogged around the gym, the others laughing at him for being scolded the second class began. Must have been a new record for him. Bryce already knew that she'd have issue keeping up her usual appearance and demeanor. Even knowing where they stood behind closed doors, he couldn't help but feel a pang of fear as she yelled. After hearing what the sheep admitted to in the locker room, he was sure to keep his eye on him the next time the lynx was sounding off. The idea made him wonder how many other students may have a crush on the feline. Wasn't unusual for someone their age to be attracted to a teacher. Especially one so fit and dominating as she was. It seemed that everything she did was a turn on for Bryce. The way her shoulders were always hunched up and pulled back, ready to bark out another set of instructions or berate whoever was caught slacking off under her ever vigilant eyes. How the strengthened muscles in her neck tensed and bulged with every syllable spouted from her maw, flashing her pink tongue whenever she needed to wet her lips. God, how he loved her deafening yells. Something that would raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Send a shiver down your spine. Yet, it was something he found exotic and ever foreboding, like the sound of thunder rolling across a darkened plain.
Shit, he was daydreaming again. Looking up, he realized his classmates were nearly the end of their first lap and he had only completed half.
"Fuck." he grunted, sprinting to his fullest ability, keeping his eyes on the shapely rear of a gazelle that was the only one he needed to pass.
Ms. Holt stared at the human, sucking a breath in through her flared nostrils as he blew by her, making it in front of his classmate, but just barely. His punishment was avoided. This time.
The loud clatter of hockey sticks being thrown the ground captured the attention of everyone that were finishing their stretches. The lynx tossed the empty bag to the side, grabbing a stick in her hand. Hockey, hmm? Well, it's better than soccer.
"Gather around." she orders, popping her whistle into her mouth for a quick blast, taking a step into the middle of the gym.
The mix of humans and anthros filed in around the teacher, visibly excited at the promise of a team sport to play.
"Who here isn't familiar with hockey?" she asks, giving questionable glances to everyone, dumbfounded that someone actually raised their hand.
"Uh, not really." a moose sheepishly admits, lowering his hand.
"Liam. You're Canadian, yes?" the lynx growled, debating if the student was serious or not.
"Born there, yeah. We moved here soon after. KInda why I don't have an accent." he weakly smiled.
Pausing for a moment to shake her head, the flabbergasted instructor walked through the crowd, getting some distance from them for her brief lesson. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a thick, black puck, which she tosses on the freshly polished wooden floor.
"This is a puck. Those are nets. This is a hockey stick. Hit the puck with blade and get it into the net. Like so." Ms. Holt loudly announces, wielding the stick in her tight grip.
The lynx takes a step to the side of the puck, squaring her shoulders as she flexed her knees, winding her shoulders and the hockey stick back, loading and tensing up the impressively strong muscles residing in her hips as she whipped the stick forward. As the blade collides with the puck, it rockets down the gym, followed by a sound not far off from the crack of a whip. The puck becomes a blur, cracking into the left outer post of the goal, letting out a ring as it ricochets into the bleachers. The feline's pupils expand, her lip twisting into a snarl, visibly disgusted at missing the shot. Regardless, the students chuckled in amazement at such a picture perfect slapshot.
"You get the picture." she curtly states, ending the impromptu lesson, tossing the stick to the moose.
Bryce was hoping she'd try again. Watching her perform was poetry in motion to him.
"Line up. Guys on the right. Girls on the left. Grab a stick and decide on who's facing off and playing goalie!" Holt yells, angrily walking back through the crowd, picking up the bag she dropped earlier, pulling out a set of masks.
After a few minutes of deliberation, the moose from earlier and a polar bear approach her, taking the masks and pulling them over their faces, before stepping in front of their nets. Carter was determined to be the most qualified for the face off, after playing street hockey off and on for a few years. Bryce was content with playing one of the defensemen. He'd been on a team back in elementary school, but only for a year or two, before he grew bored of it. Hopefully, he wasn't too rusty.
Carter stepped to the center of the gym, where the lynx and a Dalmatian waited. He recognized the dog from middle school. If he remembered correctly, she was on one of the school's sports teams, Which one, he couldn't remember, but figured she was skilled enough to at least make the teams more fair.
The lynx lifted the puck up between the two, holding it between her fingers, looking around at each team to make sure they were in position, the metal whistle clamped between her teeth. After a quick exchange between the two centers, she dropped the puck, followed with a shrill toot of her whistle. As she stepped back, the human swatted the puck away from the girl, running past her with the rest of the team following, both sides scrambling for control. Ms. Holt stood with her back to the wall, whistle at the ready for whenever a team scored, ears perked at the rowdy cries from the teams as they shouted at their plays to one another. The first goal took less than thirty seconds as Carter smacked it into the net. Holt blew her whistle and moved back to the center, catching the puck that was tossed by the disappointed goalie.
With the players returning to the middle, Holt once again dropped the puck and stepped away to watch. This time, Bryce was determined to get in on the action and moved up the sidelines.
"Here!" he called out to Carter, who promptly cracked the puck over to his fellow human.
Bryce flicked his wrist and hammered the puck, sending it sailing right into the net, laughing with a grin at the beautiful play between the two of them.
"Not bad." Carter nodded, returning to his usual place.
The games were played best of three. So far, the guys had yet to lose a round, though the girls were coming close as the games went on and they grew more familiar with their tactics. Bryce grew a connection with Carter, working side by side to set up plays with little resistance, aside from the Dalmatian who was proving to be the only real completion. Liam was aimlessly shifting one both feet, having yet to block a goal. Instead, he chose to pick at the fading electrical tape that was beginning to peel from the butt end of the stick. Holt shook her head at the pitiful display, though couldn't be too hard on the girls, since they were indeed doing their best. Maybe she'd have to pick her next team sport more carefully next time. There was one girl, besides the Dalmatian, that was beginning to show real progress. The lynx eagerly watched as the student made a beeline towards Bryce.
"I got it!" the human calls out as he intercepts the puck from one of the women as they batted it towards his side of the field.
He raced towards the goal, manically laughing as he readied himself to score another goal, overwhelmed by the flow he was achieving in the game. The human spotted a furry blur from the corner of his eye, not catching the opposing team's right wing, until it was too late. With how fast the two of them were running, a collision was inevitable. A normal part of any physical sport, such as hockey. Accidents happen. He could understand that. What he couldn't accept as an accident was how she speared the end of the stick into the side of his ribcage as she slammed her shoulder into his chest, sending him reeling to the ground.
"Jesus!" he gurgled, dropping his stick and wrapping his arms around his waist for protection, expecting a follow up attack, after a stunt like that.
The students on both sides paused for a collective grunt of mutual pain at the impact, but immediately continued playing, eager for another goal. He laid on his back, rolling around in pain, taking in quick, short breaths, for each one send a horrid, stabbing pain throughout his body. Blinking away the tears from his eyes, he hissed and looked up at the one that attacked him. The black colored block began to come into focus, wiping away the rest of the mist from his eyes.
"Sorry. Didn't see ya there!" she sneered, the familiar voice grabbing Bryce's attention.
Daphne! That smug, fucking bitch!
Holt watched the collision, raising her eyebrows at the Yorkie's aggression, whistle falling from her lips as she trembled with stifled laughter.
"Wow, guess I'm rubbing off on her." she said to herself, stepping closer to the action.
"C'mon, Ms. Holt! That should be a penalty!" Michael protested, while Carter took Bryce by the hand and hoisted him back up.
Bryce immediately winced and doubled back over, though staying on his feet.
"Penalty? I don't recall talking about those. Guess it slipped my mind." she hummed, popping the whistle back into her mouth, blowing it to signal a pause in the game.
The lynx looked over her class, stopping at Bryce, who was quick to detect the look of amusement and, dare he say, pleasure of his condition.
"Alright. No need to get too rough. No need to get too physical. I know I don't say that much, but I don't need to add another injured student to the list." Ms. Holt sighs.
"Um, can I sit down?" Bryce requests, holding his side, feeling the heat from his flesh as a bruise began to form.
"Why? You have a doctor's excuse?" the lynx blinks, her tone devoid of any real emotion.
The class chuckles at the jab, not surprised at the lack of empathy from the teacher.
"Maybe if you'd keep your head up, you wouldn't have gotten hit in the first place. If you have the puck, look up. You'll see your opponents and the net. Keep looking down and all you'll see is floor and feet." the lynx scolds, holding eye contact with the human.
Bryce was quick to notice the subtle emphasis she put on "feet". Something that would go unnoticed by the others, but was crystal clear to him. Was she seriously the one teasing him like this, after being the one to hammer the importance of staying inconspicuous?
"Y-yes, ma'am." he gulps, holding her stare.
"Good. Bench." the lynx growls, pointing at the bleachers.
Bryce slinks off the court, yelping in discomfort as he sat, tenderly rubbing his ribs.
"The rest of you, play on." she yells, stepping away.
The human took a few minutes to catch his breath, lifting up the side of his shirt, staring at the faint outline of a bruise that would only get bigger and darker as the days progressed. Goddamn that girl. What the hell was her problem? He'd like to think that she was only able to knock him down, because she caught him off guard, but the truth was a little more different. It seemed all that yoga was starting to pay off. The Yorkie clearly demonstrated the muscular mass she'd hidden under her wooly fur. Holding all of those contorted and awkward positions on her hands and knees had gradually built up her stamina and vigor. He wasn't the first to notice either. Ms. Holt and Daphne herself had both picked up on it, during their daily exercise regiments.
As the games progressed and their time winded down, Ms. Holt was both pleased and disappointed in the performances of both sides. The men were complete hogs and refused to pass the puck to the other players with Carter possessing it for nearly every second of the game. The girls didn't fare much better, though the Dalmatian was clearly skilled enough to hold her own and Daphne made a respectable effort on the court as well. Bryce watched from the bleachers, shooting daggers at the Yorkie, who was proving to be a rather slippery foe to get a hold of as she danced between the men, managing to snatch the puck from Carter at times. Finally, the game was forced to end in a tie as the lynx sounded her whistle, after seeing how low the clock had gotten.
"Alright, that's it! Time's up! Hit the showers." Ms. Holt bellows, grabbing the nylon bag, holding it open for the students to drop their hockey sticks into.
Carter was beyond happy with his performance, though the rest of them grumbled to themselves, after barely receiving any time to actually play. The girls were just happy it was finished. The lynx wasn't happy with how quickly they gave up, but was too annoyed to bother lecturing them at this point. As the students started to leave, Bryce pulled himself up from the bleachers, gritting his teeth in pain.
"See you next week." Ms. Holt says, slinging the bag over her shoulder, giving Bryce a wicked glance.
"Yeah. Can't wait for the next time it rains." he huffs, making his way to the gym double doors.
The lynx chuckles to herself, following behind him, letting the doors slam shut as they left. Both of them walked quietly towards the locker rooms, a few paces behind the others.
"Should I expect a message?" Bryce discreetly asks, peering behind him at the gym teacher.
"No talking in the halls." she growls, making her way past him, the blade of one of the hockey sticks striking him in the side.
Flinching, he steps to the side, letting her pass as they approach her office and the doors to the locker rooms. Bryce pushes it open and walks back to his locker, listening to the rest of the guys discussing the games they won, along with some gripes from the ones that didn't get a chance to properly play. Ignoring them, he stopped at his locker, ready to change out of his clothes, but stopped, just as his fingertips touched the combination dial. Nah. He wasn't ready yet. Besides, there was a still of a bit of time, before the final bell rang. He walked to the back of the room, where the showers were. Ten heads jutted out from the gray bricks, water dripping into small puddles that formed below. Bryce rarely took showers at school, just like everyone else in his class. Since gym was their last period, was there ever a point to showering, when you'd be going home mere minutes later where you could shower in peace? No one enjoyed a public shower, bumping elbows with whoever was right beside you.
He kicked off his shoes and peeled off his socks, dropping his shorts and throwing off his shirt. Bryce debated on keeping his underwear on, but once he heard the commotion of his classmates dying down as they left the locker room, he let his boxers slip down his legs. He didn't mind going commando on the bus ride home anyway. Cringing as he walked barefoot across the cold shower floor, the damp layer of dust and mildew making him wish he had a pair of sandals or something. Stepping under the showerhead, he gripped the bath handle and gave it a twist. The pipes in the walls creaked, building up pressure with a whine as a wave of water sputtered from the head, before finally being released into a powerful stream. Dodging the water, he let it warmed up, testing it with his palm as he fiddled with the handle, until it met his liking. Finally, he entered the shower of hot water, letting out a pleasured sigh as his face and cheeks were peppered with the fat droplets of liquid. The caked on calcium and mineral deposits from a lack of cleaning caused the some of the water streams to arch off in wild directions, but Bryce was far from concerned. As long as he got some sort of relief, after that class. He didn't have any shower gel and the only thing left behind by the others was a dingy half of a bar of a soap laying beside the drain, caked in hair and god only knows what else. Whatever. The hot water was nice enough on his own.
Ms. Holt sat inside her office, scribbling down comments on the progress reports she'd be sending home to the parents of her students. She carefully weighed each comment and critique, wanting to be fair enough and not blatantly offensive, so she wouldn't have to worry about any angry parents contacting the school. Sipping from her water bottle, she set down her pen, leaning back in her chair with a yawn, spotting the time on the clock. Final bell had rang five or so minutes ago and halls were now silent and empty for a change. In this silence, her pointed ears picked up on the sound of running water, something she hadn't noticed until just now.
"I swear, if some fucking moron left the goddamn shower running again." she groaned, standing up from her desk, stretching out her limbs as she left her desk chair.
She opened her door and turn into the boy's locker room, slipping inside to confirm her suspicions. Yup. The mirrors screwed above the sinks were fogged with condensation from the amount of hot water that'd been already wasted.
"Idiots." she huffs, making her way to the back of the locker room, stopping in her tracks at the sound of humming that came from the showers.
If someone was still inside, the last thing she needed was to be seen by a naked student. She could only imagine the rumors that would stem from an incident like that. Still. She was curious and maybe even her ears were playing tricks on her. Stepping closer, she spotted a pile of clothes that lay crumpled on the floor just outside the lip that bordered the shower floor. Just another school uniform, but the small tear on the side of it gave her an idea of who they belonged to. The lynx crept to the wall, peeking around it, grinning as she eyed the lonely human who was lost in his thoughts. Oh, the amount of ways she could use this to her advantage. Rather than using her voice, she found a better and more snide way to grab the boy's attention.
The lynx moved to the other wall to the side of the shower's entrance, stopping in front of a panel, discreetly removing a set of keys from her pocket, unlocking the door and flipping it open. She stuck her hand inside, taking hold of the valve that controlled the water temperature mix, before turning it counter clock-wise, until it stopped, killing the hot water completely. It took mere seconds for the wonderfully piping hot water to shift into a frigid bath. A moment later, she heard the delightful, shrill yelp that only Bryce was capable of providing.
"The fuck!?" he yelled, slipping and falling on his ass as he leapt back from the showerhead, his visible erection pointing into the air.
"I thought a cold shower could do you good. Nothing like some ice cold water to keep the swelling down of a fresh bruise or a sad, little, shrimp of a cock." she sneered, eliciting another frightful yelp out of the human.
"You can't be in here!" Bryce yelled, covering his private bits with his hands.
"Watch your tone." she warned, stepping away from the temperature valve, figuring she'd let the others get a taste of her treatment the next time they took a shower as well.
"Why are you in here?" he repeats, getting back on his feet, shivering at the idea of laying naked on that filthy floor.
"Cause everyone else left and I can't go home, until you fuck off from the building. Now, I get to ask a question. Why haven't you fucked off yet?!" the lynx barked.
"I got distracted!" Bryce defends, leaving the shower, bending down to pick up his dirty gym clothes.
"You're always distracted. Better not have been jerking off in my showers either!" she taunts, unable to resist booting him in the rear as he bent over.
Bryce tumbles over, quickly picking himself back up with an irritated look.
"I wasn't!" he growls, opening up a locker beside the shower, pulling a fresh towel off of the stack to dry himself off.
"Oh? And why's that?" the teacher rumbles, moving closer to him.
".......cause you didn't say I can." he shamefully sighs, rubbing the soft cotton through his short, bronze hair.
"Good slut." she snickers, slapping her hand up between his legs, colliding with his balls as she gave them a testing squeeze.
Bryce whimpers in pain, clenching his jaw as she fondled his testicles, still a bit sore from her kick a while back.
"Hmm, nice and ripe. Guess you've actually been listening to me for a change. Keep it that way." Ms. Holt sneered, groping his seed filled orbs, before letting him go.
"It's your fault I'm always like this. You better hope no one else noticed the way you said that to me in gym today." he whines, walking to his locker, quickly rubbing off all the water the towel was able to hold, before dropping it on the bench.
"What? Worried your secret will be found out by everyone? That little Bryce has an obsessive need to gawk at every pair of feet that walk his way? That he loved shoving his cock into the shoes of the doggy that gave him a boo-boo today? She's starting to impress me. I didn't even teach her how to spear you either. Guess she found that out on her own. Maybe she's starting to notice how you're nothing more than a sniveling, submissive, bitch as well." she demeans, taking the towel off of the bench.
"Yes. Of course I am! I mean, not that last part. Err, I am! Whatever you want! And quit changing the subject, cause you should be worried too!" he points out, opening his locker, snatching out his normal attire.
The lynx grabs an end of each side of the towel, rapidly spinning it, until she held a tightly rolled whip of wet cotton.
"And that's why I'm going to give you another taste of what happens when you disobey." she grins, before whipping the towel against the delicate flesh of his right buttock, dropping his clothes.
"Ow! Stop!" he jumped, slapping his hands down on his rear to keep it safe from another ambush.
"Not wise to talk back." she huffs, taking the towel and unexpectedly wrapping it around his neck, yanking him backwards and into her chest as she tightens her grip.
The human gasps, his wet feet slipping on the tiled floor, stumbling down, where the towel held him up, like a hangman's noose.
"Understand that? You were quick to agree over the webcam, but I feel you were too busy playing with that shriveled husk of a manhood. Have I got your attention now?" she sternly and calmly speaks.
Bryce flails his arms, tapping on her leg in a form of submission.
"Good." she nods, dropping one end of the towel, with Bryce scrambling away from her with a loud gasp of air.
"Fucking lunatic!" he spits, twisting around to glare at her.
"Aren't I?" she casually hums, balling the towel up, before tossing it into a trash can that was used as a dirty laundry hamper.
Bryce shakes his head and grabs his shirt off of the ground, pulling it on. The lynx chuckles to herself and picks up his pants, reaching into his pocket to fish out his wallet.
"For the shoes you're so insistent on buying off of me." she states as she steals a few bills from the wallet, tossing it and his pants back on the bench.
"Yeah? Which ones you sending?" he asks, frowning as she took a little more than he'd usually be comfortable with spending on them.
"These." she replies, gesturing to her running shoes.
They seemed nice. The same pair she'd been wearing, after sending him the previous pair. Sky blue base, flashing yellow highlights that spread across the sides and dipped down over the rubber sole.
"Hope they're good. Mind if I get a test sniff?" he pleads, cupping his hands together in a mock prayer, playing up his role as her obedient, little pet.
The lynx released a rarely heard laugh at his pitiful expression.
"I'm going to have one hell of a little cow to milk when I get around to relieving him." she purrs, placing the palm of her hand against the tanned skin of his chest, lightly dragging her claws down over his flesh in a light, affectionate way.
"Yes, Ms. Holt. I can't wait." he nods, letting out a quiet moan at the first time she'd ever touched him in a way like this.
That loving touch was short lived as she curled her fingers and raked her claws down the rest of his chest, leaving behind a trail of reddened scratches upon the human, who was now doubled over in a frightened pain, clutching his body.
"Fuck!" he yelped, hoping she didn't cut him.
"You are going to wait and you'll do so without another word. Now get out of my fucking locker room." she spits, turning around to leave, flipping the lights off for good measure.
The human's eyes watered, yelling in anger and pain as he threw his fist into the metal door of the locker, feeling the flakes of the chipping blue paint jabbing his knuckles.
"Goddamn her!" he heaved, fumbling for the rest of his clothes in the now pitch black locker room.
"But, fuck, does she get me hot." he sighs.
His eyes were locked on the faceless avatar inside the smutty website. Right clicking on it, he discovered she was last online three days ago. Bryce had given up on sending her private messages, after never receiving a response. It'd been a week, since the lynx had taken money from his wallet, yet, he hadn't seen or even heard of a shipment being sent. It'd been driving him crazy. At least a single notification or a tracking number would be enough to give him any kind of satisfaction, but he continued to get nothing instead.
"Bryce! You're going to miss the bus!" his mother yelled through his door in a sing-song voice.
Growling, he quickly exited the website and locked his computer, grabbing his bag as he left his bedroom.
As the bell clanged overhead, the students got up out from their desks, filing out of the classrooms as their teachers tried to shout out their closing statements for the lesson. Bryce was the first one out the door, having a personal hatred for math class. Damn numbers. He bolted out into the hallway, awkwardly power-walking as he went as fast as he was allowed. The last thing he wanted from some teacher annoying him and squawking at him to slow down. Weaving in and out of the lines of students and crowds, he rounded the hallways and ran when he wasn't in the line of sight of any classrooms. Passing by the front office, he lightly jogged through the atrium and turned down another corridor, the walls of lockers becoming a blur as he took off into a sprint towards the gym, determined to be the first one there.
At last, he reached her office, frowning at the sight of her blinds being pulled down. Bryce knocked on her door and waited for a response.
Tapping the toe of his shoe, he rapped his knuckles against the window, even louder this time.
She had to be in there, right? Was she just ignoring him? Bryce wanted to open the door and peek inside, but knew that could be a trap as well. Growing impatient, he pounded his fist against the door, fearing he might break the window if he knocked any harder on it.
"There a problem here?" a voice spoke behind him.
He spun around, meeting the lynx's annoyed stare.
"Uh, yeah. Was looking for you." he cleared his throat, tilting his ear towards the hallway, hearing the rowdy group of students approaching them.
"Uh huh. Can this wait until after class, Bryce?" Ms. Holt asked, speaking in her natural official tone, hearing the others growing closer as well.
"I'd rather talk about this now." he reaffirmed.
The voices continued to get louder and louder, until the first group of students appeared behind the lynx, giving the both of them odd glances as they entered the locker room. Bryce attempted to look as innocent as possible, while the lynx grew more annoyed, sensing the looks from behind.
"Get in the locker room. Get changed. Get on the track." Ms. Holt huffed, pointing to the door.
Knowing he wouldn't get anywhere by arguing, Bryce sighed and slinked off into the locker room. The miffed lynx groaned and unlocked her office, stepping inside to grab her water bottle and clipboard, before heading off for the track and field.
The overcast kept the sun at bay, while cooling them off as well. He didn't mind the sunshine though. It was pretty and always lifted his spirits. The heat that came with it wasn't always pleasant, but it was still better than looking up at the gray, barren, leaden sky. Plus, the sweat he'd inevitably work up would grow colder as it stuck to his back. His breath huffed with each stride he made as he jogged along the track with the others around him doing the same. Class looked interesting today, judging by the hurdles that were dragged beside the track. Presumably, they'd be making an appearance, after everyone was warmed up. That wasn't what he was concerned with, though. No, that would be the indifferent lynx that stood on the field, occasionally running beside the students to see if they could keep up. Bryce started to wonder if she was aware of how Michael and Carter would speed up whenever she did so, just so they could see her shapely rear and breasts rock with every step she made. How had he never noticed their looks before? Perhaps he was too busy ogling her himself.
Daphne ran in front of him, taking his mind off of the lynx for the time being. He watched how her calves flexed as she ran, that fluffy tail swaying side to side, teasing him with her luscious rump. Damn it. If only the gym dress code allowed for open toed shoes. His mind wandered off again. He imagined taking her under the bleachers or maybe hopping the fence that bordered the running track to lead her into the woods. A hand down her shorts, feeling the sweat beading off of the plush fur that hid her hot, tight core. One or maybe two fingers inside of her, his tongue buried in her muzzle, coiling around her own, muffling her cries as he finger fucked the doggy. Then, he'd carefully bite down on her tongue, listening to her pouting whines, making her apologize for that cheap shot when they were playing hockey. He'd never hurt her though. No, just make her whine enough to get some satisfaction. He'd pull away and she'd frown at him. Wouldn't last long though. Not when he'd tear off her shorts and grind his hard prick over her pink cunt. She'd blush and giggle at how hard he was. Then the lynx would come over and kick hi-wait, no! Goddamn it, she wasn't going to ruin his fantasies too, now! Fuck!
The toe of his running shoe caught the turf of the football field as he drifted off course, nearly falling, but managed to catch himself. Shaking his head clear of those perverted desires, he looked back over at the gym teacher, who checked her watch, before blowing her whistle.
"Alright, I don't have all day to let you finish, so let's get on with it!" she yells as Bryce crosses over to her, the others still making their way around the track.
He wasn't going to openly approach her in the middle of class, until he looked down at her feet. Those fucking blue running shoes. She didn't even ship them out yet! Why?
"Hey, can we talk for a sec?" he asks, stepping beside her, looking as nonchalant as can be.
"Are you shipping those out or what? Maybe you leave them in your office and I'll grab them?" he pleaded.
Ms. Holt takes a step forward, moving in front of him. There wasn't a way to look very inconspicuous as she turned to face him, so she made it quick and to the point. Bryce nearly jumps from his skin, once he saw her expression. The artery in her temple swelled and pulsated, her pupils now predatory slits, the blood chilling blues in her iris bore into his skull with the most vicious, homicidal stare she'd ever given him.
"Shut. Your. Fucking. Mouth. You get them when you get them." she hissed, her voice hoarse and strained as she trembled in rage, forcing herself to not raise her voice and draw even more attention.
Well, guess he got his answer.
Bryce swallowed and kept silent, the look of horror on his face thinly veiled from his classmates. Looks like he'd have to bite his tongue and wait. It couldn't be that much longer right?
Crickets chirped outside his window, the blinds pulled down to muffle the gentle lighting from the streetlights towering over the sidewalk. The bedroom was relatively quiet and dark. The room's only occupant lay under the covers, face buried in his pillow, his arm peeking out from underneath, cell phone in hand. Bryce's thumb flicked down the screen, viewing the mobile version of his favorite dirty website. No new messages, of course. The clock in the top right of his phone read, "1:54". Clearly, it was time for him to get some sleep, but how could he? He was doing his best to stay patient, but again, no signs of any package being sent his way and nothing but silence from her on top of it all.
Bryce's nose quietly whistled as he breathed, teasing himself as his nostrils rest atop of the lynx's socks that he'd spread over his pillow. Probably not the best idea to do this to himself, after going days and days without a sexual release, but he needed to indulge himself in her addictive paw perfume. One of the pairs he'd bought weeks ago. The thin, black socks that were once saturated with her sweaty musk. Sadly, they had started to lose their potency long ago. Not even the plastic sandwich bags he stored them inside could halt that process for very long. Another reason he was so desperately needing a fresh supply from Ms. Holt.
Opening his mouth for a drowsy yawn, he stuck out his tongue and gave the used sock a quick lick, though didn't receive much satisfaction from wiping his tongue over the dry material. It wasn't even close to the real thing anymore. Still wasn't a good idea to even break them out. Now he needed to try and sleep with his cock begging him for some late night relief. Sadly, him and his forever hardened manhood would both have to wait until they were allowed. He reached his hand under his mattress and retrieved the sandwich bag, clearing his pillow of the feline's socks. Once safely returned to the bag, he crammed the entire thing back in his hiding place and rolled back over, clutching a second pillow to his chest as he began the hour long struggle of falling asleep. Hopefully, tomorrow would bring some good news. Maybe not.
The human snored quietly, his hood pulled over his head to block out the annoying fluorescent lighting of the classroom. It wasn't very comfy, but his backpack made a reasonable substitute for a proper pillow. With another sleepless night, he tried to catch a few minutes on the bus, which proved to be more difficult than he would have liked. Luckily, the teacher watching over his study hall could care less if the students decided to rest. Crossing his feet under his chair, he finally got to enjoy the rejuvenating sleep that he was unable to grasp the night before. Oh, how enjoyable it was too.
There he was.
Back on that shower floor.
Of course, he wasn't alone. That lynx was still there, standing beside him. The best part was, she wasn't alone either. That ditzy, pretentious Yorkie stood to her side. Mmm, seemed Ms. Holt had a few new exercises to teacher Daphne. The laughter from the women echoed in the locker room, both of them delighted by how painfully aroused the poor human was. Daphne was sure to let him know that she had always wondered how he looked naked. He beamed at such a compliment, until she reminded him that she expected better too. Damn her. Just like that fucking lynx. Why wouldn't she be? Daphne was a quick learner when she wanted to be.
Oh god.
She was done on her knees, slipping off that feline's shoes, while the arrogant teacher locked eyes with him. Ahh, why did she have to go so damn slow!? Yes! That's it! Put your back into it and get them off!
There you go. That's right. Don't be afraid to give them a sample as well. Oh, shut up. They can't be that strong. Could they?
She was going to let him find out. That's right, Daphne. Do what she tells you. Fuck yes. Closer. C'mon. Let's go! Goddamn, he could already feel the heat that was trapped inside of them. That damn Yorkie held them inches from his nose. Letting the familiar and oh so fucking rare scent tickle his nostrils.
Don't you fucking dare! Don't pull away! Get them in my face, goddamn it!
Bryce suddenly snorts and spasms at his desk, eyes snapping back open as he lifted his head. The loud noise and jumpy movements grabbed the attention of the other students, looking up from their textbooks or cell phones, giving him an odd look. Blushing, he scratched his neck and kept the hood pulled up, only the teacher able to see him as the balding human sat behind a desk of his own.
It's too much anymore. He couldn't deny himself any longer. Night, after night, after fucking night! Nothing to show for it! It was just like before. Ignoring him. Blowing him off. Would it kill her to just send him a message on the site out of the kindness of her black heart?!
His eyes darted up to the clock. Looks like he'd been asleep for awhile with only a quarter of the period remaining. Maybe it wasn't too late. Bryce slides out of his seat, standing up and approaching the teacher's desk.
"Excuse me, Mr. Hughes?" he starts, clutching his bookbag in his hand.
"What is it, Bryce?" the middle aged man asks, the dull number two pencil scribbling in the daily crossword.
"Can I get a hall pass? I need to go to the library. Forgot I have a report to print out for History class." Bryce requests, keeping his calm demeanor.
The teacher looks up from his paper, seeming as bored as everyone else trapped in the classroom.
"Yeah, sure. Better hurry." he shrugs, pulling open one of the drawers in the desk, taking out a pad of yellow paper, the school's crest and header on the top and bottom.
He quickly fills in the required information and signs his initials at the bottom, before ripping it off and handing it to Bryce.
"Thanks." he smiles, keeping the paper visible in his hand as he steps out of the classroom, shutting the door behind him.
Bryce takes a deep breath, inhaling the clean scent of the air conditioned hallways. Ah. Freedom. Not wasting time, he headed towards his destination, making sure to stay out of the main halls, not wanting to be questioned by a teacher. His sneakers thumped on the white speckled tiles, the lights above reflecting off of the shiny surface. He wasn't much for school, but damn, did they keep it clean. If only the same could be said for that locker room and showers.
He wondered if it was possible to get Athlete's foot on the rest of his body, after he fell in there. His skin was still red from the scrubbing he did in the shower when he got home that day.
He continued his stroll along the corridors of the school, keeping that hall pass visible at all times as he walked. It wasn't going to do much good if he were to get caught now. He didn't even look up as he passed the library. He was many things, but lazy wasn't one of them. A pervert, yet, but that didn't mean he was always punctual with his school assignments. That report sat safely inside his backpack.
So far, he didn't have much of a plan. At least, he felt it would be easier, than the last one. He wasn't going to let lunch interfere with his plans this time! It'd be simple. Gym class was going on, which meant that Holt was sure to be outside and far away from her office. It'd be more than enough time to do a bit of snooping and see if she'd left any traces of those shoes he'd lusted after for far too long now! He didn't see anything wrong with the idea either. After all, he paid for them. Bryce didn't plan to do much with them, aside from giving them a few sniffs and perhaps a lick or two. Just enough to satiate him, before he'd do anything wreckless.
Bryce calmly walked down the familiar hall, not drawing attention to himself as long as he kept his leisurely pace. He had yet to pass a teacher too. Seems luck was on his side today. As he reached the gym, he didn't slow nor speed up, though he carefully looking through the door windows to make sure class was indeed outside, which it was. A beautiful day such as this one shouldn't be wasted inside! Feeling his pulse quicken, he rounded the corner and walked towards the locker rooms and her office, still holding himself back. He wasn't going to let some random teacher round the hallway and catch him sprinting. Nope. Nothing risky. At least, that's what he kept repeating to himself.
As he approached the corner of the entrance, he did what he did the last time he decided to slip into her office. He pulled out his phone and angled it around the bend, staring at the screen, which showed an empty office, much to his delight. With one last look to his sides, he crept forward, touching the cold steel handle of her office door, squeezing it with his fingers. Bryce pushes down, though the handle stayed in place.
He tried again. The human jiggled the handle, which refused to budge. Losing his temper, he aggressively slammed it up and down, but no matter what he did, it wouldn't open. Not without a key. Looks like he wouldn't have it as easy as last time. He peeked inside through the window and did a quick look around. Hmm. Nope. Nothing. No socks. No shoes. Not even her water bottle.
"Fuck." he sighed to himself, turning to walk away.
Hmm, on second thought. Maybe not all was lost. He found his eyes drawn towards the door to the girl's locker room. There'd be no reason for any of them to be inside, right? Class was already in session and Holt wouldn't let anyone leave the track for any reason. It's not like anyone could find out, right? Besides, it was her fault! The agreement was that he'd get her shoes to tide him over. Well, guess what? No shoes and forcing him to remain abstinent. Gee, what could go wrong? Not even a damn sock or even letting him finish on the webcam! Oh well.
Bryce quietly worked himself up, letting his fingers travel down the metal exterior of the door, feeling the scratches that marred the paint. It was getting to the point where he'd be able to justify anything as long as it meant some relief. Fuck it. He pushed against the door, which slowly yielded to his hand, quietly opening as he peeked his head inside. He looked to the left. To the right. Nobody. No turning back now.
Cautiously looking around, he entered the strictly forbidden domain that no male was permitted to step inside of. Like every teenager his age, he expected too much. A pile of used underwear, a few lockers that happened to be unlocked, socks and shoes the girls would wear to class, just laying under the bench. Okay, maybe not what "every" teenager fantasized about, but his were his own. To his disappointment, nothing like that was to be found. It didn't even look different than the men's. Blue lockers, a few bathroom stalls, sinks, mirrors, a bench running down the two aisles of lockers, and a shower room in the back. Minus the crude graffiti scrawled inside the stalls and locker doors, it was identical, though the smell was more feminine. Fruity even. Must be all the perfume.
Bryce quickly snuck to each locker, testing the locks, praying for an open one, but again, nothing but disappointment. Seemed to be a recurring theme with his life. He was getting desperate now. The human scooted along on his knees, trying to slip his fingers into the diamond-like grid pattern cut into the locker doors, attempting to pull out a sock. Damn his thick fingers! Now it was truly getting sad as he pressed his nose against the metal, violently sniffing, trying to suck up whatever kind of female stink that lay behind the locked doors.
"Damn it." he sighed, finally pulling himself up, wiping the dust from his knees.
Defeated, he hung his head and started his walk to the door.
"I'm telling you, he likes you!" a female voice sounded through the wall.
Oh shit. Judging by how close that was, he didn't know if he could make it out in time. Bryce sprinted for the door, until he realized the voice was right on the other side. Before it could open, Bryce twisted around, almost slipping on the floor as he desperately looked for a hiding place. The toilet stalls? Maybe? Hmm, but one peek through the crack and he'd be spotted!
There! His eyes lock on a laundry cart, just big enough for him to possibly squeeze into. The human tears across the room, diving inside of the cart, wrestling with the dirty towels, until he was grabbing at the thick burlap that made up the material of the cart itself. Twisting around, he pulled all the towels over himself, hoping none of his body would stay visible. Just then, the doors finally opened, followed by footsteps of the entire female class coming inside.
"No, he doesn't!" another voice scoffed.
The sound of locks being snapped open soon became apparent, along with the doors slamming open and shut.
Holy shit! They were changing! And of course, he could do nothing to watch. Bryce could only imagine the proactive sights that lay on the other side of the cart. He frowned as he struggled to find a hole in the cart, which of course, he didn't. As stupid as he was, he didn't dare lift his head to watch. He couldn't recognize any of the voices either. Though he did get a few juicy tidbits of gossip, he grew bored of the mindless chatter and bickering. Ugh. Why couldn't he at least be in a cart full of their clothes? Maybe some sweaty socks to huff? Nope. He got a cart filled with towels. That bacterial growth giving it a musty and sour stink, nothing he could say exactly filled him with anything besides nausea.
Suddenly, he heard the squeak of the shower handle being twisted, followed by the pop of water exploding from the shower head. No! Goddamn it, they were naked now! Ah, maybe just one peek? It'd be quick! Bryce continued to work himself up, lifting his head as slow as possible, stopping and falling back down at a voice beside the laundry cart. Do they ever shut up?
"You getting a shower?"
"Nah. Hate getting my hair wet. Doesn't get dry, until after I get home."
"Oh! You poor woman!" Bryce shrieked in his head.
"Yeah. I feel you. Wish we could use a hair dryer."
"I brought one, but some bitch stole it!"
"Really? Didn't you lock it in your locker?"
"I guess not completely!"
"Holy shit. Shut the fuck up and leave!" Bryce mentally screamed.
"Did you hear about Brittney?"
"No! What did that tramp do now?"
"Oh, my god." Bryce quietly sobbed.
The human's eyes fluttered open. Shit. Did he fall asleep? Fuck! How long was he out?
"And THEN, she had the nerve to tell my boyfriend!"
Apparently, not long enough.
The bell rang from outside in the hallway, much to his relief.
"Okay. Just need to leave, after the room gets empty. I might be late for class, but that's fine by me." he told himself, ears perked at the sounds of the girls finally out of the locker room.
He waits a few minutes, listening to the steady drops of water from the shower, ensuring no one else had stayed behind. The human lifts his head out of the cart, taking in a deep breath of the clean air, letting out a sigh. As he starts to pull his leg out, the door is pushed open once again.
"C'mon." he whines, throwing himself back into the cart, where he waits.
The footsteps come inside, thumping their way towards the cart. He holds his breath as they stop to his side, squeezing his eyes shut, feeling a slight shift in weight as the woman takes a towel off of the top.
"Better than nothing, I guess. Need to run these down to home ec, afterwards. Get some clean ones." a husky voice comments.
A voice that he immediately recognizes. His rapid heartbeat only grew as he heard her turning on the shower. Bryce takes in another breath and pops his head out, watching that familiar thick tail slipping away past the corner of the shower room. He wasn't going to let this opportunity pass him by.
"Ahhh. Fuck, I need this." Ms. Holt huffs, letting the water run down her naked body.
Bryce creeps out of the cart, taking off his shoes and holding them as he tiptoed in his socked feet to silence his footsteps. He snuck along the lockers, stopping once he was able to get a view of the inside of the shower, spotting the teacher's folded up clothing on the bench, her shoes sitting underneath.
He picks up the footwear, not stopping to admire them nor to touch them, but instead, slams his nose inside. The thick walls of the running shoe mask the moan of bliss from Bryce as he greedily sucks in that fresh, sweaty stink, flooding his lungs and head with that overwhelmingly musky scent. His nostrils flare, grinding against the damp insole, staining his nose, marking it with her perspiration. As he sniffed, he let his eyes wander, looking up to see the lynx showering. After seeing those shoes, he almost forgot why he came over in the first place. Keeping the shoe to his face, his jaw drops at the sight of the nude vixen.
Without her clothes in the way, her natural muscle was easily visible. Her rear was firm and round, her tail curving into up into a J shape, making her snug, pink tailhole visible if he really squinted his eyes. He could only see a side profile of her breasts, until she turned a bit further. They looked heavy. More than just a meager handful. Seemed she was getting more than her money's worth with her sports bra. It kept them lifted and stationary. Without it, they sagged, but only a bit, showing her more mature age. A fluffy tuft of fur still puffed between her breasts as it was hammered with water, each breast with a round, black nipple that looked soft and begging to be sucked by the horny teenager. The fur pattern was a surprise as well. Black strips outlined her ribcage, marking each bone, before breaking into a solid patch of black that stretched around to the square of her back. He watched as she massaged the shampoo into her locks of hair, watching her biceps stretching as she washed. His eyes drifted down her body, stopping at her sex. His cheeks turned red at the sight. An excess amount of fur existed there as well, protecting her slit, the fur hanging downwards, dripping with water, exposing the most intimate part of a woman. Her legs were partially parted as she showered, helping keep her balance, while also letting him see her cunt. Her labia was gorgeous. The folds of her sex hung limp, the pink skin looking soft and wet, Bryce wondering how it'd feel to trace it with the tip of his tongue. A large, stiff button of a clitoris was topped above with another patch of black pubic fur, Bryce moaning at the sight.
He then did something he didn't plan on, and set her shoe back to the ground. He looked over the clothes she had wore moments ago, a pair of black panties set on top. Trembling, Bryce took the elastic waistband in his fingertips, lifting up her underwear, which was already turned inside out. A circular blotch stained in center of her panties, making the dark fabric somehow even blacker. He laid his fingertip upon it, feeling the hot, wet spot, where her furry sex would be. Lifting it to his face, he stuck out his tongue, firmly placing it against the stain. His eyes fluttered as the spicy flavor sparked along his tastebuds, now slowly licking over it, the sting of her sweat and heat of her nectar cause him to grow painfully erect. He trapped it with his lips, sucking on her underwear, a tiny stain appearing on his pant leg as he leaked. Pulling it from his mouth, he balled it up and stuffed it against his nose, lewdly huffing the gym teacher's freshly worn, sweaty, pheromone laced underwear. It proved too much, letting another moan slip loose, this one partially heard by the lynx, her tail lifting at the sound as she turned.
Bryce dropped her underwear and fell backwards, before she could notice. Okay. Time to leave now! It was a sight he wasn't soon to forget. The human turned on all fours and crawled towards the door, panting with fear and lust, growing closer and closer to the locker room door! Home free! Hearing the water shut off, Bryce shoved open the door and stepped outside, gripping the door as he gently guided it shut.
He did it!
With a grin on his face, he turned, walking right into the chest of a teacher. Actually, no. What's worse than being caught by a teacher?
"U-uh, M-Mrs. Waner!" he stammers.
How about the principal?
"And what do you think you're doing?!" the cougar yelled, the mature woman grabbing him by his wrist.
"N-nothing! It's not what it looks like!" he protests, not grasping how truly fucked was at this moment.
"You do know this is the lady's locker room, don't you?" the principal growled, the fur on her neck bristling at the back as she furrowed her brow.
"I-I didn't know! I went in by mistake! An accident!" Bryce frantically pleads, the cougar placing a hand on her hip.
Just as the cougar was opening her muzzle to retaliate, the door behind Bryce opened, the lynx calmly stepping out into the hallway.
"Ah, just who I need to see." Mrs. Waner smiles at the feline.
"What's the commotion." she smoothly purrs, her damp fur shining, clothing rumpled from the haste at which she had to redress.
"Well, I just happened to catch one of your students sneaking out of the women's locker room." the cougar explained in the administrative tone that only someone in her position would use.
The cougar kept a firm grip on the human, who dared to look over at the lynx. He'd never seen her with her hair down before. The drenched locks clinging to the sides of her muzzle, framing her speckled face. The look she gave him previously on the field, paled in comparison to the one he was receiving now. It wasn't a sneer. A nasty, spiteful, or vengeful glare. Nope. Hell, he'd probably prefer that to the empty stare she gave him. Her muzzle remained expressionless, though her eyes said it all. A glazed over look. One of unfamiliarity, like they had never met before. A look that told him he was doomed. She had no lifeline to offer, nor a willingness to bother helping and further complicate herself with the human. Condemned to whatever punishment the school was going to give him. It was out of her hands now.
"That so?" she spoke, not even appearing angry, more so annoyed her shower was interrupted.
"Yes. Something is not going to go without punishment." the cougar huffed, glaring at Bryce.
"It was an accident. I took one step in and immediately came out." he quietly whined.
"Hmph. I don't believe you." the principal scoffed.
"What do you want to do with him?" the lynx sighed, crossing her arms, flinging the wet hair from her field of view.
"I don't know. I'll have to check his record. Something like this, usually means expulsion." Mrs. Waner firmly states, tilting her nose at him.
Bryce's heart skipped a beat, his breath caught in his throat. Expelled? He snapped his head to Ms. Holt, lower lip trembling with fear, silently begging for her to intervene. His look didn't go unnoticed as the lynx flicked her eyes in his direction. She didn't hide it either. Looking down at him, watching his forehead wrinkle in terror at the idea of being forced out of his class for good. The human was about to burst out into tears, something she didn't mind, though not because of something like this. He was a moron. A horny idiot that couldn't keep his nose clean. A toy. Her toy. One that she was realizing she couldn't let someone else take away. With an utter look of sickness and contempt, she finally opened her mouth.
"C'mon. Isn't that a little extreme? He could be telling the truth." Ms. Holt comments, looking over at the principal.
"Are you saying that you believe this boy?" the cougar spoke up, refusing to let go of him.
"Are you saying that you have proof he isn't?" she replies, her tail swaying behind her.
"I saw him leaving the locker room. That's all the proof I need."
"Doesn't mean he went in there on purpose though. Look, I'm not saying he should get off scot free. He needs to be punished. Clearly." Ms. Holt grunts, staring back over at Bryce, who nervously swallowed at the emphasis she put on "punishment".
"And that's what I intend to do!" the cougar impatiently fires back.
"By what? Expelling him? No need to go right for the maximum. Have you even seen him before? Had him sent to your office for getting in trouble?" the lynx puffs.
The cougar turned her gaze back upon Bryce, studying his face with a scowl.
" Maybe." Mrs. Waner states, after a pause.
"Exactly." the lynx says, gesturing with her hand.
"Fine! Detention. Detention for the rest of the semester!" the cougar snaps, squeezing his wrist.
"Tell you what." Ms. Holt starts, taking a step forward, standing beside the principal, both of them now focusing on Bryce.
"Oh, what now?" she sighs.
"One day of detention. Today. With me." the lynx offers.
"Absolutely not! One day is far too little!" she speaks, staring flabbergasted at the feline.
"Come on, Barb. How many students have you sent my way? How many did I scare straight?" she purrs with a smirk.
The cougar thought it over, looking between the frightened human and the level-headed teacher.
"We're friends, right? You know I'm good for this. Just give me one shot with him. I'll have him straightened out. No more problems." she quietly rumbles, laying her hand on the cougar's shoulder.
The principal stood silent, shaking her head as she mulled over a decision, looking back at Ms. Holt.
"Fine, but I'm only doing this, because of your track record. Don't disappoint me." the cougar reluctantly nods, finally letting go of Bryce.
"You won't be disappointed." the lynx chuckles as the principal turns to walk away.
"You better thank her!" the cougar snaps, stopping to give a passing look at the human.
"Yes, Bryce. You have something to say to me?" the lynx growls, turning her gaze towards him.
The human felt his knees about to give out as they shook against each other.
"Th-thank you, Ms. Holt." he stutters, horrified by her expression.
No longer did she appear distant. No anger either. She seemed please. At peace with the decision. Though there wasn't any malice in her eyes, he'd had preferred it. All he could see now was the calm before the storm and he knew it would a bad one.
"I'm telling you dude, it's going to be a kick ass party!"
"The last one was a fucking sausage fest. Last thing I want to do is spend another night hanging around with you assholes again." Carter snorts, pulling back on his tennis shoes.
"What's wrong with us?" the hyena whines.
"The last time we were together, you two dicks nearly set my car on fire!" he yells back.
"That was Michael's fault!"
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
"It was that shithead that sold me the bottle rockets!" the sheep defends as he slammed his locker shut.
"And what did you expect for that price? No shit they'd be bootleg!" Aaron retorts, closing his backpack.
"I don't give a flying fuck who sold who what! You shouldn't have been shooting them out of my fucking car window!" Carter yells, sitting back down on the bench.
Normally, Bryce would have been eating up such a moronic tale, but instead, he sat in silence at the end of the bench. Final bell was soon to ring. It was like he was waiting for his own funeral. Could it be so bad though? Judging by how Ms. Holt went back to ghosting him during class, he'd say so. She did step in to help him though, so there's that. It's something, right? If she actually felt something towards him, then she had an odd way of showing it.
The clock ticked from the corner of the room, close to signaling his demise. Maybe he could make a run for it? Hmm, no. Not only would he possibly receive the original punishment, but he couldn't fathom what the lynx would do to him there. He wouldn't actually bail out of detention anyway. Not after she put herself up on the chopping block.
As he sat in silence, the rest of the students talked and played around on their phones, auctioning off whatever filthy pictures they'd been sent by their girlfriends. Bryce twiddled his thumbs, his leg bouncing impatiently. On one hand, he wanted to get it over as quickly as possible. On the other hand, who would actually be wanting something like this to happen?! Whatever answer he settled on was of no consequence as the bell broke his silence. He gasped at the sound, feeling his fight or flight instinct kicking in. He already talked himself out of running away and he certainly wasn't going to attempt fending off the cat. Shaking his head, he watched his classmates depart, hurrying out of the door to catch the bus, until he sat alone.
Silence. Serenity. Better appreciate it, while it lasted.
"Better get going." he grumbled, taking his bag out from under the bench, his feet like lead weights as he trudged towards the door.
To his surprise, it opened as he neared, the lynx taking a step inside. He stopped dead in his tracks, like a deer in headlights. He thought over about that expression. Deer in headlights. Would that be a racist to say? Funny, the things that enter your mind as you accept that your life is about to end.
"Come with me to detention, Mr. Martin." she sedately ordered, before stepping back into the hallway.
Well, here we go.
Bryce nodded, even though she was outside, and trekked to the door, pushing it open to meet her in the hallway. With him behind her, the lynx walked down the corridors, taking him past the office and library, a place he should have just went in the first place! Bryce took notice of a duffle bag she had over her shoulder, his mind racing with possibilities of its dubious contents. She led him through the hallways, stopping at one of the history classrooms. Odd place for detention. Maybe this was where it always was? He had no clue. Detention was a new experience for him, though he had little doubt this one would be anything from ordinary.
"Right this way." the lynx says, opening the door for him, leading him inside.
"Uh....thanks." he whimpered, apprehensive of that innocent look she continued to wear.
Bryce walked into the room, looking around the fairly average looking classroom. Desks, chair, a counter with history textbooks and literature shoved back against the white brick. Judging by the map that was pulled down in front of the white board, they were going over the Battle of Kursk. A few model airplanes hung from the ceiling as well. Spitfires, Wildcats, Corsairs. He was familiar with the teacher and knew he was quite the World War 2 buff. How he wished he had Mr. Bailey as a teacher. Seemed like a fun enough classroom.
Almost forgetting this was detention, Bryce took a seat at one of the desks up front, dropping his backpack off on the desk behind him. Ms. Holt softly closed the door, pleased with the human's choice of seating arrangements. From the angle at which his desk sat, their view would be hidden from the slit of a window inside the classroom door. Before he could start to worry about what kind of punishment awaited him, the lynx decided to make her true presence known once again as she walked up behind him.
Ms. Holt stretched her arms out behind her back, her shoulder blades nearly touching as her back cracked and popped. The teacher then opened her palms and slung her arms back forward, as if she was trying to kill a pesky housefly. The palms of her hands collided with Bryce's ears, sending a painful concussion against his eardrums, which immediately began to ring, while rim of cartilage forming the outside his ear instantly grew red. As he opened his mouth out to cry, she violently jerked his head backwards at an uncomfortable angle, forcing him to stare up at her. He'd never seen her eyes so wide. Looking like she'd seen a ghost. Her chest rose and fell as she heavily breathed, appearing to be exhausted.
"Why do you do this to me? Hmm?" she spoke, her thumbs rubbing against his temples.
Stop acting like this! Yell at me! Do something! He couldn't stand how she'd started to act so quiet and reserved. How did someone appearing so calm, only make them seem that much more unhinged?
"I couldn't wait under longer!" he whines, eyes shut.
"That isn't good enough!" the lynx hisses, squeezing her the claws of her thumbs into his skull, Bryce yelping as they dug into his skin.
"All I wanted was for you to tell me when you'd be giving me your shoes! That's it! If you told me, I could have waited!" he protests, scratching at the desktop with his fingernails.
Ms. Holt grunts and takes hold of his hair, forcibly lifting him out of his seat as he whimpered. The human quickly stood up on the tips of his toes, his teacher lifting her arm further into the air, nearly lifting him by the hair on his head. She walks the both of them over to her desk, Bryce's feet kicking into the desk legs as he blindly followed, eyes wet with tears of pain.
"Get under there." she growled, keeping her hold of him, only letting go to shove him underneath the teacher's desk.
Bryce complied, not that he much of a choice, and collapsed on the floor.
"Fucking idiot." she muttered, sitting down on the comfortable, leather chair, setting the duffel bag atop the desk.
He didn't bother saying a word, knowing that would mean more bad news for him.
"All you had to do is follow my orders. Not very hard. But, no." she sighed, reaching down to pull at her shoelaces, before kicking off her track shoes.
The human silently watched her reveal the damp, black socks of hers, staring at her shoes as well. Though she just took them off, he was already able to smell that enslaving musk, the cramped area he was forced into quickly growing stuffy with the lynx's scent.
"We have an entire hour to spend together. You can start by keeping your hand to yourself, while I fill out this paperwork." she rumbled, unzipping the bag, pulling out a manila folder.
Opening it, she removed a document given by the front office, a mandatory sheet that must be filled out by the supervisor of any detention. She was sure to leave out a few details. While he listened to the scribbling on the surface above his head, Bryce sat with his back against the desk, watching how her paws as she worked. The way the sweat soaked fabric stretched whenever her toes twitched or spread. Her toes would rest on the tile, curling and pressing down, cracking each digit, before dragging her feet back behind her chair. He would have loved to at least snag one of her shoes, but knew he was in enough trouble already.
"Are you at least going to answer my question now? We've got a long time to go and finally have some privacy, so might as well talk for a bit." he asks from under the desk.
The lynx replies with a swift kick to his midsection, smirking at the muffled whimper of his.
"You want to talk, hmm? Let's talk about how much you owe me for saving your pathetic ass. I should have let you squirm for just a bit longer on the hook, like the fucking worm you are." she scowled, punctuating her statement with another rough kick, feeling her heel slamming into his sternum.
"Ah! And I'll thank you every single day, mistress, alright!?" he yells, falling to his side, curling up into a fetal position as the lynx's socked paws continued their assault.
"That supposed to make me happy?! Do you have any idea how close you came to fucking this up for me?! I shouldn't have even stepped in. You getting kicked out of here would have just made my life easier." she barks, twisting her leg, kicking at his side, hopefully hitting the black and blue spot that Daphne had left him.
Bryce failed to protect such an open spot, too busy cupping his groin in fear of another case of literal blue balls.
"As much as I like having my little slave toy, I think I'm going to get bored of beating you senseless at this rate." she sneers, signing her name at the bottom of the document, before slipping it back into the folder.
"Just, please.....I don't want this to end. Like you told the principal, I'll behave as soon as detention is over." Bryce promises, looking over at her legs, anticipating another kick.
Instead of a kick, the lynx stood back up, setting the folder aside, beckoning for him to come back out from under the desk. He scampers out on all fours, about to stand back up, until he looks at her for approval. Ms. Holt was busy looking around the classroom, walking to the corner. While she looked, Bryce chose to keep on his knees, lifting up his shirt to see how much larger the bruise on his ribcage had grown. With the human distracted, he failed to see the lynx walking back over to him, holding a long, thin, wooden dowel in one hand.
"On your feet." she orders, gripping the stick in her hands, bending it slightly to test its flexibility.
Bryce worriedly looked at the instrument, a tool the teacher would use to point out areas on the map or whiteboard, but feared what it was capable of in the wrong hands. Nodding, he nervously stood back up, feeling a cold sweat trickling down his back.
"Over the desk." she demands, the corner of her lip flashing an eager grin.
"W-what?" Bryce stammered.
"Bend over!" the lynx yells, bringing the stick crashing down on the desk with a crack.
Jumping, Bryce whines and trembles, but does as ordered and turns to the desk. He anxiously leans forward, planting the palms of his hands against the wooden surface, gulping as he did so.
"Twenty lashes through your jeans or five against your bare ass. Choice is yours." Ms. Holt rumbles, holding the base in one hand as she began to pull back the shaft, letting it snap forward and strike him in the rear for a test lash.
"F.....f-f-five." he gulps, flinching already from the weak slap.
"I was hoping you'd say that." she grins, setting down the dowel for a moment to grab at his waistband and jerk it down, but only enough to expose his pale, white ass.
With her target visible, she takes a fistful of his shirt as she held his back down, winding back the other arm for the first strike. He listened to the sound of the stick cutting through the air, before it struck him across the cheeks with sickening slap.
"Fuck!" he yells, the muscles in his rear instantly tensing up as they reddened.
"Better watch your language, unless you want five more." she threatens, cutting off his reply with another lash from the pointer.
Bryce tenses up, biting at the collar of his shirt to quiet his scream of pain.
"You know what pisses me off the most?" she asks, staring at the red streak bridging between his cheeks.
"What!?" he yells as he shook.
She replied with another swat of the pole.
"Better correct your tone, if you still want to hear why you didn't get those goddamn shoes." she snaps, driving the dowel back across his backside.
"W-why?" he weeps, screaming afterwards into his shirt, already having lost count.
"They weren't ready yet. I was going to wear them for a little longer to really make sure they stunk for you. Something I've never done for anyone else on that site. All those days out on the track, running around, teaching, my paws sweating them up nice and good. Last time I do you a favor." she growled, letting go of his back to grab hold of the dowel with both hands.
Unlike the other times, she twisted her hips and followed through with the swing, much like the time she was teaching hockey, ensuring the final lash was a memorable one. The human shot forwards with a one last sharp cry of agony, almost throwing himself over the desktop escape the enraged feline. He rolled over the side of it, landing on his feet, backing up away from her as he gripped his abused ass.
"So, why didn't you just tell me that? I wouldn't have had an issue waiting if that was the case!" he demands, feeling the raised up welts on his backside.
"It was supposed to be a little surprise! Get them hot and smelly for you, so they don't lose their strength over time. Also, I don't have to explain myself to you! Did you already forget my fucking terms?!" she screams back, charging back up to him, watching him knock over a few desks as he retreated backwards.
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry for ever questioning my mistress! It'll never happen again!" he begs, dropping back to his knees, hands held together as he bowed for her.
"I know you won't. I have something prepared for you." she snapped, grabbing him by the hair, dragging him back over the tiled floor, pulling him up and kicking him in front of the desk.
Bryce cried out as she wrenched his hair, feeling the follicles ripping out of his scalp. Once she let go, he crawled back to his feet, watching her move the duffel bag to the middle of the desk.
"When I was thirteen, my mother caught me smoking a cigarette. My stupid friend claimed that they would make me stay skinny and I foolishly believed her. Needless to say, she was furious. Do you know what she made me do?" Ms. Holt asked, returning to that gentle tone that made his skin crawl.
"Smoke the whole pack?" he guessed, watching her pull the partially undone zipper across the rest of the bag.
"Try an entire carton. Do you know how many cigarettes that is? Twenty in a pack. Ten packs in a carton. You're a smart boy, Bryce. How many is that?" she questioned, staring up at him.
"Um. Uh...." he thought aloud.
"How many!?" she impatiently snapped, causing him to jump.
"T-two. Two hundred." he answered, hoping he was right, doubting his mental math with the lynx barking at him.
"Good boy. And here I am. A thirteen year old girl, sitting on the back patio, chain-smoking as fast as I could. I can thank my mother for the lovely voice I have now, but I never smoked again." the lynx spoke with a rare chuckle.
Bryce nods, watching her reach into the bag.
"I think a similar approach might work here too."
"What do you mean?" he asked.
His answer was given as the lynx pulled out a trainer, setting the shoe on the table. Ms. Holt watched him with a sneer as he eyeballed the shoe, clearly worn by how the entirely gray body was scuffed with grass stains.
"What is this?" he anxiously questioned, staring back up at the teacher.
"The lost and found." she answered, before turning over the duffel bag, letting a few pairs of worn women's footwear tumble on top of the desk.
His eyes widened as his breathing turned heavy, having dreamed of diving face first into a bin of smelly women's shoes. After seeing the one in the men's locker room, he lusted after the one inside the adjacent room. There were all types of shoes on the desk, ranging from casual wear, to boots, to athletic gear.
"A-and what do you want me to do with them?" he huffed, now aware of the tent he was sporting inside of his jeans.
"Stand there in front of me and get your fucking nose in them." she teased, sitting back down behind the desk.
Feeling it was a trick, he kept his eyes on her, watching the lynx, until she visibly grew impatient. Not questioning her methods again, he snatched up one of the shoes, the same gray trainer and threw his nose inside, loudly sniffing at the insole. It was surely worn before, but he didn't get much of a strong scent. It was probably collecting dust inside the bin for months, proven by the layer of the stuff inside of it, that made him want to sneeze. Holding the white sole, he rubbed his nose along the interior, feeling the marks left behind by the female foot that was once held there. The lynx kicked her legs up on the desk, scrunching her socked soles for him to watch as he sniffed hard and deep. Not too smelly, but he could care less. Anything would work at this point, after being pent up for weeks, never having gone so long without ejaculating.
"How's that?" she sneers, listening to the muffled huffing.
"Weak." he admits, pulling his face free.
"See how it feels around your cock." Ms. Holt grins.
Blushing, he pulled down the rest of his jeans, letting them fall as he threw down his boxers, freeing his agonizingly erect manhood. Foreskin already partially held back, he set the shoe on the desk and jammed his cock inside, letting out an immediate moan as his nerve filled tip was slid against the insole. Bryce pumped his hips, like the horny animal he was, fucking the shoe that belonged to the unknown classmate. Distracted, he didn't see the lynx picking up a boot as she swatted the shoe from his cock.
"Get going." she demanded, throwing the boot at him.
Catching it, he gave it a quick look over. It was one of those boots with a chestnut colored exterior that was made with sheepskin, typically see on girls, while they drank their pumpkin spice lattes. He wasn't the biggest fan, but was aware of how warm they are, which got him and his erection rolling once again. Tilting the opening to his face, he stuck his nose inside, sniffing at the trapped aroma of the sweaty foot that was resided in the boot. It was already much stronger than the trainer. Unlike the trainer, he was unable to get his nose too far inside. Whining, he stuck his face deeper, compressing the sides of the boots with his hands, lewdly snuffling at the insole he was finally able to touch. The scent was strong and arousing. He imagined the girl went a few too many days out in the heat wearing these. Bryce opened his mouth, licking over the wooly fur, sucking on it in his drunken lust, while his cock sat on the desk, a small puddle of pre tickling free.
"And those?" she hummed, staring at his flesh member.
"Amazing." he groans, attempting to get his nose into the toebed, kissing over the fur that was matted down by the heavy female foot stomping around in it.
"Too good for you then." she snapped, stealing the boot from him, laying it down on the desk.
Bryce pouted, until he saw her stepping her foot on top of the opening, giving him a tight orifice to fit into.
"Do it." she hissed, crossing her arms.
The human promptly penetrated the boot, shivering as his glans slid over the fuzzy interior of the boot, feeling the tips tickling his helmet, before they were drowned with the ludicrous amount of precum dribbling from his cockslit.
"Yes, mistress!" he bellowed, holding onto the edges of the desk as he thrust, rocking the mug of pencils on the desk as he did so.
Mmm, he'd have to remember begging her to wear a pair of these. Fuck. The way that soft, luscious sheepskin cuddled his manhood as he pounded it. Dammit, if only there was another one to shove in his face. Who the hell loses only one boot in the first place?
"Double time, bitch." Ms. Holt scowled, picking up one of the few pieces of footwear left.
She took hold of his neck, scratching at the back as she pulled him forward, shoving the shoe into his face. This time, it was flat. A type of shoe that drove him wild. So many girls wearing them completely barefoot. Their naked feet trapped inside of the close toed shoe. He knew they'd smell incredible and this one was no exception. The plaid interior was accented with the black body, complete with a lovely dark imprint left behind by the lost owner's foot. This was all seen in a split second by the pervert's trained eyes. Allowing himself to be muzzled by the shoe, he cried out in pleasure at the stink he filled his lungs with. The pungent, enticing musk of the sweat that saturated the interior flooded his mind, leaving him to think of nothing, except for taking another breath of the enthralling odor. The only that made it better was the boot he was still rutting, having to slow himself, before he found himself in a sticky situation. Much like the boot, he wasn't shy about letting his tongue doing some spelunking as it dragged over the interior, laying flat against the tangy material, whimpering in lust as his tastebuds surged with flavor. Of course, the lynx saw how much he loved it and needed to put an end to that as she lifted her foot and kicked the boot down to the floor.
"Alright, doggy bitch. Fuck that flat for me." she huffed, crossing her legs.
Nodding, he gave the toebed one last sniff and lick, pulling it down to his groin, resting his cock inside. A shoe like this didn't give him much room to work with, so he settled for wrapping his fingers around it and his erection, jerking off like he normally would, except for him hammering the tip of his cock against the toe of the flat. He could feel the dents left behind by a pair of toes. If his math was correct, he felt a total of four toes. Mmm, an anthro. A pair of sweaty, furry toes crammed into the flat. No wonder it smelled so good.
"You get one more." the lynx states, lifting up the remaining shoes.
She held a running shoe and a softball cleat. He'd gotten his nose into her running shoes enough and that cleat was looking very attractive. The dust and dirt from the warning track clinging to the sides of the black exterior. He knew the inside was sure to be worn to hell.
"The cleat." he nods, moaning as he locked eyes with her, shamelessly moaning as he fucked the flat in front of the teacher.
Smirking, she tossed it to him, making sure the spikes hit him as well, though he could barely feel a thing at this point. Dropping the flat to the floor, he dove his nose into the cleat. The stuffy inside was filled with a combination of an earthy tone, but was overpowered by the overwhelming stink of the foot that ran the bases with it. Strong was an understatement. Enslaving was close enough. They weren't a very big pair, though they were broad. He had no clue of what kind of anthro they belonged to, but wished to find out. He wiped his nose along the outline of the girl's foot, lapping over the rough feeling insole, the softness worn away from playing so many tournaments.
"Seeing as you already sniffed mine today, I doubt you'll mind only fucking them." she taunted, taking her shoe and laying it on the desk.
"Hell no, mistress. I'm happy with whatever you give me." he panted, diving on top of the table.
The amused lynx sneered at the human who laid the cleat on the desk, resting his head and face on top of it as he moved the lynx's shoe under him, forcing his cock into the cavernous footwear as he aggressively molested it.
"Don't forget. You don't cum, until I say so." she warned.
It would be hard to judge. He was so fucking hard that he barely felt anything that wasn't pure pleasure. He had no feeling or judgment of how close or distant his orgasm was. Such a thing was beyond his abilities now.
His hips blurred as he fucked her shoe, sniffing as hard and loud as he could from the flat, worshiping the dingy insole, groaning like the bitch he was.
"Now, repeat after me." she starts, pleased with his brazen actions so far.
"Yes, mistress." he nods, not stopping for a second.
"I am a little, shoe fucking, foot licking, slave."
"I am a little, shoe fucking, foot licking, slave." came his reply.
"I live for nothing that doesn't involve pleasing my mistress."
"I live for nothing that doesn't involve pleasing my mistress."
"I don't deserve the love she gives me. I do deserve the pain and punishments."
"I don't deserve the love she gives me. I do deserve the pain and punishments." he whined, pulling his face free of the cleat.
"Good." she grins.
"Good." he repeats, slowly his thrusts, appreciating how warm and damp the lynx's heavy shoe was, pulling out to drag his cock along the outside, smearing the laces with his slippery pre.
"Don't repeat that!" she snaps, sending her foot forward, kicking him back off the desk.
As he fell back and landed with a thud, he rolled on his back, looking up at her as she got up and approached him.
"Time for our last bit of fun." she hums, pushing some of the desks aside, giving him room to lay.
The lynx then sat down in front of him, taking the duffel bag and dowel from the desk to lay them beside her.
The lynx then sat down in front of him, taking the duffel bag and dowel from the desk to lay them beside her. As she was beginning to start his final punishment, she looked back inside of the bag, almost forgetting another surprise she had in store for the human.
"How empty-headed do you have to be to forget something like this?" she questions, revealing a forgotten pair of panties from the duffel bag.
Bryce eyes the underwear with a blush. Shoes was one thing, but was she actually going to make him sniff a classmate's panties?!
"I think I know whose these belong to. That big grizzly? Ring a bell?" she smirks, letting the black panties dangle from her fingertip.
"Peyton?!" Bryce snaps, ogling the bear's underwear.
Like most bears, Peyton was a hefty girl and she was well aware. Poor girl worked out nearly every day and carefully watched what she ate, but she still couldn't rid herself of the stereotypical physique that every bear possessed. Bryce could care less. She was a big, tall, shy beauty and he had to admit that he had a crush on the girl. This wasn't saying much though, since he was constantly eye-fucking every piece of literal tail that crossed his path, Daphne being the most recent. The bear was one of the few that roamed the school. She caught his eye whenever their paths crossed. How he wanted to snuggle into that warm, dense fur of hers.
"Yeah, that's it. I guess I should be giving these back to her then." Ms. Holt nods, starting to place them back into the bag.
"Wait, no!" Bryce begs, inching closer to her.
"What's wrong?" she sneers.
"I.....well, it's not like she'd mind if I.....she wouldn't know...."
"Only a moral-less slob would smell someone's used underwear, without their knowledge. I guess it wouldn't be the first time for you, would it?" she hisses.
He whines and hangs his head.
"Yes." he shamefully nods.
He jumps when the pair of panties hits him in the face, looking up at her with a surprised look.
"Five seconds." she sternly states.
Bryce swipes up the underwear, turning it inside out, quickly finding the sweet spot.
He shoves the panties to his face, holding it tightly against his nose as he sniffs.
The human moans at the subtle, but potent scent. A mixture of perspiration and her womanly spice.
He pants and grinds his nostrils over the material, sucking up as much of the odor as he could.
Bryce swipes his tongue over the smelliest area, licking at the spot that was saturated with her scent and flavor.
"Time's up." she growls, stealing them back from him, dropping them back in her duffel bag.
He sighs, but wasn't about to complain. His manhood was hard and standing at attention, after his brief time with the bear's underwear, not to mention those shoes he sniffed and fucked.
"Now, you've been slacking in class. Time to make up for that. We're going to see how many pushups you can do. Go!" she hissed, eager to watch.
Bryce nods and assumes the position, arching his back into the air, putting his weight onto his slippery palms as he started, giving her a solid five right off the bat in perfect form. He was able to get a few out of the way quickly, not realizing he should have been saving his energy, since he didn't know how many he'd be forced to do. It was only a matter of time, before he started to gradually slow, which didn't go unnoticed. As Ms. Holt looked at his performance, she knew it was time to give some encouragement. The lynx silently reached down and began to peel away her socks, slowly revealing her sweaty, naked paws for the human, who instantly took notice. She didn't stop there either. The lynx flashed her powerful toes for him, placing her feet side by side, wiggling and splaying her toes for him with a grin. As he watched, she balled up the socks, still hot from her feet, and leaned forward, forcing them against his face, encouraging him to sniff her fresh, smelly, sweaty, musk. Bryce closed his eyes and whined, moaning as he obediently huffed from the offered socks, not seeing her bare feet inching towards his cock, until he felt her toes dragging over his shaft.
With each pushup, his tip grazed the classroom floor, but it now was safe and sound, wrapped around the lynx's paws. Ms. Holt smirked as his body seized up, cradling his cock between her sweat soaked paws.
"Keep going." she growled.
Obeying, he lifted himself, pushing off the ground, before sinking back down, biting his lip with a shrill whine as he impaled his cock between those lush, lynx soles. So this is how she wanted to encourage him, hmm? Bryce was a fast learner after all. The human found a sudden source of energy welling up inside of him, now rapidly performing the pushups, going as fast as possible, looking up at her, mouth agape as he fucked her clenching feet.
"So good, mistress." he moaned, now snapping his hips forward as his body finished a push up, huffing and crying as she switched to her toes, drumming them directly over his tip.
The lynx's toes grew damp as they were soaked by his pre, trying to grab hold of that slipper crown of his as he thrust against them.
"In case you forget that you aren't allowed to cum." she hums, poking him in the testicles with the dowel, reminding him of the punishment she could unleash.
Furiously nodding, he strained his body, aiming his cock to grind against her slick pawpads, spitting pre all over the ground. He performed another set of push ups, before growing weak in his arms and cock. He wouldn't last another minute, without passing out from exhaustion or covering her in his pent up seed.
"Please, mistress. I need to cum. I can't do anymore." he begged, locking his elbows to keep himself upright.
"That so? You giving up on me?" she growled.
"I'm sorry, mistress! I can't do anymore! I'm going to cum and I don't want to anger you!" he pleaded, stopping his thrusts, though she continued to tease and squeeze him with her toes.
"Are you admitting that humans are weaker than anthros? That you're an inferior species? One that doesn't deserve to even walk above ground? One that evolved by accident?" she sneered.
"Yes! I don't deserve to even walk upright! Just, please! Let me cu-" he prayed, cut off as she grabbed him and flipped him around.
Ms. Holt took hold of him, pinning his back to her chest as she bends her knees inwards, holding him in a stranglehold as she slams her soles back around his cock.
"How's that, hmm? Getting milked by your mistress?" she taunts, aggressively sliding her feet in opposite directions, scraping her claws against his helmet.
"Fuck! So good! I don't want it to end!" he yells, squirming uncontrollably in her lap.
"Good!" she sneers, jerking him with her toes, squeezing it as hard as she could, watching it constantly drooling, laughing at how much he had to give.
"Please! Can I cum?" he cried, holding back with all his might.
"Tell me that you're a cow! Moo for me, bitch! Get milked!" she cackled, batting his cock around with her heels, before slamming them back together.
"Moo! Moo! Please! Milk me, like the fucked up, shoe slut, cow that I am!" he yells, needing to hear her magical words.
"Then cum! Spill that seed, cunt." she hisses, releasing her toes, unleashing that held back flood.
Bryce shivers, cock throbbing and bouncing in the air, finally releasing an obscene amount of semen. The bursts shot hard and fast, spewing across the floor, sticking to the legs of the desks he managed to hit, streaking the tiles with his pearly white man muck. She held her legs up and to the side, keeping her feet clean as he orgasmed, flinging his perverted cum anywhere his cock pointed to, draining himself of two weeks' worth of held back arousal that needed to escape. After fifteen waves that shot from his cock, the lynx lost count, keeping her grip tight around his neck. As his lashes grew weaker and slower, his cock gradually sank, signaling it's surrender. To his shock, he didn't feel much as he came. There wasn't any pleasure that went above what he already felt. Instead, he just felt a pressure being relieved, like a pipe close to bursting. It was a relief. Thank god.
"I loved it mistress. Thank you. Thank you so much. Such a wonderful mistress." he thanked, limp in her arms.
She didn't respond, though she brought her legs back in, taking his still erect member between her paws. Hot to the touch, she wondered if he was going to be chaffed at this rate. She wasn't concerned though. The lynx returned to a slow pace, stroking his manhood, brushing the underside of her toes over his glans, keeping his foreskin held back by the other set.
"Please, mistress. I can't shoot anymore. You milked me good." he panted, wincing a bit.
"Like I care. You said that you didn't want it to end." she shrugged, starting to pull her arm back into his trachea.
She quickened her pace, moving her feet harder and faster, soon returning to the original speed of the footjob he so desperately needed.
"Not like this!" Bryce whined, starting to struggle as she choked him.
"This is a punishment, remember?" she glares, kicking at his cock with her heel, before cramming her socks into his mouth.
He yelped in pain, soon unable to make any noise as she increased the chokehold, powerless as her furry paws continued to stroke his spent cock, refusing to let his erection settle.
"Are you learning your lesson?" she hissed into his ear.
Bryce nodded, kicking his legs as her pawpads smooshed around his tip, kicking and grinding it between, smearing it with her sweat as she was tainted by the residual cum that spat from his slit.
"You going to listen? Are you ready to be thrown to the curb if you disobey me one more fucking time?" she bellows, sharply pulling her arm back against his throat.
The human weakly nodded, gurgling in pain and the need to breathe, not caring about his cock anymore as he fought for consciousness. Ms. Holt finally let her hold of his neck and cock go, shoving him off of her as she stood back up.
"Good. Maybe this lesson will stick." she huffed, gathering the shoes and tossing them back into the duffel bag.
Bryce spit out her socks, chest heaving as he collected himself and his breath. After zipping the bag shut, she turned to see him meekly returning her socks. The lynx declined and sat down on the desk, pointing at her feet. Understanding, the human lowered himself to his knees, daintily taking hold of her ankle, pulling the sock back over her paw, before continuing with the other.
"I'm sorry for everything. Thank you for straightening me out, mistress." he nods, petting the top of her paw, after tugging on the other sock.
"And don't forget it." she sighed.
"I hope we can move past this then." Bryce states, standing back up.
"Time will tell. Speaking of which, we're out of it." she points out, tossing the bag on her shoulder, slipping her shoes back on, which Bryce reties for her.
"Time flies." he clears his throat, taking his backpack.
He feels a hand on his shoulder, turning to the lynx, a serious look on her face.
"Now. Listen to me. When we're in here, I'm your teacher. Nothing else. You will talk to me like the other students. You will behave like the other students. You will fear me like the other students. You will not be stupid and sneak into locker rooms, spy on people, steal shoes, or anything else. I am not going to have this conversation again. If I do, I will personally write you up and ensure you never step foot in this school again. Do you understand?" she rants, squeezing his shoulder.
"Yes. I do. I don't know what I would have done without you there to save me. I own you more than I gave you today." he smiles.
The lynx smirks, thinking for a moment after.
"Hmm, maybe you need one more day of detention then?"
His smile grows wider, as fearless as he was stupid. Entirely devoted to the vixen. His master.
"Yes, please, my kind mistress."