gil's hoard

hi. welcome to the hoard. dm blink.and.gone on discord for URL requests.

please mention the url in your message. if it just says something like, 'hey' or 'hi', it will likely be ignored.

trades aren't a requirement (unless specified). these are given away for nothing in return, so don't worry if you have nothing to give :3 (i understand being hesitant, but srsly i don't need more!! go 4 it!!!)
additionally, i would prefer to trade if you will not use the URL, but again, i don't need these. better they're in someone else's hands than mine.

ok w giving away
more hesitant
will only give to val, mike, qrow
i would prefer to give to sapphics
i would prefer to give to MLM/NBLM
(if you do not fit the preference that does not mean you are exempt)

media aonokunnisawaritaikarashinitai baraounosouretsu daemonsoftheshadowrealm iwanttoholdaonokunsobadlyicoulddie yominotsugai
characters aonokun aono-kun aonoryuuhei aonoryuhei kariyayuri lukakiyomine ryuheiaono ryuuheiaono yurikariya
names hidari isato

media bl afterkillingyou / devilatthecrossroads / irwonuigae / love-in-orbit / mulgauibam
circumstancesofafallenlord coafl fdkwhh mollakanyeongjunimuisajeong molyeongsa thefallendukeandtheknightwhohatedhim
dreadful-night morderichenight
ghostlyvendetta guwollyeong salvationghost
jangmiwachampagne rosesandchampagne
luckofmylife todaysfortune todaysfortuneisamalegod
lucky-in-love bestluckinmylife thebestluckofmylife
noksaekjeonsang noksaekjeonsangmongri
sunnysidedaycare sunnysidedaycareclassmates

gl chasinglilies / spitefulaffection
onthecontrary hate-me
talkdirtytome morewordsthanlyrics

characters baekilwon kangminwoo kimeuihyun kimeuiyeong kimeuiyoung leesein namdoha pibada yeotaeju
names hyeonwoon ilwon il-won min-u min-woo se-in

media tamen-de-gushi
characters gongyi gongyi-xiao tianlang-jun xiaolinxin
names linxin zhuzhi

louison luisen

alcaeus alkaios alcides alcmena alcmene amphiaraus amphitryon electryone electryon eriphyle iphicles laonome lysidice mycenae thebes

deadisland2 dead-island entreat PAN4 PAN4nim PAN4-nim panza-nim saltbite saltedbite sprainedankle sprained-ankle twisted-ankle yiyiyi yuricannibals zepeto

3muskequeers corvin emporia memoryoftheforgottenmoon morticiadarkling MOTFM

the eminence in shadow
title kagenojitsuryokushaninaritakute teis theeminenceinshadow tobeapowerintheshadows
cid aliases cidkageno fallenangelofrebellion fancybanditslayer fancyhoodlumslayer minorukageno minorukagenou mundanemann shidokagenou skimaskberserker theblackknight thewarlock
names akanenishino akiranishino annerosenichtsehen alexiamidgar arekushiamidogaru clairekageno clairekagenou firstknight irismidgar klausmidgar nishinoakane nishinoakira
other iamatomic

title gachi-akuta
characters aeshastilza aesha-stilza alha alhakorvus alha-korvus alicestilza alice-stilza auguststilza august-stilza brotsanta brot-santa delmon diasanta dia-santa follo grisslubion griss-lubion guitaheavyfantasia guita-heavy-fantasia jabberwongar jabber-wongar kutohni nelde neldehughamozo nelde-hugh-amozo regto remlin remlintissark remlin-tissark thoum zanka-nijik zodil zodiltyphon zodil-typhon

lost in the cloud
choiminu minwoochoi chanilseong

lout of count's family
title baekjakgauimangnanigadoeeotda baekmangdoe baekmangdoee loutofcountsfamily
title 2 birthofahero thebirthofahero :blue_heart: lawsofhunting thelawsofhunting tloh
cale/roksu variants + ships boahcale boahcalehenituse calerok caleroksoo caleroksu heniroksoo heniroksu kimcale kimroksu krscale ogcale rokcale roksu rok-soo rok-su tboahcale tboahcalehenituse tuncale tooncale
characters + ships albecale alberucrossman alvercrossman beacrox beacroxmolan budillis calebarrow choi-han ericwheelsman ericwhilsman litana ogchch ohn ohnhongra onhongra raonmir ronmolan ronmolran taylorstan taylorsten tunka venion venionstan venionsten vicross vicrossmolran whiteradish white-star whitira witira
locations alchemistsbelltower askosan askosankingdom breckkingdom carokingdom castleblang castleleona castleoflight easterncontinent endable endablekingdom fiveforbiddenregions forestofdarkness gatetothedemonworld godstearslake gorgeofdeath haisislands hoikvillage hopeandadventurelovinginn lakeofdespair maplecastle mogoru mogoruempire molden moldenkingdom mountleeb mountyellia norland norlandkingdom oorim paerun paeruncastle paerunkingdom pathofnoreturn restingcity roankingdom rockmountain rowoonkingdom sezkingdom superrockvilla thejungle threerestrictedareas valleyofdespair westerncontinent whipper whipperkingdom windisland
other ancientpowers bluewolftribe cattribe flamedwarftribe liontribe mercenariesguild mermaidtribe northernalliance penguintribe sealedgodtest superrock tigertribe whaletribe

shadows house
mirrorside mirrorsidevillage shadowhouse

i don't want a reincarnation like this
title idontwantareincarnationlikethis idontwantthisreincarnation ireonhwansaengeunwonchiana idwrlt idwtr
characters hanleekyeol hanyigyeol hlk kwonsehyun leekyeol lee-kyeol se-hyun yi-gyeol
cheon cheonsayeon cheon-sa sa-yeon
hataeheon hataehun hth taeheon tae-heon tae-hun
kwj woo-jin
geonho geon-ho gunho gun-ho parkgeonho parkgunho pgh
seohyuk seo-hyuk wooseohyuk
kwonjeonghan jeong-han
ahrin ah-rin a-rin minahrin
chasooyeon sooyeon soo-yeon
joo-ha leejooha
hongsia hongsiah si-a si-ah
elahah elatha
seon-woo yeonseonwoo
cheonjeheon jeheon je-heon

omniscient reader's viewpoint
jeondoksi jeonjijeokdokjasijeom
threewaystosurviveinaruinedworld threewaystosurvivetheapocalypse

arcane odyssey
characters cernunno cernyx chiefalfarin dennisharvey edwardkenton enizor estrid iristheanomaly jernredside kingcalvus ladycarina lordelius neviro princerevon rillhendrix sarloveze souvella thewanderingronin
locations akursiuskeep blastedrock bronzesea darkpineisle cassiabay dawnisland elmisland forestofcernunno forttalos frostmillisland gosojungle harvestisland limestonekey mangoisle mimhere mimhereisland mountothrys muneragarden palotown ravenna redwake rubica sailorslodge sandfallisle shellisland silentire silverhold stepstones thejaws thorinsrefuge tiberia whitesummit whisperingcaverns windrowisland
other greenwish greenwishcultists worldofmagic


rulenumber4 digginuphatchets thesaintsI thesaintsII neverwannafallinlovewithu thevillainiappeartobe iwillneverdeservepeace shoresofcalifornia illfall thedismembermentsong bluekid shewrecks bloodandwhiskey thestevenbradley stevenbradley wherewebelong lostringonriverside theowlandtheelephant owlandtheelephant iloveulikeanalcoholic sweetbods

JP (mostly/all vkei)

7throse doukenohana kisaragieki kyoukaisen

Pub: 10 Jul 2023 10:40 UTC
Edit: 04 Jan 2025 21:51 UTC
Views: 687