This is just a long list of things about me. I am talkative. Grab a snack and get /comfy!

ac 9ykio_0v hello helloo♪ my name is emi or addy or lucy nice to meet u. i use she he prns and im a femme lesbian♡ I love my wife esme sososomuch 7.6.23 is the best day ever..
i am obsessed with anything cute. Outside of media interests i like lolita fashion and chiikawa. I also love BIRDS and CATS and other cute animals!

speaking of birds my spinterests r ..

I probably wont shut up if any of those r brought up in convo especially oM. I dont gatekeep any of these things i will gladly infodump and encourage you to indulge w me. Again especially oM LOL i make all of my friends listen to them at some point;;

on that note, here r some things to keep in mind before talking to me.

  • i am blunt. i dont mean to come off as rude, its just how i talk to people especially people im not accustomed with
  • i have npd and autism. both of these things makes it extremely difficult for me to get close with people. if you want to be friends, please be patient ♡ i appreciate it nonetheless!
  • im a hater as much as i am a lover. if youre gonna be all kumbaya about hating things just dont talk to me i do not care
  • i wont befriend you if youre below 15, no exceptions
  • if you dont like my girlfriend for any reason i dont like you

wow thats a lot of words isnt it. anyways onto fun stuff (yay!)

most of my interests are generic kinsta interests. Mostly anime rhythm games. All of my interests can be found here if youre curious! I fluxuate a lot between interests so if i post abt something for a week or two then stop talking abt it for months thats why. If we share interests (the more "obscure" the better) i highly encourage us to be friends!

now i dont really like calling myself a yumejoshi or selfshipper anymore with how kinstagram those people are now but i dooo dabble in selfshipping for fun. if it gets encouraged too much ill fall into psychosis again so i dont talk or post about it too much but I LOVEEEE SAYO HIKAWA WITH MY WHOLE HEART. #Emisayo. Other than that i selfship with nathan (neo), rock (cinnabar), shoe (sae-byeok), and mizuki akiyama. Truthfully i dont care about sharing any of them as long as youre not like. yumetwt annoying about it. shudders

That should be all! Shoutout to ESME!!!!!, my friends, and rainbow i guess.

Pub: 24 Oct 2021 02:21 UTC
Edit: 18 Feb 2025 00:02 UTC
Views: 3355