>/jp/ was a post-scarcity world. A different type of magic exists. But still remarkably similar to chuubanite in terms of function and theory.
>Ranging from high fantasy nations like 2hu related generals to sci-fi nations with mechs
>Natives mostly occupy only a relatively small portion of the world.
>Empire was originally a collection of different tribes with their own gods. Gradually became a Republic (with different polities like kingdoms under its administration) ruled by an Ecclesiastic council with a senate of notable people under it. Each member of the council heads the religion of a particular chuuba.
>All chuuba worshipping peoples are pure magic focused, but unlike /jp/ natives they are nowhere as established. The Empires rely on slaves and conquest to sustain themselves especially when their numbers start to grew.
>Before the big boom in chuuba religion in ~900 BVT. and Empires like Nijisanji and Hololive Global were established, most chuuba worshippers lived in and around the great city of /vy/
> Relationships start to become tense as the empires expand. Occasional slave raids and the growing power of the barbarians are contributing factors
>Hololive Empire was split into two,
>Finally boiled over as the mass of EN barbarians "joined" the Empire
>More so created their own version of the Empire as they settled in the current capital. Still, the central council allowed their goddesses and priests to be represented. And seats in the senate were opened to the barbarian kings.
>The barbarian's numbers and voracity overwhelmed the /jp/ natives. Thier expansion drove many nations to the brink of extinction.
>The activities of the chuuba worshippers also created a disturbance in the magical field of Japonia. Custodians of /jp/ tried their damnest to maintain the field by suppressing chuuba nations.
>Tension within the Holo Empire started to erupt in ~125 BVT. ホロライブ Split from Hololive due to orthodox faction within the Empire unwilling to cede even more power to the now dominant EN faction.
> Finally in 1 BVT, the world splitting even happened. Tried from maintaining the balance of the world from the activities of the chuuba worshippers, the Custodians pleaded for higher powers to create a new world to contain the encroachment of the fabric that holds Japonia together.
>The calamity engulfed the entire world, destroying most manmade structures, notably in lands still inhabited by /jp/ natives witnessed total destruction both to cull the invading worshippers and so it would set back the barbarians, protecting Japonoia from another invasion.
>Many of the chuuba worshipping populations were left on the world by the event. Notably /vy/ and the two great Empires survived and endured to this day, though they were battered and never fully recovered to their former glory.
>On Vitubia some of those transported across worlds were displaced thousands of miles from their homeland. The chaos caused the downfall of the Hololive Empire. /jp/ Magic suddenly no longer works, and many of the systems that maintained the Empire was suddenly severed. Many colonies and provinces under the empire declared independence. In places where chuuba worshippers haven't completely colonized the lands, the natives overthrew their oppressors. A general in the /hlg/ capital seized power, "reclaimed" the Hololive Empire and declared himself the Emperor of /hlgg/. While ホロライブ still remained relatively spared from the disaster.

Pub: 12 Jan 2023 15:50 UTC
Edit: 12 Jan 2023 16:07 UTC
Views: 246