An Anniversary to Remember

“So me and Kim decided to put chili powder into Aubrey’s pancakes, and she has this huge grin before she takes a bite,” Kel said with a big smile on face, Sunny sitting down on the opposite end of the table, quietly listening and trying to hide his smile. It was their first anniversary so they both wanted it to be special, but special to them didn’t mean some fancy dinner, it just meant being together. They were at Gino’s alone with Kel talking about things that have happened since Sunny was gone, with him just silently listening with a smile. “So when Aubrey takes her first bite, her face,” Kel giggled to himself a little “her smile just instantly went, and she spat it out and just rushed to the fridge.” He started laughing remembering seeing Aubrey almost knock her plate on the ground in her rush with Sunny starting to laugh a little. “So me and Kim are just laughing our heads off while she’s chugging milk straight out of the carton, she started threatening us afterward but we knew she wouldn’t do anything too bad.” Kel finally touched his slice of cheese pizza, still laughing a little to himself. Sunny had already finished two slices by the time Kel started his. “So, Mi Sol, how have things been for you the last two weeks?” Sunny instantly blushed the moment he heard his pet name, despite being called that so many times, it always got him and Kel knew this. “Well.. Someone new moved in near us and my mom made me introduce us to her.” Sunny paused while trying to remember the details about her, “Her name was Madotsuki, I think, and she was wearing a big pink sweater.” “How old was she?” Kel asked in between a pizza bite, “She said she was 17,” “were her parents there?” “No, I couldn't see her parents and she didn’t really mention them.” Kel had a surprised look at his face until he felt a buzzing in his pocket. An alarm on his phone labeled “Fun with Sunny ;)” Kel smiled knowing exactly what would be coming next. “Well I’m full, how about you Sunny?” Sunny was confused looking at Kel’s one half eaten pizza slice, Kel’s face turned slightly red, “well.. I just wanted to go back to my place to have some fun together.” Sunny’s ears turn red, knowing exactly what fun meant. “Well, if you put it that way, we can go.” Kel got a big grin and grabbed Sunny’s hand to take him back home.

Sunny and Kel walked out of Gino’s hand in hand, both smiling; Sunny’s a small smile and Kel’s a smile going cheek to cheek.Their pace was a bit slower than normal,weather it was due to them wanting to savor their time together or out of anticipation of what was happening next was lost to even themselves. “Smooch” almost like second nature Kel gave Sunny a small kiss on the forehead, making Sunny blush before retaliating with a kiss on the cheek. Kel formed a smug grin “I thought you didn’t like PDA” Sunny pouted while grabbing Kel’s arm and getting closer “It’s different when it’s me and you.” Sunny being this close to Kel in public wasn’t something he was used to, Sunny was close in private but would rather do anything more than hold hands in public, it was nice having him be willing to be this close in public. Despite how far they had gotten together, remembering what he said last time, ‘next time I’ll make you feel good’, made his heart race like never before. However, despite his nervousness and fear being this close to Kel gave him comfort and made the outside feel like nothing. In Sunny’s mind it wasn’t them with eyes watching their every move, but instead just two lovers on a stroll with only the trees and sun as company.

The two of them finally reached Kel’s home, Sunny hugging Kel’s arm the way there. Kel took out his keys as he felt the beating against his forearm speed up. Kel looked down to see Sunny, turning red in the face and with a squirming smile on his face. “You doing alright Sunny?” Sunny nodded his head, not looking away from the door, “Wait, are you nervous about all this? Sunny if you don’t want to go ahead with this I’ll understand compl-” “N-no!” Sunny jumped a little while turning his head towards Kel. “I’m just excited, that's all! I’ve just been thinking about what you said last time we did anything like this, the whole ‘making me feel good’ stuff.” Kel started to blush “How about we talk about this in my house instead of in front of the neighborhood?” Sunny’s blush became a deeper red realizing he said that out loud, in public. “Y-yeah that’s probably a good idea.”

Kel and Sunny were sitting together on the couch both lost in their thoughts, staring at each other. Sunny nervously wondering what Kel had planned and Kel pondering how to go forward. “Y’know Sunny, it’s weird to think it’s been a year already. The fact you could only visit every two weeks or so made it feel like it wasn’t that long.” Kel said as he leaned closer to Sunny, “Does it feel longer or shorter than a year to you?” Sunny was too nervous to really answer the question, “I’m not sure.” Kel looked straight into Sunny’s eyes “well, even if it feels shorter, it’s the best year I’ve had in years.” Both of them started to blush deeply, “and that’s why.” Kel got up from the couch and started to pull up his shirt, “I wanted to give you a gift,I know you’re into this so..” Kel finally got his shirt off as Sunny’s heart began to reach mach 2. “I’m gonna let you have free reign for a little while, if you want to.” Sunny rabidly nodded his head causing Kel to laugh, “Well this will be fun!” Kel layed on the couch, Sunny starred at a gift better than a million rings, a snack better than any late night steak. Sunny was not sure where to start, with Kel starting to get excited unsure of what he would do until Sunny grabbed Kel and kissed him. Kel jolted a little before succumbing completely to Sunny’s lips, once again Sunny pushed his tongue through Kel’s mouth to get a taste of him.The dance was something they wouldn’t do much, it wasn’t like a quick peck, it took time and effort something you couldn’t do in public.This taste was like milk and honey after 40 years, because to them it was.The feeling Kel’s tongue almost wrapping around Sunny’s made him feel like his whole body was in sync with this pleasure.Sunny finally pulled back with a string of saliva between him and Kel’s tongue, leaving a small stain of spit on his chest. Sunny then went directly for Kel’s neck, kissing and sucking on it , hard but not too hard. Sunny tasted his salty sweat left over from the sun’s rays.Kel felt a beautiful pleasure from the pressure of Sunny’s lips on his neck. Kel’s breathing became faster as Sunny sped up his kissing and sucking. Sunny then finally gave release, with Kel moaning a little as he let go. “You know I’m gonna have to wear a turtleneck or something after this?” Kel said, staring up at Sunny, now blushing more, “It’s alright, it’s a special day for a reason.” Kel gave a reassuring smile as Sunny debated what to do next,until Kel lifted his right arm up almost like he knew exactly what Sunny wanted. Sunny dove straight in Kel’s armpit, giving it a deep smell before giving it a small taste. The feeling of his tongue rubbing against his pit gave Kel a strange feeling, like a mixture between the french kiss and the hickey. The taste was new and enticing to Sunny, a beautiful mix of the taste of the sweat along with its soft texture made Sunny feel brand new things. Sunny moved his tongue around more as Kel began to feel a slight tingling feeling in his chest and groin as Sunny did what he wanted to Kel. As Sunny began to speed up Kel spoke up “Hey Sunny, save that energy for the main event!” Sunny stopped realizing this wasn’t all his gift would be, his face and ears once again becoming a deeper red. Sunny released himself from Kel’s arm, “Guessing that look means you want to see the main event?’ Kel asked, Sunny responding by nodding his head quickly causing some sweat to splash onto Kel’s chest. “Cool, then get up and follow me to my room!” Sunny nearly fainted hearing those words but held onto to himself out of excitement of what would come next.

Hand in hand Kel took Sunny up the stairs and to his room, heart pounding out of both of their chests the whole time.Kel opened the door to his room, same as always Kel’s bed on the left and Hero’s on the right. However, Sunny noticed Kel’s was cleaner than normal, which makes sense since he was expecting company.Kel brought Sunny over to his bed, lifted him up and laid him on his bed. “You just relax and let me take the reins,” Kel said with a smile, with Sunny starting to shake in excitement.Kel gently grabbed Sunny shirt, looking at him to know if he’s OK with this; Sunny slowly nodded his head, trying to keep his excitement down. Kel slowly lifted Sunny’s shirt, revealing his chest to Kel. Sunny’s chest wasn’t as muscular as Kel’s and much paler. Sunny’s nipples were bright pink, and already starting to perk from feeling the new winds from Kel’s room. Kel stared at Sunny’s chest and, though he knew he had greater plans, decided to touch them to feel them for the first time.Sunny felt Kel’s warm hands on his chest, Kel felt his heartbeat pulse through his arm, something so beautiful to feel for the first time. Kel wanted this to last forever, however he knew that he had bigger plans.Kel gave Sunny’s chest a small squeeze before pulling his hands away, causing Sunny to let out a small moan.Kel then went and grabbed the waist of Sunny’s shorts once again looked at him for approval with Sunny whispering “Please.. I want this so badly.” Kel blushed and pulled Sunny’s shorts down slowly causing his cock to pop out. It was about average and as hard as it could ever be, just by the anticipation of Kel’s plans. “Well, good to know I won’t need to get you excited,” Kel said with a slight sacritisc tone, but not breaking eye contact with Sunny’s penis. Kel walked over to his desk and pulled out a condom, Sunny seeing the condom he almost passed out like he did before. “You can thank Hero for getting me this, and him giving us this time alone.” Kel walked towards the bed and sat on the edge. Kel slowly started taking off his shorts, pausing as he almost pulled them off. Kel’s heartbeat began racing like a football player trying to get a touchdown from one end of the field to the other. Kel debated whether or not he could go through with what he wanted, Kel took a deep breath and swallowed his fears for the boy he loved more than anything else on earth. Kel finished taking off his shorts, his penis already hard, and stood up. Kel slowly put the condom over Sunny’s cock, rolling it down slowly and carefully to make sure things would last as long as they could.Kel got up on to the bed, sitting with his legs to the side and his body on top of Sunny’s stomach. Kel starred at Sunny, loving every moment their skin was in contact. Sunny felt Kel’s ass on his stomach and his penis barely touching his back felt better than any mouth or hand he could think of. Kel once again took a deep breath before sitting up into a squat over Sunny’s dick. The tip of his cock was already poking at Kel’s ass, ready and waiting for something greater than anything else he had ever felt.Kel grabbed Sunny’s cock to position it perfectly before slowly lowering himself down onto his shaft. Kel gritted his teeth due to this new mixture of both pleasure and pain as he felt it enter him. Sunny started to drool a little as the tip of his penis felt the soft and warm inside of Kel wrap around his cock, squeezing it tight. Kel tried to keep himself up before, “Ahhh!” Kel yelled out and his legs gave weight causing Sunny’s dick to fully enter him faster than he could handle. “Kel! You ok baby?!” Sunny asked, ignoring any pleasure he felt upon hearing Kel in pain. “I’m fine,” Kel answered, his eyes beginning to tear up. Kel slowly started to pull up, trying his best not to fall over again feeling Sunny’s cock rubbing against his prostate. Sunny focused on the pleasure, Kel’s ass swallowing his dick and rubbing with the squeezing of a hand with the wetness of a mouth. Sunny was in heaven, it wasn’t that he was having sex,it was that it was with the boy he loved. Kel finally made it back to the tip taking a breath trying to figure out how to handle this new and wonderful feeling. Kel slid down his shaft once again, taking in every moment of it entering him deeper and deeper. Kel was on cloud nine, his whole body filled with a sensation before concentrating on his nether region. Sunny started to moan adorably as Kel lowered himself onto him once more. As he reached the end, Kel’s dick began to leak cum as he felt the entirety of Sunny’s dick once again rubbing against his prostate. Kel looked at Sunny, his face bright red, his breathing beginning to speed up and him drooling with intense pleasure. Kel once again rose up to feel the penetration again, this time speeding up to feel even better than before. Kel struggled to find a good pace, trying to repeat his last mistake but also wanting to increase the tension. Sunny saw Kel struggling to find the perfect pace, “Kel?” Sunny struggled to get out, “y-yes, mi sol?” Kel replied, stuttering under the intensity. “Lie down for me,” “h-huh? But I wanted you to just relax and let me,” ''I know , but” Sunny interrupted, knowing Kel was struggling with riding him, “Just trust me with the reins, alright?” Kel stared back at Sunny, seeing the love and concern for him in his eyes “Alright, I trust you.”

Kel laid on his back, excited about what Sunny was planning. Sunny stared at Kel laying down, his eyes moving between his cock, abs, chest and face. “I’ll need to lift your legs for me a little,” Kel nodded his head and did as he was told.Sunny got closer , his cock now in hand, holding his penis right in front of Kel’s ass. “Are you ready?” Sunny asked, staring deeply into Kel’s eyes. “Yeah, go ahead,” Kel replied, his voice shaking with excitement knowing what would be coming next. Sunny pushed his cock in, causing Kel to moan despite barely getting past the tip. Sunny slowly went deeper and deeper until he got his entire shaft in. Kel didn't feel as much pain this time due to Sunny’s carefulness and the lube seemed to work a lot better this time.Sunny slowly pulled his hips back, before thrusting it once again slowly. Kel, once again feeling Sunny’s cock, moaned as sunny again started to drool feeling the tightness of Kel. Sunny grabbed Kel’s thighs, wanting to hold something as he started to speed up. Kel started to leak cum once again with his moans speeding up in rhythm with Sunny’s thrusts.Kel felt a shot a pleasure go through his entire body with every thrust Sunny would do. Sunny tried his best not to cum this instant, feeling his dick get fully engulfed in Kel. Everything he thought about was Kel, at this moment all he thought about was his lover. Sunny started getting faster, almost ready to burst at any moment, until he saw Kel’s cock. Sunny wanted this to be for both of them, not just himself and so without breaking his rhythm he grabbed Kel’s dick and started moving his hand up and down. Kel looked down to see him now getting a handjob on top of anal, unable to say a word due to the pleasure, only being able to let out intense moans.Sunny reached his max speed, now thrusting on pure extinct and feeling something warm coming uphimself. At that same moment Kel let out a loud and high pitched moan as his cum shot straight up and landed on his chest. Sunny let out a similar moan, sinking into his shoulders, as his cum finally shot out being caught by a condom. Kel felt the condom balloon a little inside him, feeling even warmer than anything else. The two lovers panted, finally finishing what they had built up 365 days to reach. They stared into each other's eyes, not sure what to do or say next. “I love you so much Sunny,” Kel broke the silence. “I love you too,” Sunny replied in between his breaths.

It had been almost 20 minutes after the love making the two of them now cuddling together in bed. Sunny was snuggled up in Kel’s arms while Kel lied, smiling and staring at the ceiling, thinking about what just happened. “Holy crap I just had sex with Sunny!” Kel thought in contrast to his calm look. “We actually did that and Sunny took the reins and, oh that felt so good!” Kel looked to the site at the now resting Sunny, “I am so lucky to have someone like him.” Kel closed his eyes, hoping to have dreams about the one next to him, “Kel I’m home!” Kel’s eyes intently opened up upon hearing Hero’s voice, but he didn’t move hoping not to wake up Sunny. “Oh shit,” Kel whispered, hoping his brother would be understanding of the concept of privacy and love.

Pub: 04 Feb 2022 09:33 UTC
Views: 535