Chapter 7: Even If It's Wrong

Iruru: So you still haven't decided on who's playing Salome?

Hatsumi: Not yet, what about it?

Iruru: ......

Iruru: If I were to say I wanted to play Salome, what would you say?

Hatsumi: You want to play a lead role?

Iruru: Ahaha. I know, it's very out of character for me.

Iruru: Unlike you, I know I'm not cut out to be a Daistar.

Hatsumi: Well, of course. There's no one that can hold a candle to me.

Iruru: I knew you'd say that~.

Iruru: But, I'm not like Daikoku or Shigure y'know? I don't stand out, and I don't have the same enamour as Nikako.

Hatsumi: True. But you do have your own specialty.

Iruru: Right! The famous Support Character Iruru!

Iruru: As it stands, I'm always playing a wide array of support roles. I want to be able to fill in the role if it's needed.

Iruru: But......

Iruru: I want to go for the lead role.

Hatsumi: ......

Iruru: I know I'm not cut out for it but, y'know.

Iruru: Honestly, I want to stand on the stage and shine along side you......

Iruru: I don't even know if I have any potential left in me.

Iruru: But deep down, there's a part of me that wants to do it.

Iruru: But that's not what people want out of me.

Iruru: So......

Hatsumi: Don't worry about stuff like that.

Hatsumi: Iruru...... I'll just say this.

Hatsumi: My ideal performance isn't going to ruined by your selfishness. Why do you think I started theatre and taking over this troupe?

Iruru: Eh......? Well you seem like the type that wants to perform a one man show.

Iruru: Maybe you want to gather a lot of people to put on a play......? You cant perform a play by yourself after all.

Hatsumi: I want to create a play where everyone's heart and soul can be put into it and come together.

Hatsumi: Everyone's got a soul and you can't just judge a book by it's cover.

Hatsumi: So I want Eden to be a place where people can put their own soul into the play. And I want to lead that.

Iruru: Soul......

Hatsumi: So why do you want to play Salome? I'll hear you out.

Iruru: I......

Iruru: (It's not just that I want to play the lead role. There's a reason I want to play Salome specifically.)

Iruru: Salome is a completely different person to me, so I want to try playing her role.

Hatsumi: A cheerful person like you want to play her? She's the complete opposite to you.

Iruru: Right. But I really want to,

Iruru: become like Salome.

Iruru: Even though she's completely different, I understand her loneliness......

Iruru: Even though it goes against this sense I've had my entire life. Even though I specialise in playing a supporting role.

Iruru: Unlike the usual me that exists to enhance the stage, somewhere deep in my heart, there's a me that wants to shine like a star.

Iruru: Even if it makes me go crazy. Even if you reject me like Jokanaan did. I want to become one with Salome......!

Hatsumi: I see.

Iruru: Me going crazy is just a metaphor, OK!?

Iruru: I'm going to give it my best.

Iruru: So, what do you think?

Hatsumi: I think I've got a good idea on how much you wanna do this. Gimme a second to take it in.

Iruru: ......

Iruru: (Shes glaring super hard at me......)

Hatsumi: Alright. Seems like what you're saying is true.

Hatsumi: Iruru playing Salome......

Hatsumi: Alright, I'm on board.

Iruru: ......

Iruru: Eh, for real?

Hatsumi: What you said earlier was the thrust I needed. I'll put your name down as the lead actor for "Salome".

Iruru: Ehh!? You're gonna put my name down as the lead actor!?

Hatsumi: Eden's speciality is pushing new boundaries after all.

Hatsumi: In exchange, you're not going to just give your usual effort, you're going to put your soul into this performance.

Iruru: My soul......

Hatsumi: Yeah, your soul. Not just relying on your sense, you're going to dig into the depths of your heart and use that, just like you did just now.

Hatsumi: Iruru, you better show me that you've grown.

Iruru: Got it.

Iruru: I'll definitely show you a new me.

Pub: 29 Dec 2023 00:36 UTC
Edit: 29 Dec 2023 02:17 UTC
Views: 115