Chapter 3: Shiromaru Mito's agony
Mito: (I need to study and catchup to Iroha-chan.)
Mito: (It's not just acting, I want to improve myself too)
Mito: It's already gotten this late. I have practice tomorrow, so I should head off to bed.
Mito: A person who can't even speak up properly is a theater performer, I wonder if people think that's strange?
Mito: But Mito is...
Kaname: We're moving practice onto the next scene in 'A Little Princess' now. The scene where Sarah is invited to her friend's house and speaks about the dream she had.
Kaname: The characters in the scene are Sarah, her maid Becky, and her rival Lavinia. Cant the actors step up please?
Mito: Here.
Iroha: Here!
Towa: Here~.
Kaname: Looks like you're all ready. In that case, Action!
Mito: "......And then, there was a mermaid princess and a king who was living on the sea floor. While the princess was doing her best to sell pearls, the king was an irresponsible spender."
Towa: "What a cruel king. What's with this made up story all of a sudden?"
Iroha: "Hehe."
Towa: "Hmmm? Did you hear someone laugh just now? Hey, that maid over there, were you secretly listening to Sarah's fairy-tale?"
Iroha: "I- I'm very sorry....."
Mito: ......
Towa: ......?
Iroha: (Mito-chan?)
Kaname: Mito? It's your line now.
Mito: Ah.
Kaname: The next line is Sarah's, "I spoke in a way that she would've heard it regardless, is there something wrong with that?", remember?
Kaname: This is the scene where Lavinia scolds the Becky, and Sarah interjects.
Mito: Ah. S-sorry.....
Mito: ....for stopping during practice.
Towa: God, Mito, you should be acting more proud. Since Sarah is considered the school princess due to her noblewoman background.
Towa: Even though during the audition, you were completely into Sarah's role, your acting just now was like Becky, all reserved and quiet.
Kaname: That's enough. Let's take a break, we'll redo this another time.
Kaname: It seems people aren't getting into the roles, so lets take a break and come back when we can focus better.
Mito: Ok....
Mito: I've gone and caused trouble for everyone..... I've got to get my act together before this afternoon.
Iroha: So this is where you went.
Mito: Ah.... Iroha-chan.
Mito: I thought I'd get some fresh air outside.
Mito: Sorry for messing up my lines at the end back there.
Mito: I'll work hard to not screw up next time.
Iroha: Don't worry about it! That was just practice, and we only just started practicing too.
Iroha: Anyways, you seem a little down today. Is something wrong?
Mito: Ah... I just didn't get enough sleep is all. I stayed up too late watching movies.
Iroha: What kind of movies?
Mito: The main character was performed by an aspiring actress..... Her acting was extremely natural, she really seemed like a normal innocent girl.
Mito: The actress's performance was really well done, even though she's a new actress.
Iroha: Wow, you immediately went to look her up, huh. Mito-chan, it's amazing how passionate you are about researching the stuff you're into.
Mito: But, I got a bit too into it and ended up staying up too late......
Mito: And I screwed up during practice, I really put the cart before the horse didn't I?
Iroha: Working too hard isn't good for you. Don't push yourself too hard. Relax, just relax.
Mito: Right. Mito will keep trying so she can use her sense better. Otherwise she won't be able to get any roles.
Mito: Acting naturally, like a normal person, is hard.
Iroha: That's not--
Mito: I'm going to head back for self practice now. Iroha-chan, thanks for worrying about me.