A Camping Trip for Two

It was a warm Summer evening with you trying to set up your sleeping bags, wishing that you had the confidence back when you and Hero were packing to suggest only bringing one… You mope a little before noticing a small hole in the tent and the forecast calling for rain in about an hour; A delightfully devilish idea pops in your head as you just so happen to place your sleeping bag right under the hole.Hero had already set up a tarp and a small portable burner starting work on dinner for you both. It was burgers for both of them with Hero debating if making them heart shaped would be too corny before deciding to go for it anyway. You hang up the lamp in the tent finishing up the set up with your little scheme all in place as you begin to see the sunset before hearing a “sweetheart” call from Hero, letting you know dinner was ready.

You walked out of the tent, already smelling grilled patties before pulling back the nylon. You meet eyes with a smiling Hero, proud of what he’s made, he was wearing jeans and hoodie from his university. You walked up, and noticed the patties were heart shaped. You weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh but seeing his smile only made you feel warm. You gave Hero a little peck on the cheek as thanks. You both sit down in lawn chairs munching away at your burgers as you begin to lean and put your head on his shoulder. Watching the sunset you feel the last of the sun’s rays hit you and Hero through the trees as rain clouds begin to come in. You both stay silent, ignoring your food to listen to the sounds of the forest, the now coming rain and each other’s breaths. Hero moves his hand holding yours before interlocking his fingers with yours, holding tight.

The sun finally set with the rain replacing the warm rays with a wet pitter patter on the tarp. You were both safe from the rain but you felt your heart begin to pick up as you knew your plan began in motion, all you had to do was keep him here for a little while and you’d get to sleep cuddling with him. It didn’t take much to keep him there, just a few nuzzles on the shoulder and gripping his hand to tell him that you wanted to stay like this for a while; Hero didn’t mind he was enjoying this just as much as you were. It had been almost 30 minutes of just listening to the rain and each other’s breath until a yawn from Hero broke the noise. You wanted to make sure your sleeping bag was soaked but his adorable yawn cut through your devious plan and you decided it was best to head to bed. You loosen your grip from Hero’s hand letting him know you were tired like him.Hero got the message getting up and tossing the paper plate away. You check the tent, seeing your tent soaking and in a little puddle, with Hero’s being completely dry.A grin grows on your face before remembering this was supposed to be an accident and letting out a loud sign. Hero took notice walking over with a “what’s wrong” following close behind. Hero took notice of the soaked sleeping bag, head slumping as he filled with thoughts of whether he did this and if the camping trip had just been ruined. You cut in saying that it’s fine and that they could share a sleeping bag for the night. Hero’s face turns pink, stuttering a little as he reminds you that he could always make a makeshift bed. You reassure him that it's fine,trying your best to hide how much you wanted it.Hero laid down in the sleeping bag, lifting the cover up to let you in as well. You get and almost instinctively hug him, nuzzling his chest as he blushes and zips you both up. Hero wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer as you feel his breath and heart beat right against your ears. You both close your eyes and begin to drift away, the warmth of each other’s bodies shielding you against the cold and rainy night. Hero begins to stroke your head as you feel his breath slow and your heart beats begin to beat in sync. Hero gives you a small kiss on the forehead goodnight seeing a small smile on your face before fully succumbing to the comfort of having a lover's embrace.

Pub: 14 May 2022 23:27 UTC
Views: 418