Hoa's Horde

i'll be using this to horde random things, right now it's for my indie show :)

-> y’all give me feedback for my indie show NOW!!! /nf i meant it when i said i was trying to produce a show :) CONCEPT: the idea is this: we have a friend group and they have a different adventure every episode. the conflict is caused by the narrator and creator (two different people) getting bored of the happy-go-lucky vibes and inserting problems these problems grow in intensity until it escalates to relationships falling apart and people getting (physically and mentally) injured. the cast realizes what’s happening behind the scenes, and they either (break the show) or (resolve their problems, then give up on the narrator and creator). PLANS: get basic concept dow design character flesh out world/setting llearn to animate write script release pilot/shorts/storyboards if it gets attention, start crowd-funding produce first episode and

ask for public opinion and criticism revise and keep producing content merch merch merch use the conflicts to explore the relationships between the characters use the conflicts to develop them put tons of references and jokes in practice world-buildingpractice art try my hand at character development EXTRA COMMENTS: the reason for the narrator/creator system is because i want to use omnipotence to explain the pacing and randomness of the show. if it was just a regular villain the episodes wouldn’t connect together!

the conflicts will cause arguments and force them to talk about serious things. also i wanna see Quyen pissed off >:) i have not decided if there will be romance, as i’m not ready to write that yet. if there is, i’ll have a breakup in the middle of the series to show how devastating it would be and they may or may not be friends in the ending (i don’t want to have that “they got back together” ending though) i wanna practice background art, music-making, character development, etc. the shows basically my canvas i want REPRESENTATION that isn’t a shitty “we changed their race now buy our shit” stuff. it’s cheap and i’m sick of it. yes i’m going to self-insert myself in it. i’m the creator and i fuck shit up. i’m also one of the main cast because i know my personality the best- so even if the rest of them suck my insert will be realistic. <-


  • character design
    • vtuber design
    • silhouette test/plushify test
    • shape language
    • color theory
    • unique designs
    • Balan Wonderworld *gasp*
    • Undertale, Cult of Lamb, Minecraft
    • song writing
    • freesound.com, Soundfont, Garageband, etc.
    • Murder Drones, TADC, Bille Bust Up, AHiT
    • themed songs


  1. nope
  2. nope
  3. nope
  4. nope
  5. nope
  6. nope
  7. nope
  8. nope
  9. nope
  10. no

i'm still doing research guys, calm down


  • dung: coffee cake and flan
  • quyen: chao ga y pho ga, buon rieu
  • hoa: >:) meatly salty shit like ham and cheese, what i like
  • maya: blood orange jam on toast with butter and a glass of milk
  • sun: chicken nuggets, brownies, mac and cheese w hotdog sliced
  • marie: angel food cake with strawberries and cream
  • creator: what i like, century eggs, polish head cheese, kuoanh gio thu

HEAVEN (general)

  • doesn't help sinners
  • doesn't believe in (easy) redemption (but they do trust in a ultimate redemtpion where everyonie gets to be free, not coming soon though)
  • (technically) doesn't believe in hell, but (hell is kept secret from most angels and is used half as a punishement zone and half as a containment zone/dump for sinners)
  • allows visitors in, but visitors are rare and hevilly monitored (like North Korea)
  • tries to get people to say good things about heaven and uses propaganda/censorship (to uphold thier reputatation)
  • dislikes dissenters
  • accepts LGBTQ+ for the most part
  • archtecture focuses on large windows, older designs (like the fancy carved buildings or statues in Chicago before the fires)
  • blue colored
  • pretty clear skies with fluffy white clouds
  • rarely builds underground structures
  • best sightseeing in the center
  • one underground section where all the shit goes down
  • government has some corrupt individuals in it, but most of them are just ignorant
  • long judicial process


  • angels have light (or white) colored halos, wings, and some can have brightly colored eyes and hair
  • angels can be of any race
  • good people can become angels when they die, depending on their religion (if they are atheist, they just cease to exist)
  • heaven-born angels tend to be aroace or demi and agender (they don't place as much improtance or have as much desire as humans in romance or sex) (they also don't get why gender is important)
  • reborn or created angels can be of any sexuality and gender (however heaven has some outspoken homophobes :( )
  • have cooler color schemes with their accents still being cool colors, just 3 shades darker or brighter
  • multiple different versions of heaven based off of different religions, Marie, Maya, and Alia hail from Christian heaven

HEAVEN (Buddhist & Muslim)

  • generally less strict
  • two different but close kingdoms
  • Muslim does not accept LGBTQ!!! (Buddhism does if i remember, but they still don't 100% like it)
  • yeah yeah yeah


  • sinners considered to be (slightly) lower than hellborn demons (but physically no different)
  • sinners can become demons
  • both sinners and demons can be saved
  • seven sins as groups/categories, not people
  • hell isn't that bad (it's like a big city or something, has it's bad spots but ok overall)
  • cyberpunk or synthwave looking, cities have tall shiny buildings with sleek modern designs
  • neon lights everywhere, graffiti is common as well as repaired or broken doors and windows
  • alleyways. yeah.
  • most places have underground sections
  • you can run around in the sewers (they lead everywhere)
  • has a huge jail (why not)


  • have warmer color schemes with cool colored accents
  • sinners are almost human looking excepting horns and tail (maybe scars depending on death or lifestyle such as traumatic injuries, SH! surgery)
  • demons and sinners-turned-demons have more animalistic and robotic features
  • huge on fashion
  • most people are somewhat decent, just very mischevious


  • fallen angel
    • strawberry themed
    • has a red colored halo and 6 merlot colored wings she keeps hidden
    • does not mention heaven
    • the mom friend
    • never cusses
    • steryotype pretty body type
  • aroace agender (sex repulsed)
    • pretty red hair with the 2 curls framing her face and 2 on the sides
    • has a strawberry leaf shaped green bow
    • her smile is incredibly unsettling and "pasted on" looking
    • likes orchestral music and likes the cello and pianos
    • likes baking
  • she/her/hers, sera/seras/seraphim, they/them/theirs
  • adult (looks 30)

Name: Marie Onzy.

Sex/Gender: Female / Agender.
Age: 42 - Born .
Appearance: Standing tall with pale skin, she has a creepy but motherly feel about her. She has tall, piercing green eyes, a sharp jaw, long cheeks and thick eyebrows. She has long red hair that frames her face neatly. She has slim legs, large bust, small shoulders, slim arms, and a tall neck.
Personality: Cautious, caring, motherly.

Personal Status
Social Class: Underclass
Education: Struggles with math.
Marital status: Single Parent (Aroace)
Job: Baker - 75% satisfied
Financial status: Poor.

Personal views
Religious view: Secular
World view: Idealist.
Racial views: "Racism is ridiculous.".
Gender bias: "Men and women are equal, but have different strengths and weaknesses".
Age preference: "I prefer older people, they tend to be smarter.".
Nationalism: "I'm not very patriotic".
Conflict: "Violence only makes things worse.".

Physical/Health: Fine.
Quirks: Bites her nails and always seen with her hands held tpgether.
Likes: Listening to piano, violen, or orchestral music.
Dislikes: Being touched by strangers and bulling her sister.
Afraid of: Rejection
Self-satisfaction: 50% - Stable.
Fitness level: 60% - Stable.
Motivator: To restart live.
Skills: Good at lying. Can glean important information easily. Knows secrets about Heaven.

Colours: Likes Green.
Music: Likes orchestra.
Foods: Mainly vegetarian, cna eat meat. Likes cake.
Book Genre: Utopia
Fruit: Strawberry

  • fallen angel (she left on her own and is allowed to come back if she wants)
    • blood orange themed
    • has a red halo and merlot wings like Marie
    • she left when she was younger so she does not undertsand why Marie does not talk about heaven
    • has 3 hair sections to the braid
    • also has curls to frame her face
    • likes to be adventurous and brave, thus making her a tomboy
    • she still likes girly things like dresses, makeup, flowers, Barbie, etc.
    • she has the fear of abandoment and the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of her mouth (it's a real fear haha)
    • likes pop music
    • likes fast food and oatmeal cookies
  • child (10 looking)
  • aroace (sex neutral) agender
  • she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, hallow/hallows/hallowself

Name: Maya Onzy.

Sex/Gender: Female / Agender.
Age: 12 - Born .
Appearance: Tall and skinny with pale skin, she has a kind feel about her. She has tall, prominent, dark green eyes, thick eyebrows, and a rounded jaw. She has long dark red hair tied into a braid with three sections.
Personality: Rebellious, caring, (tom-boy) and funny.

Personal Status
Social Class: Underclass.
Education: Receiving home-schooling and is doing very poorly.

Personal views
Religious view: Christian - (Faith: 80%).
World view: Optimist.
Racial views: "I don't see race".
Gender bias: "What’s gender?".
Age preference: "I like playing with kids. Adults are no fun.".
Nationalism: "I don't mind my country".
Conflict: "They started it/They deserved it!".

Physical/Health: Is underweight.
Quirks: Likes floating, and sleep-walks.
Likes: Playing baseball, riding rollercoasters, and baking.
Dislikes: Being hungry, and being “treated like a baby.”
Afraid of: Adbandonment
Self-satisfaction: 95% - Stable.
Fitness level: 74% - Stable.
Motivator: To help her sister and to become a major player in baseball.
Skills: Skilled at first aid. Skilled at swimming. Knows the story of the Bible.

Colours: Likes orange.
Music: Likes Heavy Metal.
Foods: Fried food
Book Genre: Comics
Fruit: Blood Oranges

  • ALYA
  • fallen angel (in Maya's lore she distributed information to Maya)
  • i'll let Kaden fill this out
  • HOA
  • gremlin shapeshifter
    • their true form is a black blob with white color features, they feel the gremlin form is most comfortable
    • can only turn into different variations of themselves
    • can only be truly killed in their true form
    • was forced to hide their shapeshifting to live among humans after they ran away from home, they ran away again to Outcast City
    • a Jack of all trades due to picking up oddjobs (they aren't perfect at every skill but they are ok)
    • uses kitchen knifes ofr fighting because they are small and everywhere
    • likes pastel clothes but also likes edgy clothing and gore
    • dresses somewhat modestly, and likes mixing men and womens clothing together
    • likes horror
    • bad at basic math (they're slow when it come to calculating things and can't perform multiplication)
  • they/them/theirs
  • bisexual biromantic (poly and mono ok)
  • teen (16 looking)

Name: Hoa Huong.

Sex/Gender: Hermaphrophidite / Non-Binary.
Age: 16 - Born 1st of April.
Appearance: (Androgynous)
Short and stout with tan skin, they have an enthusiastic feel about them. They have round, dark gray eyes, very thin lips, a round nose and a round face. They have bob-cut, straight, black hair. They have large hands, and plump hips. They often wear clean, comfortable clothes that are mostly pastel-coloured and loose. They are usually seen wearing a heart hair-clip. They also wear a black bodysuit underneath their clothes often.
Personality: Happy, energetic and eccentric.

Personal Status
Social Class: Working class.
Education: In high-school
Marital status: Single (Bisexual)
Job: Random odd jobs, Viserca Cleanup Crew (satisfied)
Financial status: Average.

Personal views
Religious view: Spritiual.
World view: Idealist.
Racial views: "I don’t care about race".
Gender bias: "Men and women are equal, but have different strengths and weaknesses".
Age preference: "Age ≠ Wisdom".
Nationalism: "I don't like my country".
Conflict: "I always try to avoid physical confrontations".
Species: shapeshifter (Gremlin) (true form is black blob)

Physical/Health: Is quite short.
Quirks: Constantly jiggles their left leg, always picks at skin, and cannot focus.
Likes: Drawing, writing and reading, playing horror games and sandbox games, cleanliness, cats, quiet, music.
Dislikes: Doing chores, loud noises, offensive media, static, cockroaches.
Afraid of: Balloons, the dark,
Self-satisfaction: 76% - Decreasing.
Fitness level: 70% - Stable.
Motivator: Personal goals and heavy grudges.
Skills: Good at art. Knows how to use any kind of small sharp weapon (such as daggers). Is very sneaky.

Colours: Likes pastel colors with punk and blue being favorites.
Music: Likes Vocaloid & VPop (pop-rock and electronic)
Foods: Salty food, meats
Book Genre: any, excepting romance
Animal: N/A

  • i'll let Val fill this out
  • spider
    • fashion designer who makes clothing with removable sleeves for spiderfolk
    • femboy
    • loves high heels
    • enjoys eating sweet foods of all kinds
    • has retractable mandibles and more monstrous form that looks like (human top half then spider body, can shoot webbing)
    • can climb on the walls
    • possibly dating Amaias
    • Quyen's brother
  • he/him/his
  • adult (25 looking)
  • gay (gay)

Name: Dung Long

Sex/Gender: Male / Male. (Roseboy)
Age: 27 - Born !!!
Appearance: Short with honey skin, he has a sassy feel about him. He has half closed square blue eyes, a square shaped jaw and a square face. He has blue hair in a jellyfish cut, half covering his right eye. He has (the boingy) legs, and large hands.
Personality: Rude, loud, funny, friendly.

Personal Status
Social Class: Rich.
Education: Studied fashion.
Marital status: Dating (Gay)
Job: Fashion Designer/Modeler- 90% satisfied
Financial status: Wealthy.

Personal views
Religious view: no
World view: Pessimist.
Racial views: "I generally don't discriminate...".
Gender bias: "Men. Pretty.".
Age preference: "Kids are so stupid!".
Nationalism: "I don't like this country, but so many others are much worse".
Conflict: "I am a pacifist".

Physical/Health: Has ADHD.
Quirks: Crosses legs, comments on everything, and always wakes very late.
Likes: Playing online games, fashion, sexual humor.
Dislikes: Burnt toast, slow walkers, and people who take ages in the bathroom.
Afraid of:
Self-satisfaction: 83% - Stable.
Fitness level: 46% - Increasing.
Motivator: Inclusive fashions.
Skills: Skilled at fashion design. Sewing.

Colours: Likes Teal.
Music: Likes K-pop and Hip Hop.
Foods: Sweet food
Book Genre: Comics
Animal: Spider

  • spider
    • Kulap's bodyguard and girlfriend
    • Dung's sister
    • strong and levelheaded
    • dry and sarcastic sense of humor
    • melts in Kulap's presense
    • likes steak and grilled meats
  • she/her/hers
  • adult (27 looking)
  • lesbian (gay)

Name: Quyen Long.

Sex/Gender: Female / Female.
Age: 30 - Born !!!
Appearance: Strong with honey skin, she has a stoic feel about her. She has flat, half closed blue eyes, and thin eyebrows. She has short blue hair, with one half covering her left eye. She has a thick neck, rectangle shoulders, and small hips. She often wears suits or form fitting clothing. She is usually seen Marlboro cigarettes.
Personality: Bossy, stoic, serious, sarcastic, caring.

Personal Status
Social Class: Working class.
Education: Low education, but quick thinking.
Marital status: Dating (Butch Lesbian)
Job: Body Guard - 50% satisfied
Financial status: Decent.

Personal views
Religious view: no
World view: Optimist.
Racial views: "Against racism.".
Gender bias: "You’re either normal, or sexist. Feminism should be the norm.".
Age preference: "Respect your elders, have patience with juniors".
Nationalism: "I dislike patriotism".
Conflict: "War is wrong".

Physical/Health: Is type-1 diabetic.
Quirks: Is a glutton, and puts her feet up on furniture.
Likes: Running, sleeping, true crime, taking care of animals.
Dislikes: Rude customers, obsessed fans, and obesity.
Afraid of:
Self-satisfaction: 63% - Increasing.
Fitness level: 85% - Stable.
Motivator: Spirituality.
Skills: Skilled at running. Strong.

Colours: Likes Indigo and Navy Blue.
Music: Doesn’t listen to music often.
Foods: Salty food.
Book Genre: Doesn’t like reading.
Animal: Spider

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Pub: 19 Mar 2024 16:52 UTC
Edit: 09 May 2024 15:48 UTC
Views: 177