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This RENTRY is still working in progress. Not everything is completed yet. Subject may change.


Creation date: '2/20/2038'
Welcome to '8th's Memory File.
This contains the files of 9th's memory, as said in the title.
Only '8th' and '5th' can edit Memory File.
Please note that the files may be updated.

If there are any confusions or any questions that you may want to ask, you are always free to message '8th' in Twitter/X.

If you would like to see more images for Hokutoverse, click here for Drive.


There are approximately 22 Hokuto Hidaka. Many of them has their own nickname, but for one.
Some Hokutos may be corrupted due to failure of cloning.
22 Hokutos are separated from 2 regions, and a headspace of 'Hokuto'. They are all called Magic Region, Drama Region, and Inner World. The current universe is called 2U.
Everything is organized by '2nd', the goddess amongst of Hokutos.

There are only 2 Hokutos that are corrupted; '0th' and '7th'.
The corruption is caused by another inhumane form of themselves to corrupt the Hokuto. It is still under investigation.
Once corrupted, their current appearance may change due to the corruption, causing body dysphoria.
Corrupted Hokutos may change into their inhumane form at anytime they want to, but there is a small percent of chance to be stuck in that form for eternity, thus, that is the reason why they rarely change into the form of themselves.


2U is a universe created by '2nd'. Everyone is included in this universe, except for Inner World since the world is inside 'Hokuto's body and they cannot physically be seen by others but 'Hokuto'.
'Hokuto' gave everyone in 2U a nickname some ranked numbers after he met them in order.
In 2U, everyone has a different backstory, personality, and appearance.


Inner world are the alters from 'Hokuto' himself. There are 7 of Hokuto alters, although they do not claim their names as Hokuto.
(//ooc note: creator does not project DID, so please tell me if creator did something wrong)


Magic Region contains of 'Negative', '0th', '1st', '2nd', '4th', '9th'. The Magic Region have met the past 'Hokuto', which is 'Hokke'. From '2nd's information, 'Hokke' is more energetic than the current 'Hokuto' from now, and 'Hokke' has unknowingly disappeared from the universe since a long time ago.


Drama Region contains '3rd', '5th', '6th', '7th'/'Puppet', '8th', '10th'. This region has many complications. The lab is an important place for Drama Region, which is created by '5th's and '6th's passed father.
(//ooc note: the father is seiya, yes. still.)



'Hokuto' is the past leader of an idol unit called 'Trickstar'.
He was dragged in this universe called the 'Hokutoverse' when he started hallucinating in his classroom. He is unable to contact his friends, unit members, etc. but for himself.
While the leader has gone hiatus for unknown time, so does the unit itself too.

Name: 'Hokuto'
Age: 18
Health: 30%
Pronouns: Any pronouns
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Aromantic + Autosexual
Origin: Inner World
Color Image: #0068b7
Sanity Range: 10%-20%


Trigger warning for self-harm / scars. Please refrain from taking a look in the photo if you are uncomfortable.

'Rose' is the pessimistic personality type of 'Hokuto'.

Name: 'Rose'
Age: 18
Height: 173cm
Pronouns: He/She/Charm
Gender: Bigender
Sexuality: Abrosexual + Polyamorous
Origin: Inner World
Color Image: #920098
Sanity Range: 5%-10%


'Satellite' is the cheerful personality type of 'Hokuto'.

Name: 'Satellite'
Age: 18
Pronouns: They/Snow
Gender: Non-Binary + Xenogender
Sexuality: Pansexual + Polyamorous
Origin: Inner World
Color Image: #6FF3FF
Sanity Range: 85%-95%

image description
'WL' is the calm personality type of 'Hokuto'.

Name: 'WL'
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/They/Prince
Gender: Demiboy
Sexuality: Gay + Polyamorous
Origin: Inner World
Color Image: #6EC1D8
Sanity Range: 75%-80%

image description
'XDay' is the flirty personality type of 'Hokuto'.

Name: 'XDay'
Age: 18
Pronouns: Any pronouns
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Origin: Inner World
Color Image: #9A121A
Sanity Range: 80%-85%


'Grad' is the possessive personality type of 'Hokuto'.
He is clearly obsessed with 'XDay'. Surprisingly, 'Grad' is not the first one to confess his love first, but 'XDay'. Soon after, 'Grad' has slowly become possessive for 'XDay'.
He cannot go on a day without mentioning his lover.

Name: 'Grad'
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Transmasc
Sexuality: Gay
Origin: Inner World
Image Color: #DF9E36
Sanity Range: Unknown


'CY' is the aggressive personality type of 'Hokuto'.

Name: 'CY'
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him/Volt
Gender: Transmasc
Sexuality: Gay + Polyamorous
Origin: Inner World
Image Color: #FCED4C
Sanity Range: 65%-70%


'Wukong' is still in under investigation.

Name: 'Wukong'
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Origin: Inner world
Image Color: #988D00
Sanity Range: 85%-95%


A demon alter of '0th'. 'Negative' true form cannot be seen to others and only appears as '0th' physically. To anyone who ask how 'I' know his appearance and have the picture, do not worry about it. Heh.
'Negative' is often scared towards to people, even to '0th's important people. The only person who he is not afraid of is his body's host, '0th'.
He has a hard time remembering names, yet giving '0th's important people nicknames for him to memorize easier. (Short list of names. 'Hokuto' = "Crab", '1st' = "Muted kid", '2nd' = "Catgod", '4th' = " Drama kid", KHokke/7th' = "Foxgirl", '10th' = "Sister".)

Name: 'Negative'
Age: Unknown. (Approximately 19-21)
Height: 178cm
Pronouns: Any pronouns
Gender: Non-Binary
Sexuality: Aromantic + Asexual
Origin: Magic Region
Color Image: #6D2727
Sanity Range: 70%-75%


'0th' is cold demon, who is exactly not a demon.
He has demon claws, due to 'Negative' who has corrupted him. Because he has permanent claws, he might have trouble holding stuff.
As said before, corrupted Hokutos has body dysphoria. This applies to '0th', which he has fears of mirrors or reflections. Ironically, his demon alter is a "Mirror Demon".
'0th' always wears a blindfold on his left side of his face. Sometimes he wears glasses, but rarely.

Name: '0th'
Age: 22
Health: 40%
Height: 182cm
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Transmasc
Sexuality: Bisexual
Origin: Magic Region
Color Image: #000000
Sanity Range: 65%-70%


Silent, but not completely mute.
'1st' has been silent since forever due to his throat problems. Sometimes he may talk quietly, but only to best friend, '4th'.
'1st' also likes stuffed animals. He keeps atleast 3-5 stuffed animals in his small backpack anywhere he goes. So far, '1st' has 12 stuffed animals. Sometimes '2nd' likes to give him stuffed animals.
Because he likes stuffed animals, '1st' also knows how to sew, incase if his stuffed animal or anything is ripped.

Name: '1st'
Age: 15
Health: 95%
Height: 157cm
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual + Bisexual
Origin: Magic Region
Color Image: #FFB566
Sanity Range: 95%-100%


Name: '2nd'
Age: 21
Health: 100%
Height: 180cm
Pronouns: Any pronouns
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Pansexual
Origin: Magic Region
Color Image: #9147E0
Sanity Range: 100%


A cold one-eyed person.

Name: '3rd'
Age: 17
Health: 55%
Height: 166cm
Pronouns: Any pronouns
Gender: Demiboy
Sexuality: Unknown/Questioning
Origin: Drama Region
Color Image: #FF62DA
Sanity Range: 40%-45%


Dramatic and overconfident.

Name: '4th'
Age: 16
Health: 90%
Height: 163cm
Pronouns: He/They/Star
Gender: Demiboy + Xenogender
Sexuality: Achillean
Origin: Magic Region
Color Image: #775CD9
Sanity Range: 75%-80%

image description
A mechanical-scientist.

Name: '5th'
Age: 21
Health: 90%
Height: 182cm
Pronouns: Any pronouns
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Origin: Drama Region
Color Image: #47DF75
Sanity Range: 70%-75%


A bratty yet sleepy child.

Name: '6th'
Age: 7
Health: 100%
Height: 112cm
Pronouns: Any pronouns
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Aromantic + Asexual
Origin: Drama Region
Color Image: #75C5A1
Sanity Range: 100%

Deleted file. "Teehee, you thought?!"


"Friendly" ink anomaly.
'7th' always has their mask on to prevent their slitted mouth being exposed.
'7th' does not like to be talked with, or also known as gossiped. Thus, they rather to be anonymous. If not talked anonymously, '7th' may attack that person. However, '7th' would not care if '3rd' talks about them non-anonymous.
'3rd' is '7th's special friend. Only because '3rd' has a pink eye and it is '7th's favorite color. '4th' does not count.

Name: '7th'
Age: Unknown (Approximately 18-19)
Health: Unknown
Height: 198cm
Pronouns: They/Them
Gender: Non-Binary
Sexuality: Unknown/Questioning
Origin: Drama Region
Color Image: #FF3CFF
Sanity Range: Unknown


7th's corrupted form.
The name 'Puppet' came from 'Rose', who is '7th's voodoo doll. The cause of ink corruption may be unknown.

Name: 'Puppet' / '7th'
Color Image: #441A3A
Sanity Range: 5%-10%


A robot. '8th' is the first creation by '5th' since he was 12 years old and a help with his father. Because '8th' was the first creation, he may not fully developed. '5th' is still updating '8th' from today.
He is also '5th's assistant and helps him whenever he needs.
'8th' talks in robotic monotone voice. His face always stays neutral in every situation, yet has emotions. If '8th' feels a certain emotion, his eyes glows, but others may not know what exact emotion he feels.
He is waterproof and does not get damage by water. However, if '9th' gets hit by water, he can get furious then goes back to normal within seconds.

Name: '8th'
Age: Unknown (Approximately 19-20)
Health: Unknown
Height: 177cm
Pronouns: He/They/It
Gender: Non-Binary
Sexuality: Aromantic + Asexual
Origin: Drama Region
Color Image: #7AE4EC
Sanity Range: Unknown


A vampire sister of '0th's.

Name: '9th'
Age: 19
Health: 80%
Height: 171cm
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Transfem
Sexuality: Lesbian
Origin: Magic Region
Color Image: #CB151B
Sanity range: 75%-80%


Name: '10th'
Age: 18
Health: 45%
Height: 177cm
Pronouns: They/Them
Gender: Non-Binary
Sexuality: Pansexual
Origin: Drama Region
Color Image: #2E1D83
Sanity range: 65%-70%

End of Memory File.

Pub: 15 Feb 2024 11:05 UTC
Edit: 27 Apr 2024 12:19 UTC
Views: 1386