ac yumichiyo0606
Hi im Mumei (or meera, gura) :3 im a lesbian who uses she/her, & am super crazily autistic over Hololive! I am its number one fan ever and have been cursed with this special interest .. but here are some of my headcanons! majorily EN as their my current hyperfix but there will be some others here ... keep in mind that these are NOT about the actual people behind the talents, but the characters they portray ( ^ω^ ) Also check out my holobff Koda's dump!!

CERES FAUNA ) Also known as the keeper of Nature.She is a kirin,a species of Luong. They are legendary hooved chimerical creatures,and are said to appear with the imminent arrival or passing of a sage or illustrious ruler.It is said to be one of the three most powerful mythical creatures, along with the dragon and phoenix.She is a member of Hololive -Council-, a group of other-wordly beings who were created as concepts to fabricate the world itself.Their main goal is the watch over the world and to make sure it's balanced,working in tandem with their respective domains to maintain a semblance of order in a world comprised of chaos.Fauna has materialized in the mortal realm as a druid in a bid to save nature.It is long said that her whispers as an avatar of Mother Nature have healing properties.Whether or not that is true is something only those who have heard them can say,though it is yet to happen.Fauna is described as soothing and gentle,which matches her role as Mother Nature,though it is best to stay on her good side,as anyone who angers her will have to face nature's fury.There are many small details in her vessel,such as the golden apple she holds,which is rumored to be able to cure ailments.Golden apples are often seen as a symbol of rejuvenation,love,and immortality,which is fitting as Fauna is over 4.54 billion years old,which is also around how old the Earth is.Her gown mostly consists of white & warm tones,which compliment her striking green hair and accessories.Fauna's name "Ceres" refers to the Ceres ancient Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility,while "Fauna" is an English word referring to the animals of nature.It is also a name of Roman origin,as the name of a goddess of animals,nature,spring,and fertility.Another nature motif she has is her birthday,March 21st which is International Day of Forests and the Tree.Fauna dislikes eating mushrooms & grasshoppers,and is afraid of elavators.She enjoys playing Animal Crossing,999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors,Super Mario Odessey & has taken an interest in Hitman 3.Fauna's favorite animes are Mob Psycho,MadoMagi,NGE & Made in Abyss.Fauna likes bossa nova,and had an emo phase when she was younger,liking artists such as Pierce the Veil,Linkin Park,and My Chemical Romance.She is most known for her comforting ASMR & chill Minecraft streams.
RELATIONSHIPS ) Nanashi Mumei is Ceres Fauna's girlfriend.They've known each other for eons,around since when civilization was created.They've been through a lot together,watching the Earth's growth,successes,and failures.Fauna's always been afraid that one day Mumei will meet her end,as every few centuries Fauna can almost feel Mumei's lifespan draining.Tsukumo Sana has been Fauna's best friend since the start of time time itself.They met when Sana first accidently destroyed earth,and Fauna was left to clean up after her,and have been inseperable since.Koseki Bijou and Fauna were fast friends,meeting when Bijou first joined Hololive.Although they arent the closest,they enjoy telling each other stores,and spending time in nature together.Ouro Kronii and Fauna have a rocky relationship.Its unknown what happend,but the two refuse to interact.
Fauna is an grayace sapphic!
・She enjoys turtlenecks,green tea, and rainy weather :3
Fau much prefers cats to dogs - she isnt a fan of how loud and lovey they are.
・She has OCD and generalized anxiety
Fauna is one of the only fully immortal holoEN members
・She's also the oldest holoEN member !
Fauna is able to have a qilin form

GAWR GURA ) Gura is a shark from the lost city of Atlantis.She was forced to leave due to soɐɥƆ almost comepletly destroying her homeland.She is the last known member of her kind,as no one else took to the surface with her%% Gura has forgotten her exact age,claiming to have lost count at around 5000.But,she thinks she has to be around 9000 or 10000 years old at this point.Gura is one of the weaker EN members,having forgotten how to unlock her true power due to it having been so long since she's had to use them.Gura claims to have gotten in an accident,saying that the stitches in her tail where caused by an event long ago where her tail was trapped beneath a boulder in an underwater ravine.She has a fasonation for cowboy and wild west culture.Gura's well known for her antics,like her terrible sense of direction,mathematical miscalculations & that she used to often misspells or mispronounces words.Gura is the only member of HoloMyth to write her name entirely in hiragana.This is consistent with her childlike demeanor and academic skills,since hiragana-only writting is usually reserved for children's books.Her name is quite silly,her surname "Gawr" comes from the gar, an ancient holosteian order of ray-finned fish,& her given name "Gura" coming from the latin word gula, which means "gluttony".Gura loves food ( her favorite of which being salmon ),playing Muse Dash,lots of Rhythm games,Borderlands,and Resident Evil.She's also a big fan of Konosuba.She doesn't like hot sand,or people hearing her stomach growl.She isnt sure what type of shark she is,but thinks she's a descendant from a big shark like the megalodon.Her birthday,June 20th,is the same date the film Jaws was released.Gura says that this is not her actual birthday ( because she can't remember it),but rather the anniversary of her arrival on land after she left Atlantis.Going off of her original animation Shark'd,Gura has gills on the side of her torso.She's also one of the smallest Hololive members,at 141 cm or 4'7.The only members shorter being BijouLuna & Laplus
RELATIONSHIPS ) She thinks shes so cute 😂😭😭

Pub: 07 Jul 2023 05:35 UTC
Edit: 15 Feb 2024 22:20 UTC
Views: 344