About ◟ ͜ ׁLast updated on ⠀⠀31102024 ← backcontact me my silly billiessss Current Files Count 1.674

ʚ Info .ᐟ

This archive was made with the intent of not only,
you know, archiving all the files I had from editing
so they're easily accessible no matter the device I'm
using, but also as a way to share them with others. I
don't claim ownership over anything in this archive,
not even the stuff I have cleaned myself, however

please pay attention to any necessary credits on the
(you can see them by hovering your
mouse over the image or by holding it on mobile)
you have done anything I have put in this and require
credit and I did not include it or you want your
resource deleted, please contact me at
@RoseateDesire on tumblr and let me know!

ʚ Updates .ᐟ

! 31 ◦ 10 ◦ 24 || Rentry creation, added 1674 files across all pages.

← back?

Pub: 20 Aug 2022 17:29 UTC
Edit: 01 Nov 2024 00:06 UTC
Views: 1038