Honkaiverse Thesaurus
When writing the thesaurus, data from HSR, GI and HI3rd, as well as from visual novels and manga about the latter game were used. The Chinese language was taken as a basis, so the texts may differ from what is written in the games.
The thesaurus was written by Haps
Contributors: Mistress Yozh, DeLiss_BTW, Lenz, Burger, Carvalho, Koku, Nepka
In other languages: Russian
Theory of the Universe
The imaginary tree is a theory to explain 宇宙 (universe)
In that theory, a tree's leaf are compared to 世界 (world)
A parallel universe (平行世界) in hi3 context specifically refers to a different world not a universe.
World is used whenever we are talking about a single separate space-time (ex: Bubble World = 世界泡; Proper World = 本征世界)
In the Galaxy Visualization:
The Galaxy (银河) is the equivalent of the Imaginary Tree.
It's Star Systems/Star Clusters/galaxies (星系) are the equivalent of it's Leaves.
There is a huge tree, the tops of which are invisible, and the branches and leaves covered the sky. There is an endless sea under the tree, the depths of which cannot be comprehended, the boundaries of which cannot be touched. There is only one tree and one sea in the universe, so they started an endless competition. The sea is constantly expanding and accumulating, and the giant tree is constantly taking root and growing. While one wants to drown the other, the other wants to absorb the first. The tree spent years in the sands of the Ganges River under the influence of the sea, dividing innumerable branches and an innumerable number of leaves and flowers appeared on them.
— Honkai Impact 3rd; Otto Apocalypse, Chapter 17, CG before act 2. Translated from Chinese; official English translation
The Ganges River in Hindu mythology is a heavenly river that descended to earth. Since ancient times, it has been considered a sacred river for Hindus. Hindus make pilgrimages to it, especially to its sources and the cities of Haridwar, Varanasi and Allahabad. Cremations take place on its shores, the ashes of deceased Hindus are scattered in the water and ritual ablutions are performed.
Imaginary Tree
This theory compares different Worlds in different time and space with a tree-like structure: time flows along the trunk of the Imaginary Tree, like a crown, dividing and forming infinite worlds, since the crown of the tree does not take masterless imaginary energy in the space-time vessel, there is always a dynamic structure.
Each branch is a different Worldline. Each flower and leaf is the present and the past that they have left in the time dimension.
— Honkai: Star Rail; Data Bank entry: Imaginary Tree (Theory) . Translated from Chinese; official English translation
However, the development of the world needs restrictions. In competition with the Sea of Quanta, the direction of growth of branches and leaves is constantly monitored and adjusted using a special mechanism. A mechanism formed naturally, a mechanism derived from imaginary energy, a mechanism of education and nourishment, a mechanism of baptism and elimination. For people, this is a disaster called Honkai. Human beings will never be able to escape from Honkai. Humanity can only move forward, because the Imaginary Tree must grow. If not, then we will end up just like those failed worlds, just another bubble in the Sea of Quanta.
— Honkai Impact 3rd; Otto Apocalypse, Chapter 17, CG before act 2. Translated from Chinese; official English translation
Comparing the structure of the Universe to a "tree" is perhaps an approach that treats the Imaginary Tree as life.
Before the theory of the Imaginary Tree was put forward, the universe was called Eternal Blindness emptiness because of its unobservable nature; after the theory was born, people can use their imagination to outline the principle of its operation: imaginary energy flows continuously through space-time vessels, and in the end quietly forms what we know as galaxies, that is there are countless worlds. And between the worlds, just like the spatial barrier between the leaves, there is an unknown imaginary space that is difficult to cross.
— Honkai: Star Rail; Data Bank entry: Imaginary Tree (Theory). Translated from Chinese; official English translation
Since HoYo using MWI, a World is the totality of macroscopic objects: stars, cities, people, grains of sand, etc. in a definite classically described state. (according to the MWI of Quantum Mechanics)
A group of Worlds is called Interstellar Region. Sometimes they are united by Aeons, not being their actual territory.
Imaginary space
The origin of the Universe, the place where all laws are intertwined. Time here cannot be perceived by simple feelings. And the movements do not obey the laws of physics. This is the reverse side of the world, based on rules above rules.
— Honkai Impact 3rd; Bianka "Durandal" Ataegina quoting Otto Apocalypse, Chapter 25-EX, Act 1: The Experiment and The Mission. Translated from Chinese; official English translation
Sea of Quanta
The Sea of Quanta is not a real sea, does not belong to any particular galaxy and does not consist of liquid water. It is filled with Ether - a special medium that fills the world space. Bubble Worlds* are born in it and there are worlds that have fallen from the Imaginary Tree perish. But nothing lasts forever in the Sea of Quanta, and eventually all Bubble Worlds die. Due to the Bubble Worlds' instability and merging it causes large amounts of energy to be released that can then be harvested. Similar to Nuclear Fussion.
The only way to escape is to return them to the Imaginary Tree, using an Ether Anchor.
So we have two types of Bubble Worlds:
*It's called Bubble Universe in HI3rd
Ether Anchor
Ether anchor is a topological formation that exists between spatial manifolds. It is the core that organizes and arranges information from various spaces. It catches information from reality and restores it inside the Bubble World, that is, copies the World, recreating it (including all its contents, its laws, its inhabitants and their powers).
As an Ether Anchor, both someone's body and the Imaginary Tree can be used.
Sea of Data
Sea of Data is a variant space of Sea of Quanta. This term is used for the quantum space near Mars, which exhibits unique properties. It is consists of source matter.
Source Matter
Source Matter is a peculiar substance in the Sea of Data that can be transformed into tangible materials needed by people through special programming methods. Source Matter often contains a certain amount of data itself.
Generally speaking, Source Matter is a shapeless and unstable existence that needs special devices for purification, concentration, and cannot be stored for long periods. It must be transformed into specific conventional substances to achieve stability. However, occasionally, Source Matter may also be influenced by the Sea of Data, organizing into more complex material forms — including complete data fragments, specific objects, and even humans born out of thin air.
Sa is a being, who is also known as the Abyss of the Sea of Quanta. Once it was a human that received powers from Sea of Quanta, but they "feed" on Honkai energy.
They gained power during the destruction of Venus, their home planet.
They created proxies to help with their own goal. Like observing bubbles that are near destruction. These proxies lack freedom as they sleep, wake up and act as Sa commands.
Sa roots themselves into worlds just like the Cocoon does and manipulate it's laws. But the only law it adds is [wishes] where common wishes are granted in such a way that it leads to the bubble's destruction. This is because Sa understands human nature greatly and they know they will eventually follow it's will unknowingly and destroy themselves.
Sa has <10% of Cocoon of Finality's scale.
Sa has also created Interstellar Predators that hunt for energy. They are known as the Sky People.
Sa created Starlite, a destructive energy source out of nothing.
Sa can create it's own Herrschers.
Cancer of All Worlds - Stellaron
Since a certain time, various factions have begun to notice this phenomenon. Vague, imperceptible matter disrupted the flow of imaginary energy along the interstellar routes created by the Trailblazer. Like a climber encountering a rock, or a long-distance ship encountering tsunamis and whirlpools, interstellar travel has turned from unhindered to dangerous and unpredictable.
This phenomenon is surprisingly aggressive. It continues to invade neighboring worlds in the form of a mysterious object, Stellaron. It continues to spread throughout the universe like a cancerous tumor. The Interstellar Peace Corporation gave the name to this phenomenon and urged interstellar travelers to take it seriously. Worlds affected by the Cancer of All Worlds are almost impossible to save, and only a few are able to survive.
— Honkai: Star Rail; Data Bank entry: Cancer of All Worlds (Phenomen). Official English translation
The Seed of Calamity, also known as the Cancer of All Worlds, are regarded as creations of Nanook the Destruction.
— Honkai: Star Rail; Guide to Penacony.
As the Cancer of All Worlds spreads along the worlds, the corrosive phenomenon of Fragmentum is also quietly expanding. The Intelligentsia Guild believes there is a direct, causative relationship between the two phenomena. They believe that the Fragmentum is caused by the Stellaron, and converts the entities and spaces it touches into special Fragmentum creations.
Apart from corrosion, the Fragmentum also records the Aether information of the entities and spaces touched by the Fragmentum. Such data is combined with the information inherent in the Fragmentum and develop into a type of hybrid Fragmentum creation. Countless Relics, Fragmentum monsters, and even mysteriously isolated paranormal spaces would spring up in every corner of the worlds corroded by the Cancer of All Worlds. We are still investigating the intent behind such activities.
— Honkai: Star Rail; Data Bank entry: Fragmentum (Phenomen). Official English translation
Fragmentum creations
These creations usually exist as a type of spatial corrosion. They seem to preserve the memories and habits of the original physical entity, but manifest significantly different outward behaviors and are often very hostile towards other beings. The scholars researching Fragmentum warn that we should consider any being corroded by Fragmentum to be a completely unrelated existence to its original form. Harboring any kind of delusions towards it could cause grave consequences.
— Honkai: Star Rail; Data Bank entry: Fragmentum (Phenomen). Official English translation
Stellaron bearers (those who have the Stellaron in them) can understand the tongue of Fragmentum monsters.
Honkai is internal imaginary energy, a mechanism that corrects the direction of growth of branches and leaves. It is not omnipresent and only exists on some branches. In the HI3rd World, Honkai was usurped by the Cocoon of Finality and used on a whim, i.e. ceased to perform it's function. In a normal situation, the Worlds affected by Honkai eventually "fall off" from the Imaginary Tree and fall into the Sea of Quanta, becoming Bubble Worlds.
— Honkai Impact 3rd; Otto Apocalypse, Chapter 17, CG before act 2. Translated from Chinese; official English translation
Worlds do not literally fall off, it is data that falls into the Sea of Quanta.
Cocoon of Finality
The cocoon is an alien being. Presumably, it is the result of a civilization united with the planet, becoming one. Trying to create a creature similar to itself, the Cocoon ended up in the Solar System.
It exists in a higher dimension, being in the space between imaginary space and reality.
Every 50,000 years, when a sufficient amount of imaginary energy accumulates in a Cocoon, a Herrscher of Finality is born with the aim of embracing humanity. And Herrscher was given the power of Time so that if it failed, it could remove the last 50,000 years and try again, thereby forming samsara.
After some number of cycles, the Cocoon finally fulfilled its purpose. Kiana was ideally suited for the role of the Herrscher of Finality and was true to herself, which was one of the conditions. And since the Cocoon is a reflection of the Herrscher of Finality then she determines what the embrace is.
Herrschers are imaginary entities. It is implied that the Herrschers were mindless killing machines until Elysia intervened, giving the Herrschers a chance to preserve their humanity.
Herrschers effortlessly surpass human capabilities, are able to subdue the worldly laws to their whim and command entire armies of zombies and Honkai Beasts.
A person with a high resistance to Honkai energy can become a Herrscher. A soulless body can also become the vessel of a Herrscher while it is alive.
Herrscher Cores
Thanks to the Cores, the Herrschers are able to use their supernatural powers, which they can use both against humanity and for the benefit of it.
There are 4 types of Herrscher Cores:
- Cores (核心) of the Current Era are Herrscher Cores formed naturally in the Current Era. All Herrschers appearing in the current plot have Cores of the Current Era.
- Cores (核心) of the Previous Era - Herrscher Cores formed naturally during the war with Honkai in the Previous Era 50,000 years ago.
- Sirin Gems (寶石) are Herrscher Cores formed unnaturally in the Current Era. There were only 4 of them and they were born thanks to Sirin during the Second Eruption in 2000.
- Pseudo-cores are the cores of Pseudo-Herrschers, which a Herrscher can create with the help of his power to create strong servants or warriors for himself. Pseudo-cores have nothing to do with real cores, but only use part of the power given to them. An example of such Cores was during the second eruption of the four Angels of Sirin (Bella, Agatha, Aurora and Galina).
There are 13 Cores in total, different in strength and abilities. The Cores get the same name as the Herrscher who owns them. In addition to the specific powers of each Core, there are additional abilities that the Cores possess.
They are able to retain the souls of the hosts and serve as a kind of repository for souls. Thus, the preservation of the soul in the Herrscher Core makes it possible to create a new body in which the soul can be placed.
Herrscher Cores store a gigantic amount of Honkai Energy in themselves, because of this they pose a huge danger in themselves. If the structure is broken or the Core is damaged, a cascade may occur - the Core will release a huge amount of Honkai Energy to the outside world, working as a nuclear explosion of gigantic proportions, so the Cores need to be handled carefully.
Because of the principles of the Cores, they can be used even outside the Herrscher body. A great example is the Divine Keys - superweapons that work on Herrscher Cores and use their abilities.
How Cores works
Herrscher Cores, although they seem to be the same, actually work according to completely different principles.
The principle of operation of the Cores is based on an imaginary singularity. This principle is a paranormal structure capable of displaying supernatural activity. In essence, these Cores store and transform the Honkai Energy according to the principles of imaginary space.
The Cores of the Previous Era have an immeasurable pure singularity - they are "inanimate", are not capable of change or adaptation, are not capable of turning a new person into a Herrscher. Being passive structures, they will no longer be able to get new functions after formation.
The Cores of the Current Era are "alive" - they have one-dimensional loops, they are able to change and adapt, receive new functions even after formation and are able to turn new people into Herrschers. That is why whole generations of Herrscher are possible in CE, where Cores are transferred from one to another.
Sirin's Gems are more related to CE Cores than to PE, since they are the same thing. In the same World can't exist two similar Cores/Gems (Example: when Mei woke up in Chapter 17, she formed a new Core of Thunder inside herself, thereby the Stone inside Kiana disappeared).
The MANTIS project, otherwise known as Project Soldier, aimed to give humanity a better chance versus the Honkai. The name stands for Massively Augmented Neo-Tech Integrated Soldiers, which is fairly accurate to what a MANTIS is. As suggested, it entails a human given strength through modified Honkai genes called Meta-Morph ICHOR (Intra-Chromosomal Honkai Gene Repeats). The genes are combined via the Meta-Morph surgery.
— Honkai Impact 3rd; Divine Key manga, Chapter 2. Official English translation
An Active Honkai Reaction, or artificial cascade, is the final form of the MANTISes that can be manually activated. It fully turns them into the Honkai Beast their genes came from. All MANTISes have the natural instinct to activate it and have to be actively suppressing it. Dr. Mobius is known to have activated this form, and Kevin said if he were to unleash his, the world would end.
— Honkai Impact 3rd; Second Eruption manga, Chapter 39. Official English translation
Stigmata are the most valuable heritage in human blood. This is not a product of natural evolution, but a miracle of biotechnology of the Previous Era. There are still many unsolved mysteries about its principle and work.
Before the Previous Era died out, they inoculated the embryos of several descendants with complex anti-Honkai genomes. These genomes will create imprints on the surface of the human body, that is, Stigmata. People with Stigmata have a stronger resistance to Honkai and the ability to control it, and can also demonstrate various incredible abilities.
But, unfortunately, since the human bloodline is inherited, genes are constantly mutating and changing. The original complete genome of stigmata has finally become discrete. When a genetic pattern is violated, its meaning disappears. Thus, although every modern person carries the stigmata gene in his body, there are only a handful of people who can naturally express these stigmata.
Schicksal tried to artificially imitate stigmata through acquired implantation. But this technique is full of flaws and dangers, and it's just a bad imitation.
— Honkai Impact 3rd; Chapter 13, Investigation notebook: Arc City Stigma Test. Translated from Chinese; official English translation
In addition to natural and artificial stigmata, there are true stigmata that served as a prototype for natural ones. True stigmata appeared on Herrschers in the Previous Era, as well as on some of them in the Current Era and on the candidate to become Herrscher. True stigmata carry technologies of the Previous Era. If the host is not strong enough, he may die.
Stigmata Space
It is an imaginary space in which the memories of the bearers of stigmata of one bloodline or another are contained. In other words, the data space.
Eidos are imaginary beings who are the crystallization of Stigmata. They are also called Forms and Ideas in English localization.
Known Eidos:
- Misteln "Hare" Schariac
- Dark Seele
Honkai Beasts
Honkai Beasts are one of the manifestations of Cocoon's embrace. The beasts are divided into classes according to the threat they pose.
Known classes:
- Vipralopa
- Judgement
- Emperor
- Templar
- Knight
- Archangel
- Chariot
People know very little about these mysterious existences that stroll through the vast stellar sea. Limited by inherent capacities of cognition, intelligent lifeforms can only faintly discern that Aeons tread upon Paths imperceptible to mortal beings and execute unfathomable powers via some form of belief. In legends passed down through word of mouth, the Aeons became the embodiment of highly condensed philosophical concepts in the end.
If anyone can tread on a Path ruled by an Aeon, they will be inundated by a distant sensation, like being struck by a glance from light-years away across the galaxy. Many believe that this is the only connection that Aeons and mortals can ever have with each other.
— Honkai: Star Rail; Data Bank entry: Aeons. Official English translation
If mortals receiving the grace of Aeons and grasping the power of Paths are viewed as a singular shattered foam, then the mighty feats of Aeons driving their Paths onwards can be likened to a towering tsunami that engulfs mountains. In this empty stellar vastness, a small number of favored mortals can also draw upon the power of the Paths with the permission of the Aeons, creating huge waves that erode the coast. They are referred to as "Emanators." While not completely subservient to the Aeons, Emanators are Aeons' apostles in everyone else's eyes.
Different Aeons have different attitudes towards their Emanators, so the degree of the power they share also varies. Some Aeons regard Emanators as an extension of themselves, and as such, generously open their Path to the Emanators completely. There are also Aeons who have no intention of creating Emanators and have no interest in worldly squabbles. Other Aeons just do as they please. It is said that Aha the Elation will randomly give mortals the power of their Path, and toy with humans according to their mood.
— Honkai: Star Rail; Data Bank entry: Emanator (Phenomen). Translated from Chinese; official English translation
Paths are congregations of Imaginary energy, with which the ideals harmonize. The Aeons can use Paths as they please after their ascension and are linked to it for the rest of their existence.
— Honkai: Star Rail. Information from Wiki
Ley Lines