gabe's url storage unit

the mental illness is kicking in im not gonna front idk why i hoard its fun
oh yeah and um if its highlighted like that then that url is in use. shit in bold is stuff i like a lot i dont trade or sell cus im a greedy lil nigga so ummmm yah

6.24.24 : PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS URL. even though i dont like Actively collect urls anymore (and most of these urls are probably already taken by now cus u niggas is GREEDY) i want this to be an archive of all the urls i previously had ownership over. thats all ty :-)

  • madcom
    murderface, autisticwhitehank, autistichankjwimbleton, autistichank, the-protagonist, ANTlPATHY, trikkurrdurr, projectsexus, projectnexus-, scrapeface, fellowd9, mag-agent, babygirldeimos, babygirlsanford, babygirlhankjwimbleton, sheriffsbabygirl, sheriffs(boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband YES ALL VARIANTS SHUT UP), catboywimbleton uhhh, 2bdamnedthugshake, whatifthehanksfrom9-5part2kissed, deimosyaoi, madcomyaoi, madnesscombatyaoi, 2bhankmpreg, yaoinesscombat, hankmosyaoi (sorry for the Yaoi), hankmenyaoi

  • mandela catalouge
    mandeIacounty, livejonahreaction, thatcher-, davis-, bythorne-, markheathcliff-, cesartorres-, adammurray-, jonahmarshall-, sarahheathcliff-, evelinmiller-, VICTlMONE, VICTlMTWO, VICTlMTHREE, VICTlMFOUR, funkdela-

  • daft punk
    loseyourselftodance, voyager-, robotrock, getIucky, aerodynamite, bangalter, H4RDER, B3TTER, F4STER, STR0NGER

  • touhou
    ordinarymagician, tomboyishdaughter, mathclass, perfectmathclass

  • rainbow six siege
    nighthaven, teamrainbow, wolfguard, tomclancy, kapglaz, nokk, DOKKAEBl, caveria, tachanka, glaz, kapkan-

  • 8:11 (sorry the autism)
    ryker, accardi, accardi-florentino, accardiflorentino, accardi_florentino, florentino, ryker-dublin, ryker_dublin, fuckyoudante, ineedaccardisdickinmymouth, pleasefuckmeaccardi, vittortino

  • vs /v/-tan + 4chan *whinces*
    infinigger, cancerIord, consolezord, vtanhasagapingasshole, vslut, vtancumjar, cancerlords-fat-titties, wtsnackz, m00t, mootwo, r9k-, s4s

  • ao3 tags
    (or just general nsfw urls idk either works + oh my god thank you)
    nobeta, nobetawedielikemen, nobetaimgrieving, bloodandinjury, majorcharacterdeath, noarchivewarningsapply, deaddovedonoteat (not a weirdo js saving dw im normal), watersports, enemiestolovers-, theyfightinlikeahomoeroticway, whathaveidone, nosexytimessorry, imhornyandindecisive, howdoitag, oneshot-, emotionalhurt-comfort, pornwithplot, pornwithoutplot, myfirstsmut, icantakehim, publicsex, oraIsex, anaIsex, breedingkink, A-B-O, threesome-, sizedifference, aliensex, tentaclesex, slashreader, spamtongspamtonslashreader, attemptedseduction, maleprostitution, ohlawdhecummin, mindfuck, sadomasochism-, mutualmasturbation, softvore, unwillingvore, dissenter-be-vored uhhhh uhhhmmm uhhhhh wait , rpfs

  • spiderverse
    ninjavampire, earth2099, spidersman, earth1610-, moraIes-, staceygwen, Iego99, splderdads

  • music refrences (mostly songs)
    hollowmoon, femmefatale-, psychosuperlover, skiptothegoodbit, kissingstrangers, kissing-strangers, ittoreyourheartout, it-tore-your-heart-out, popupunderyobedandbeatyoass, magdalenabay, magdalena-bay, mustardplug, thethirdrates shakinglikeananimal, shaking-like-an-animal, toyyboyy, love-me-more, 8dollars, skaneverdies, ska-never-dies, saturnz-barz, speedcorecutie, hardbasshottie, hardbass, m1dyissexy, thathandsomedevil-, cleopatrick, getawayfortheweekend, damndoor, feelingmegagood, djwhore, matzcore, youandmebabyaintnothinbutmammalssoletsdoitliketheydoonthediscoverychannel, BLUEPOKEMON, filthyhabit, twistheknife, onestepbeyond, -primemover, someunhoIywar, ninjassexparty, drsexbang, GirlUnderYou

  • makeup, fashion, lolita, etc
    highheeIs, creamblush, himekajigirl, rokkugyaruing, WHY ARE ALL THE CUTE ONES TAKEN FUCK ALL OF YOU NIGGAS FR!!!!!!, otokonokko

  • miscellaneous
    (warning for nsfw and slurs (that I CAN RECLAIM!!!!))
    dantes-inferno, paraclete, ultragaysex, hotgaysex(this one), AUTlZZY, gabrielbongwater, raginghomosexual, eatingass, bulletheIl, cowboyhell, ilovemensofuckingmuch, achilleanism, negroification, niggerzz, tomcoonery, miniontampon, coryspazkid, oneypIays, johnnyutah, johnny-utah, nightmarecops, nightmare-cops, warmmilk, aceggots (please please please get these refs i beg of you), vorepride, cpataincrunch, siryessiroorah, anticereal, thisisSTUPID, cicenock, pegging-, babseed, fuckinggaydude, stupidsadisticandsuicidal, OOOHHAAAAHOOOHOOOHOOAAAAAAFUCK, immoralpriest, sacrilegious-, thickmeatycock, hesheuser, shutupandsleepwithme, gunslinger-, averagecowboy, averagecowgirl, textyshouldkillthemselves, krisshouldkillhimself, krisneedstherapythisisntokaywhydoyouhaveover300rentryurlsyoufuckingqueer, triplexthrowdown, lattewithbreastmilk, boyskissing, girlskissing, frotting, frottage-, mylittlehfjone, dominatrix-, howapplejackwonthewar, hankypanky-, raspberryheaven, festeringwound, inkorsink, therewillbebloodshed, littlesillybilly, lenkagaminefan42, septipliers, prostateorgasms, letschewassandkickbubblegum, koiwaii, big-betrayaI

NOT-SO-HONORABLE MENTIONS gabeshouldkillhimself, gabewhatareyoutalkingaboutimnormalandsaneidontneedtherapyilovemylifeitouchgrasseverydaykillyourself

count them yourself i dont want to
unlike this freak...


Pub: 04 Aug 2022 08:37 UTC
Edit: 24 Jun 2024 18:45 UTC
Views: 570