last updated: 26/3/23
resources from: ensemble stars wiki (unofficial) and gradualcolors's ensemble stars assets drive

5/9/2022: (大勢体育祭) Crowded Sports Festival added (card)
25/9/2022: (見つめるカード) Observing Card and (勇気とサプライズ) Courage and Surprise added (cards and CGs)
2/10/2022: Mesmerizing Fairytale added (card and CGs)
6/10/2022: Mesmerizing Fairytale chinese name (迷夢魅影) added
9/10/2022: 5* Chibi Motions added (Coward's Dead End, Coward Hiding in the Corner, Phantom Ship of Hope and A Quiet Solitary Stage)
30/11/2022: 5* Chibi Motion added (神秘のスタフェス)
3/12/2022: 神秘のスタフェス added (card and CGs)
15/12/2022: 神秘のスタフェス english name (StarFes of Mystery) added
22/3/2023: 裏側から進む先 added
26/3/2023: 沈みゆく兵隊の夜 added

Pub: 09 Oct 2022 15:44 UTC
Edit: 26 Mar 2023 15:08 UTC
Views: 1168