Hourly Sorakasa

Blade Dance of Fortune

ran by suoulph

bot currently has:

❀ matching frameless cards (from same event, from same album cover series(?), etc things like that)
❀ quotes from fortune banquet, fostering friendship (tsukasa idol story), the ONLY quote from blue filament
❀ like three textposts
❀ ingame mv screenshots
❀ a few random other official images

planning to add:

❀ quotes from other stories
❀ more ingame mv screenshots
❀ anime screenshots, maybe
❀ more bkub/4koma panels

++ at some point i think it would be fun to manually post fan content! perhaps when i have almost everything i want added to the bot part, though

please feel free to dm me for anything! like if you want something added or taken off, or something else!

mod's other bots:


Performace of Fortune

Pub: 25 Nov 2021 23:59 UTC
Edit: 09 Aug 2022 14:49 UTC
Views: 2958