Sumargo logs ch 1.

Day of departure
This is one of the most historic monents that can ever happen in risuner history. After waiting for winter to pass were finally going to make the trek all the way to /rose/ and meet the supposed plant people
Reminder to give thanks to the kronies back home for showing me the route. I just hope that were skilled enough to actually get to it.

Day of landing.
Ok we finally landed! And holy shit is this place beyond cold! I know it wasnt going to be anything like our home land but what the actual fuck is this!? I never seen snow in my life it all feels so unreal.
Well anyway so far we havent found much. The land appears to be sustainable so were going to stick with our plan and set up a base camp. A few of us will venture deeper into the land and see if we can find any of the inhabitants.

Few weeks after landing.
At long last! Just when we thought this was going to be a failed expedition we finally got to meet some of the natives. They had some pretty interesting features and we were quite surprised at first. These "sunwalkers" as they are called are humanoid plants.
Very strange looking in appearance but so far seem to be nice and have helped us get around. The question is how the hell were supposed to perform a nut exchange with them. Not even sure if thats physically possible and unsure how im supposed to ask.
Main priority is as always to see if they have any nuts to trade as well as any gems. They mentioned something called rosestone which sounds very appealing.
So far I cant actually assess the relation between us until we speak to them a bit longer but they appear to be cool with us. Although i question how plant like creatures can live in such a cold environment. Something doesnt seem right here and its my personal mission to find out if theres more to this land then there appears to be.

Sumargo logs ch 2.

Its been a while now and we have somewhat adapted to the cold environment. Of course when I say adapted I really mean we ended up meeting some of the natives who are far better off here and accept their hot food for help.
Language is currently a problem. We communicate using simple hand gestures and the like. Most of us can understand what they mean however when they offer and ask for things.
These people are huge! They look so muscular and their physiology is much different than ours. They have smooth skin in most places and its so satisfying to rub. They seem to back off a bit by this though. In fact they definitely arent like the kronies back home. A bit more conservative in comparison.

Among these huge friends there are the other type. They seem smaller and resemble a more female type. Strange to see such a divergence in what we assume are genders but it is what it is.
I had to calm the crew down just a bit. Some of them seemed a bit too eager to exchange nuts and all of a sudden this massive terrible smell emanated from one of them. Theyre kind of cute how shy they seem to be. But oh god I DO NOT want to smell that again. It was fucking disgusting.

Im theorizing that they stay warm thanks to those very pretty stones. They're almost like gems. I want one. Holy shit i really want one of those pretty gems. Its so pretty. And I think I know just the way to get it. One of my scouts reported that they seem to stare at our tails a lot. The next time we get them to visit our camp im gonna recommend that some of the group rub our tails over them to try and make them blush.
If it goes well we can get their gems AND their nuts! Anyway these are our current goals.

  1. Survive with their help
  2. Exchange nuts.

On another note our scout teams are gonna start going in as deep as they can. We need to see if they have cities of some kind. And especially if we can find this stone/gem thing.
We tried showing off our various nuts. And we even demonstrated planting a few in the ground to signify they grow into trees. They seem somewhat interested but the language barrier appears to be a filter. If only we could teach them our language easier. If only they could comprehend the power of our nuts.

Side note: One of those big boys actually volunteered to cuddle with me personally. As a guy this was a little awkward since this seems to be the male version of their species but holy shit he was warm. Mmmmm so warm. Like a personal campfire. It actually felt really good. Can confirm they really like our tails. This gives me a brilliant idea if we ever get indoors or in a room where we can ignore the cold climate.

Sumargo logs ch 3.

3 months in /rose/

Alright a lot of decisions have been made. We must wait for the summer of this land to travel back to /risu/. Of course this means we will be here for a while. Well its not all bad here as the locals have been pretty friendly so far.

It's a damn shame that it took my scouts this long to find anything but it seems they found the remains of some city. Destroyed stone homes or what appear to be homes. Something terrible must have happened here. Strangely inside one of the ruins we found lots of stuff relating to flowers. Did flowers use to bloom here?

As far as language goes a few of my guys have been picked and dedicated to learning how they speak and acting as translators. Of course they have been teaching me as well and we can now communicate using extreme basic sentences. 3 months of being anywhere will teach you a lot of things.
I feel that since we are the visitors that it would be appropriate and polite for us to speak to them in their native tongue instead of trying to get them to speak our language. We will ask them to learn from us if we ever see their boats approach us (do these people have boats)?
In fact that's a good idea, I should ask if some of these rosebuds want to come back to /risu/ once we set sail. I'm sure they would love an environment that resembles their own bodies.

About our survival situation. Its getting colder but we have much more knowledge of surviving in the cold. Lots of us have grown accustomed to cuddling with each other using our tails to warm ourselves up. We kind of have to since its too late to travel back and it will be half a year before we can travel back as I said before. Luckily these shiny gems that are apparantely called "rosestones" make heat.
So not only do these people seem to love nature but they also have the power of magical gems. I only wish I knew how our own magic gems worked. Maybe one day ill be promoted enough to learn about the rumored "gem witches" but thats for another day. We really do need to start trading more of our stuff for these rosestones. Surely the rosebuds must find a way to use our nuts! Even if its to make trees or for eating or something.
We like cuddling with any of the rosebuds that offer but these are very few. The ones that do come around however seem to really like us. Like always they definitely don't seem interested in doing a nut exchange and once again i had to smell that absolutely DISGUSTING odor a few weeks back. Likewise I have come to the possible conclusion that these people seem to look a bit down on us due to our constant sexual activity.

These rosebuds from what we can tell also seem to have some form of government system. They have ranks among themselves but for some reason their bigger leaders are nowhere to be found? There is way too much missing that I need to know. In a few months however then surely we will know enough of their language to be able to effectively communicate with them. And when we do of course our priority will be to gather knowledge and rosestones.
I just hope that our witches back home get a good use of these rosestones because it was really annoying at first to deal with this cold. But if my plans go as I expect them to then we should be sitting comfy very soon.

Sumargo logs ch 4.

Well we have finally reached a comfortable point. We now have 3 dedicated translators than can speak very well in their language including myself. Our guests are hesitating on letting us talk to their big leaders for now though despite my admittedly passionate curiosity.
The rosestones they have been trading us are not only pretty but super useful. They keep us warm when we would normally be extremely cold. Its gonna be great when we bring these back to /risu/. The nuts we gave to them should be useful for them to regrow their trees if they wish.

Now on to the incident where one of my men thought it would be a fantastic idea to educate one of their females how we nut. We know by now that they treat sex as a way to re grow. They don't view it as we do but apparentaly they can be aroused. Of course he taught her how to arouse his nuts and actually instructed her on how to use her mouth. According the the roli the taste was terrible and the only thing more shocking was the fact that we use this method to trade with other people. From that point on they figured out the 2 meanings of nut.
Luckily it didn't go too much farther than that. He did try to have sex but she released that horrible smell and i had to smack him. Still, he did say that was the best blowjob of his life by far so I'm curious now. But I'm here to do a job so I wont let it dwell in my head for too long. None of the females have tried to 'educate' their males. At least not yet.

One of the lead sunwalkers told us that in time we would be able to visit their leaders. In return I offered some of their people to come back with us to /risu/ as honored guests. I got a total of 5 volunteers for this which was very promising. So in a few months when the waters are better for sailing we shall head out back to our land with our new friends. I'm sure they will love our beautiful forests.
This is super exciting! We have pretty gems, new friends, and so many new opportunities. The sunwalkers even make great cuddle buddies too especially the big ones. They smell so nice and really love our tails. I can't help but laugh when one of my crew brushes their tail against one of them. So cute.

(1 month passes)
WE HAVE BEEN GRANTED ENTRY! It seems that their leaders are willing to allow the 3 translators of our group (which of course includes myself) temporary access to their capitol! All I can do now is shake in excitement and eagerness. My tail was going nuts with the news!

(Next day)
And....of course after just one day one of the girls thought it would be beneficial to privately teach one of their males or 'peccary' the joys of nutting. Even though we cant breed with each other they can still enjoy pleasure to a degree. When asked, she told me it was just as good as a risuner. She used her hands, mouth and eventually even offered herself claiming she wanted to be the first risuner to fuck one of them.
Well congrats you have your title. I also spoke to the peccary and he said it was very pleasurable but didn't find all the joy that he hoped since pollination wasn't an option.
But its nothing to think about. We are making very good progress and I intend to do my best to represent the great nation of /risu/.

Sumargo logs ch 5.

Oh my god I am so excited! Me and 2 other risuners are finally going to go and meet the big council underground. We are accompanied by Acicularis and a few other guards as we go into the tunnels. These tunnels are kind of weird. They are way too smooth to be natural so my guess is they must put stone or whatever up to keep them from collapsing.
One thing I need to complain about. Why the fuck was the tunnel SO LONG!? It took forever to walk there. Thankfully they had those cool cart things which were really fun to ride in. I kind of want those for /risu/. The kids would love it. And it was also cool to see the INSANE scenery as well. Their inner city is beautiful, heck it makes me jealous we don't got cool underground areas like this. Maybe I should ask molerisuners to fix that.

So. I discovered something. No wonder the risuners back home love to get fucked in the ass. Not even gay but holy shit the smell was enough to make me consider trying it. It must have been hours but my mind was blank the entire time. All I was thinking of is how nice it feels to be on the receiving end of anal sex. Too bad plants cant bust any nuts but oh well.
All the other guards did not approve at all. In fact they looked slightly annoyed at the fact that we spent the entire day essentially having sex. I bet they were just jealous they didn't get to fuck my ass as well. I do have a damn nice ass after all. Oh well, their loss.

Speaking of sex. THE GRAND OVERSEER! AS SOON AS I SAW HER ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS SPRINT TO HER AND PUMP 20 NUTS INSIDE HER UNTIL MY BALLS RAN DRY I NEVER WANTED TO HAVE EXTREME MATING SEX WITH SOMEONE SO BAD IN MY LIFE! Not only was she MADE OF SEX but she even helped out with the negotiations. The other overseers were kind of low key assholes in a way until she came along.
Everything took a while. More time than I ever expected. But who am I to complain after seeing all their pretty things underground. They had gems all over the wall for lights, beautiful architecture, not to mention their grand overseer who I had to bust some nuts to just by thinking about her.

Ok enough about my dick exploding. We actually did manage to establish some trade connections. Official business stuff they insisted on which wasn't all that interesting but such is the life of an ambassador. In all seriousness it all went extremely well after the grand overseer came in. Eased a lot of the tensions.

Last thing I want to say. I will be able to take some of these plant people home. I think they are gonna LOVE it at /risu/ Our home is actually warm and has loads of nature. I bet hey would love it. And if they ever get horny there are plenty of risuners to take their nuts...or seeds.

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Pub: 03 May 2022 01:19 UTC
Edit: 25 Jun 2022 11:18 UTC
Views: 640