"He was cute." Maya said taking a sip of her drink, "Yeah," I replied with a smile, "they always are."

After finishing our drinks we began making our way towards the exit, I knew that as soon as the air hit me I'd be swaying in the wind and i think Maya knew it too. Especially if she was going to light herself a cigarette.

"Wait till were home before you light up," I said, "I don't wanna carry you to a cab and then spend an hour trying to convince him you won't vomit."

"Forget that, let's just get an Uber." She said looking around in her bag for her phone.

We both saw it at the same time, a doorway next to the club entrance. The sign next to the door read 'V.I.P Lounge'.

"I never knew there was a VIP lounge." Maya said. "Must be new." I replied stepping towards the doorway. A tank of a man suddenly appeared before us, I crashed into him and was almost knocked on to my ass. "Wow," I said stumbling.

"Sorry, but the lounge is only reserved for special guests of Mister Caine." He told us.

"Who is that?" I asked. The tank looked at me for a moment and tilted his head to the side, "The owner, of course." He said as if we should already know that.

"Oh yes, of course!" Maya exclaimed sarcastically. I smiled and signalled for her to walk on towards the exit, when someone else stepped into our path. The guy who bought us a drink earlier was smiling at us as he stood between us and the exit.

"We don't want anything more to drink thank you, we're quite sloshed as we are thank you!" I declared defiantly.

"I'm Mister Caine," he said holding up his hands, "I just wanted to inform you that you have been given access to the lounge upstairs. But maybe some other time though." He said stepping aside.

"Maya, hes the owner!" I whispered loudly. She giggled, "His name is mister!" She said.

The closer we had gotten to the exit, the more drunk we had become, Caine seemed to know this and opened the door of the club for us to leave.

"Ladies, the next time you come by simply walk up to my big friend over there and give him the magic word. He will let you up into the lounge where you will enjoy free champagne, a table waiter, a private dance floor and free wi-fi."

"Wait, what?" I asked. I'd never heard to anything so luxurious. A free night out? Count me in.

"You heard me correctly, the magic word is 'philanthropy'. Dont forget it." He told us.

"What if we tell somebody else the magic word?" Maya asked. He then leaned forward a little and brought his face close to Maya's. "Then it'll be you that misses out on all the fun." He said glancing towards me.

We stepped outside onto the pavement, the bouncer standing behind us looked as much of a tank as the one inside did. Maya managed to find her phone, but had now began rummaging around for her cigarettes. The air had filled my lungs and I wasn't feeling as bad as I thought I might, normally I would be swaying around like one of those inflatable tube advertisements.

As she lit a cigarette Maya began tapping at her phone. "I was about to bitch about the cold, but it's not even cold." She said, "Its October, and it's not even cold!"

"That's okay then," I replied happily, "You can keep me warm later."

"I said it wasn't cold," she replied, I then grinned at her and brought my hands up to my chest. With my back to the bouncer I began fondling myself, "I guess there's no need to keep these warm later then." I said playfully.

Her eyes found my chest and she burst into giggles, "Oh wait, its suddenly cold." She exclaimed.

"So wheres our Uber?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders, "I'm struggling for signal. I swear this part of town has a dome over it."

I then remembered that we normally walk half a mile down the road to a pizza place and get a ride home from there. But neither one of us were hungry or up for a long walk in these heels.

"Didn't that guy say something about free wi-fi?" Maya asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh," I suddenly thought, "Caine. Mister Caine." she started laughing again, whenever she leaned forward I had the golden ticket view of her cleavage. Her dress had a neck line that plunged down to her naval. All that kept her triple Ds from spilling free was the black bikini top she had gone with.

"Should we go in?" I asked.

"Might as well enjoy a free glass of champagne while we wait, yes." She beamed.

We made our way back in and towards the tank, he looked us over and half smiled. "Magic word?" He asked.

"Umm..." I began, I glanced at Maya for help but she just looked at me with her big blue eyes, "Philanthropy!" I remembered.

He stepped aside and waved us through the door. We started up the stairs and a few moments later we were standing at an empty bar. To the side of the staircase we had just walked up, stood another tank of a man.

"Where does he find you guys?" I asked. Three booths were opposite the bar itself, all three had semi-circle couches arching around a circular table. At the far end of the bar was a dance floor.

A bartender then appeared, he was a little less tank like and more buff.

"The wi-fi password is the same as the magic word. If you ladies would like to take a seat, I will bring your drinks." He told us.

We turned away from the bar and walked over to the first booth and sat down.

"This is a bit up market." I said, Maya lifted her legs up onto the couch and laid back. "I could sleep here." She said.

"Ladies, welcome!" Came a familiar voice. We both turned and saw Mister Caine walking out from a doorway next to the bar. "I'm so glad you decided to check out the lounge."

"Are you the waiter?" I asked, Maya started giggling again.

"No," he said grinning, "I am the owner. And after I've completed a short induction I will leave you to your night."

"You what?" Maya asked.

The buff bartender then appeared carrying a tray, there was an ice bucket, two glasses and inside the bucket was a bottle of champagne.

"Your champagne." He said setting it down on to the table. He poured us both a glass and stood nearby.

"Champagne in the lounge is completely free, however if you wish to drink something else then you will need to pay before you leave. The waiter will also serve as your bartender, he is exclusive to you, anything you ask of him he will do."

"So if I wanna feel his muscles he wont report me for harassment?" Maya asked sipping from her glass.

"He is at your command." Caine told us. "One other thing," he started, "The magic word changes every weekend. Should you have returned next week with the old one, I would have been called to verify your identity before entering."

"So how do we get the new one?" I asked.

"Once you sign into the wi-fi you will be asked whether you want to receive promotional offers, click yes, and the magic word will be sent to you every Friday."

Maya and I both looked at one another with approving looks.

We didn't ask what made us so special as to earn our entry, we both raided our glasses and drank up.

It was during our third glass that our heads began to feel a little fuzzy, we had reached our buzz and was beginning to think about calling it a night. "I feel so warm and fuzzy," Maya said stretching herself out on the couch, the waiter looked over at us both as we spread ourselves out.

"Hey, waiter," she called. Within two seconds he was standing at our table, both of us looking up at him enjoying our-buzzy-fuzzy-selves.

"I wanna see your muscles." She told him. Without a moment's pause he began unbuttoning his shirt, before he could remove it we saw the ripped chest and defined abs that he had been hiding.

He removed his shirt fully and balled it up before tossing it down onto the table.

He looked shredded, as though he was carved out of stone.

"Now you may refill my glass." She said smiling.

"Waiter, why don't you lose the trousers." I offered, Maya's head span around at me, "Oh my God, yes." She exclaimed.

He set the glass of champagne down and put the bottle back into the ice bucket, he then un-fastened his belt and in a matter of moments, dropped his trousers to his ankles.

His thighs were as defined as his arms, he clearly didn't skip leg day. As my eyes rolled up and down his body, they fell on the bulge in his Calvin's. It was strange to me to see a man in this day and age to be wearing briefs, but I guess some can pull off what others can't. Who would have thought that it took a private waiter to make me like a man in briefs?

I looked over at Maya, she pulled her eyes away from his crotch long enough to catch the stupid grin on my face.

It was then that another figure came into view, a man had just made his way up the stairs and into the lounge. He glanced over at us and gave us both a slight nod before taking a seat in the booth next to us.

As we went back to eyeing up our waiter, a female waiter appeared from behind the bar carrying a tray. On it was a single glass and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket.

Another V.I.P, I thought to myself. And he had a female waiter. What if Maya and I were gay? Would we of had a female waiter too?

I was glad we didn't take our dance number to next level after all, because if we had, we wouldn't be enjoying some pretty impressive eye candy while sipping expensive champagne.

I felt the sudden urge to get a closer look at our waiter friend, to feel his arms and run a finger over his abs.

"Waiter," Maya began, "Wont you join us for a drink?" She asked, surprising me and maybe even herself. The same bizarre thoughts must have been running through her head too, I felt horny, hornier than I had ever felt and I didn't know why. I didn't normally feel like this when I caught a buzz, Maya looked at me and shrugged, she too must have been asking herself the same questions.

The waiter obliged and moved around the table on Maya's side, I saw her raise her hand to grab hold of his ass but she stopped herself.

He sat down behind the table and between us both, he stretched his arms out across the back of the sofa and parted his legs a little.

Neither I nor Maya could take our eyes off of him.

Maya slowly edged herself closer to him, shuffling slightly up the sofa each time she reached for her glass, which she was drinking from pretty quickly.

A small voice in the back of my mind called to me, told me to order our Uber and go home, but it was drowned out by the other voice telling me to shimmy up the couch.

"So," I said thinking of something to say that would break the silence, "what's your name? Or shall I just refer to you as 'Buff Waiter'?"

He looked at me with a faint smile, I could see Maya's shoulder jolting as she laughed.

"Waiter is just fine with me." He said. I pretended not to hear him and moved closer, Maya did the same and we were so close to him we could smell him.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked, pretending not to have heard him.

"I said, waiter is just fine." He repeated. Maya's eyes were running all over his body and he knew it, he turned his head towards her and dropped his gaze. She wasn't aware of where his eyes had fallen, as her own were transfixed in him.

"Pardon me, but earlier you asked to touch my muscles?" He said.

Her jaw almost fell off of her face, excitement had washed over me too.

She leaned in closer, resting on her elbow as she raised her right hand and began tracing his abdomen with her forefinger.

She looked up at me with a look of wonder on her face, causing me to get in to the same position and begin running my left hand across his chest.

"You're so ripped, so firm." I told him, "you must have so much discipline to maintain yourself."

He turned his attention to me and brought his arm down around the back of me, he swept my hair back over my shoulder and explored my body with his eyes.

"You must know what that's like, look at you." He said.

Maya's finger moved passed his naval and over his hip, her hand now ran down his thigh as she felt his quadricep. Bringing her hand back up and along his inner thigh she was heading for his crotch.

My hand moved down over his stomach and hip, I thought that if Maya was going for it then she wouldn't be alone. Worst case scenario is that we both get thrown out of the club.

She reached his hip and hesitated, almost as though she was asking for permission. We had both watched as his bulge grew in mass. His fully erect cock was waiting just underneath the fabric of his underwear.

"You're at our complete command, right?" She asked. We both looked up at him and he nodded his head, "Yes." He replied.

"So," I said clearing my throat and reaching for my glass, it was three quarters full, and I downed the lot of it.

"We wanted to see all of your muscles." I finished.

Quicker than a hiccup he was on his feet, he turned on his heel to face us both and slipped his thumbs in between the waistband of his boxers.

Maya and I both looked at one another with lust in our eyes. Since walking up the stairs of the lounge we had been feeling hornier than I could ever remember feeling.

He leaned forward and bent over, pulling the boxers down his legs and stepping out of them before standing upright and revealing the rock hard mass to us both.

It looked perfect, it was long, smooth and thick. It ticked all the boxes.

He made his way back to where he was and sat back down between us, his arms came up and welcomed us in. Maya couldn't hold herself back any longer, her hand ran across his chest and down to his cock. Gripping it in her hand as he ran his hand along the back of her neck, he held a handful of her hair and pulled her to him, kissing her passionately she responded the only way she knew how, slipping her tongue into his mouth.

I leaned back into the couch and opened my legs, I began running my fingers over my pink satin underwear. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I found it even harder to believe how much I was enjoying it.

Maya stroked his manhood up and down as their tongues wrestled, his free hand came across and slipped into her dress to get a handful of her cleavage. It was seconds before he pulled her breast free.

He broke off the kiss to get a good, long look at her boob before pushing her head down onto himself. Her mouth opened and she engulfed the vast amount of his fuck stick. He looked over at me with bliss in his eyes as I moved my underwear to the side, showing him my 'Minnie'.

Minnie was an inny. Everything was tucked away nice and neat, i even made sure to shave it bald before coming out tonight.

My middle finger slipped between my folds and I moved it up and down, I felt so wet watching Maya try and swallow his tool as he watched me.

All of our inhibitions had left us, all that remained were two horny sluts who didn't get an Uber when they had the chance.

Maya had brought herself up onto all fours, tucking her knees into her chest it allowed him to pull her skirt up and reveal her round ass.

My middle finger slipped inside of me as I brought my own knees up into a squat, I almost gasped as euphoria was beginning to take me away.

He pulled at her panties, giving her a wedgie, she moaned with a mouthful and I wanted to join them. I didn't want to fight my friend for his cock though, so I got to my feet and moved behind Maya.

I laid both of my hands on her ass and spread her cheeks. Pulling at her panties I moved them to the side, but then changed my mind and began pulling them down.

I spread her cheeks once again and began lashing at her ass hole with my tongue, shed always told me how much she liked it, and her moans told me to keep doing it.

My tongue lowered for a moment to taste her secretion, she tasted sweet, I wanted more of her juices and buried my tongue as deep I to her snatch as I could get it.

"Ohh baby don't stop," she moaned at me, "Don't stop sucking." The waiter commanded her, she lowered her mouth and began sucking on his testicle, her hand was sliding up and down his rod as she tried to take both balls in her mouth.

I switched between her anus and vagina every few seconds, I couldn't settle on which she preferred. Or for that matter which I preferred. I didn't know what had come over me, but I was loving every second of it. "Daisy tastes so fucking good." I told her.

I lathered my tongue with her juices and pulled her backwards, she was upright on her knees and turned her head to me, I kissed her hard on the mouth, letting her see for herself just how good she tasted.

I pulled open her top and separated the bikini cups, bringing both of her triple D breasts out and into play as the waiter watched us while slowly jerking himself off.

"I think you need to sit on his dick now." I spoke into her ear, her eyes rolled a little, as though she had finally been given the permission she wanted.

She kissed me again and got to her feet, stepping out of her panties and walking towards him, she turned about face and hitched her skirt up a little more, he grabbed two handfuls of her ass and stuck his face a00¹between her cheeks. Through her thighs I could see his tongue lapping at her slit, I leaned back again and this time pulled my thong up over my legs and tossed it into the ice bucket on the table.

I began massaging my clitoris as my best friend slowly began lowering herself onto the waiter. He held his cock firm as the head broke into her, she moaned as his member was slowly swallowed by her soaking wet fuck hole.

It was her turn now to watch me slide a finger into myself, while she began to bring herself up and down on him.

In the dimly lit lounge I could still see her rosey red cheeks, she was so hot she was practically steaming.

"You like watching me finger fuck myself?" I suddenly asked. Her eyes went wide for a moment, "Yeah," she moaned.

"You like taking a dick while I finger fuck myself?" I asked.

"Yeah," she moaned again.

"Yeah, what?" I asked her.

"I love watching you finger fuck yourself, while I take a dick." She gasped, her eyes closed and her head had tilted backward. "Oh my God, I'm gonna," she started, she couldnt finish her words though. She had stopped moving and the waiter had taken over, with a hand on each of her hips he began bouncing off of the couch and into her, she started a low level moan but it soon became a cry of ecstasy. She had just cum, and I couldn't have found it any more of a turn on.

"Oh God," she panted, looking over at me she began to try and turn the tables.

"You like this? You like watching me get fucked? You like watching my tits bounce around my chest? Like it when I cum all over a big hard cock?" She called.

I couldn't reply, it had worked, I was about to be hit with my own orgasm and using the palm of my hand to rub my clit while my middle finger wiggles around inside of me I brought myself off.

It was then that something caught my eye, it was Mister Caine. He was leaning against the wall watching us.

The waiter had had enough of watching her ass bounce up and down off of his groin, he pushed her onto the couch and got to his feet.

She pulled her top off and he pulled her bikini top off. He then grabbed both breasts and took a mouthful of her nipple, as he moved between her legs and slipped his way back inside of her.

Her arms came up over her head as he slammed his hips into her as hard as he could, her moans were louder now but it wasnt her moans that had my attention.

I watched the waiter slap and pull at Maya's breasts, she loved every bit of it and I felt the sudden urge to sit on her face.

I got to my feet and glanced over at the second booth, suddenly remembering the guy who had come in after we did.

The female waiter was laid out on the table, her head was hanging over the edge of it while he thrust himself into her mouth. He held both of her firm looking breasts in his hand while he face fucked her, her legs open and her hand going to work on her clit.

I then turned back to look at Mister Caine, who gave me a nod and walked through the door next to him.

Without a second thought I walked across the bar and followed him through the door and into what must have been his office.

The desk, the computer, the cabinets and the giant window overlooking the dance floor. It was a window.

"To the dancers, it's a mirror. To me, it's a window." He told me.

"I dont know what kind of club this is, but for some strange reason, I'm absolutely crazy about it." I told him walking over to the window.

People below us were dancing, occasionally looking up at us to check themselves out. It felt like they were looking up at us, at me.

Caine had moved behind me, "Your friend, I like her." He told me.

"Well she really likes your waiter." I replied.

His hands slipped around my waist, I drew a breath as he cupped my breasts. He began pulling the straps down around my shoulders, I kept looking down at the dancefloor as he exposed me.

"Why didnt you join your friend, you looked like you wanted to." He asked.

"Maybe I wanted something to myself," I replied.

"Maybe." He said squeezing my D-cups, I felt so exposed, even though I knew that they couldn't see us it felt like we had an audience.

I reached back looking for his bulge, but I quickly learned that his pants were already down. I laid my hand on his erect penis and it felt how the waiters looked. Thick, long and smooth.

He couldnt wait to get it inside of me, and I was beyond wanting foreplay. He pulled my hips against his crotch and began hitching up my skirt. I pressed my hands against the glass and leaned forward a little, i had never been fucked while standing before, and as he pushed his fuck-toy into my wet Minnie I couldnt help but gasp as I looked down at the club below us.

He drove himself back and forth, I could hear the sound of his cock sliding in and out of me, it was either his balls slapping against me or my own juices gushing out of me and running down my legs. It felt like nothing I had ever felt before, I suddenly wanted the club below to all look up, I wanted to be watched. It had gotten Maya off, knowing that i was watching her and I wanted the same feeling.

"Look at them down there," he grunted, "You want them to know, don't you? You want them to see you get fucked."

"Yeah," I moaned, "I want them to watch me get fucked." I repeated back to him.

"I'm going enjoy making you a V.I.P." he said, "I want everyone to see me fuck you."

I couldn't take it anymore, the people downstairs occasionally looking up at me, my breasts pressed up against the glass as his long cock punched my cervix, and him telling me things that I never knew I wanted to hear.

With a high pitched shriek I came, I came harder than I ever had before. The sensation swept over me, it rippled down my legs and almost made it impossible to stand. My nipples could have cut the glass I was pushed up against, he held me firmly, taking longer harder thrusts.

We then remained still for a moment, the feeling began to return to my legs just in time for him to move me away from the window. I thought he was about to lay me down on the desk but we went straight passed it and to the doorway. He held me against the frame of the door and I saw Maya in the booth. She was now almost completely naked, her skirt was around her waist and she was positioned in a deep squat while the waiter thrust himself in and out of her mouth.

"Let's go and see what your friend is doing." He said leading me towards the booth.

Maya looked over at me and I saw the look of excitement in her eyes as Caine turned me around to face him. He pulled my top and bra up over my head and dropped the garments to the floor.

The waiter pulled his cock out of her mouth and signalled for her to lie down, obediently she did as she was told. He pulled her legs against his shoulders and slid back into her.

Caine put me on all fours right next to her, she cupped both of her chest pillows while looking into my eyes.

Caine held the back of my head and pushed my face down onto her chest, I took a mouthful of her nipple as he spat a mouthful of saliva onto my snatch.

He smeared his spit all over Minnie, even making sure he covered my ass hole.

"You're gonna moan for me again." He told me.

He guided his thickness into me and I took him to the hilt, my cervix felt stretched thin as he held my ass cheeks apart, he was still for a moment as he mo doubt took in the view.

Maya had managed to position herself underneath me, she now had one of my breasts in her face, her tongue slid over my areola and she nibbled slightly on my nipple. Her chest pillows were bouncing around as though they were filled with water, the waiter pounded her cunt hard and fast while I watched his length disappear and reappear.

Caine had withdrawn his cock from me and was now pushing his way back in, he had began building up a pace, he spread my ass cheeks apart and dropped another mouthful of spit, this time onto my anus.

I had never dome anal before and never wanted to, having heard so many horror stories from my friends I thought it best to keep my ass as an exit only.

"No," I moaned, "not there, please not there." I told him. He continued fucking me with my cheeks pulled apart, the waiter slipped out of Maya and came forward slightly, sticking his rod into my mouth. As I tasted my best friends cunt, Caine had pressed his thumb against my anus. I tried to say something but the waiters hand was now on the back of my head, Caine continued to fuck my fuck-hole while pressing his thumb onto my ass hole. It was like he was daring himself to stick it in, I couldn't protest and I couldn't move, Maya had a mouthful of my breast and it all became too much for me. The waiter stuffed my mouth and throat with his cock, Maya reached between her legs and began rubbing her clit as Caines thumb breached my ass.

I came hard, harder than earlier, harder than I ever had before.

The waiter released his hold on my head and let his prick fall out of my mouth as I let out a long cry, Caine removed his thumb and had began jerking his cock.

I collapsed onto the sofa next to Maya, at this point we were top and tail as both men stood at either end of us jerking themselves off. I looked down as Caine began firing his load over Maya, the waiter again grabbed my head and made sure I was looking right at him when he began shooting streams of cum at me.

Maya and I remained in a broken heap on the sofa as Caine and the waiter stood over us.

"Be sure to check your emails for next weeks magic word ladies." He said casually before walking away.

It took Maya and I almost half an hour to compose ourselves, to wipe ourselves off and get dressed again. She finally managed to order an Uber and we made our way down the stairs to the exit.

We barely spoke a word to one another the entire way home. The cab ride wasn't a long one, but it felt long.

As we got into my apartment we both stripped and slipped into bed, we were both facing opposite directions, laying back to back. It was there that Maya finally broke the long silence.

"Do you want me to text you when I get the magic word?" She asked.

I turned to her and became the big spoon, slipping my hand over her hip and up her shirt I found one of her melon breasts.

"You'd better." I told her smiling.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:






Pub: 29 May 2024 22:05 UTC
Views: 190