15 Of The Best Documentaries On Citroen Replacement Key

Citroen Dispatching Remote Key Replacement

From 1997 onwards, Citroen vehicles utilised keys that did not require transponders (chip). These key types can be programmed on site with no need for specialist equipment.

If your key fob isn't functioning it could be due a number of reasons, including worn buttons, damaged battery contacts water damage or issues with the receiver module.


Fault diagnosis is a method which identifies the cause of a fault, so that corrective actions can be implemented. It is commonly called fault isolation, and is a key component of automation of operations management systems. It involves three steps which are localization, estimation and detection.

The most common methods of fault diagnosis use simulation to determine the potential responses to a test in the event of different faults, and then save these expected results in a database. When a test experiment is conducted and the actual results are compared to the expected results. If the actual results are identical to the expected results, then the fault is identified. The process of identifying mistakes is usually iterative and described as a diagnosis tree.

The remote for your car can be out of sync with your vehicle, resulting in it not functioning correctly. This issue can be resolved by an expert mobile technician with the appropriate equipment, thereby saving you money over a dealership's service. Technicians are able to activate your Citroen remote with an instrument that is specifically designed for. This is a simple and quick process that can be completed in five minutes. You can repeat the process for a second plip in case the first one doesn't work.

Dead Coin Battery

A dead coin battery is the most common cause of a Jumpy key fob that isn't able to lock or unlock. The metal clips hold the button cell battery in the key fob. They can break loose and weaken with time. Replace the old battery by the new one that is similar in size, voltage and specifications. Also, ensure that the metal clip for retaining is properly installed since improperly replacing a button cell battery may harm the electronic chip inside.

Faulty key fob

There are several things that could go wrong with your Citroen dispatch remote key. The most common cause is an empty battery, but it could also be due to a faulty or damaged transmitter. You might hear loose parts rattling around inside your fob and the LED lights may not be functioning. In these instances, you will need to contact an auto locksmith to address the issue.

The remote car key, also referred to as the smart key, utilizes a transponder inside the head to connect with the immobiliser system of the car and will start when you insert the key. Keys that are popular with customers because they are reliable and convenient. The keys are also robust and can easily be dropped, squeezed or moved around, in contrast to the flip keys of the past which are now obsolete.

It is important to keep in mind that if the key you have not start your vehicle, the problem is probably an immobiliser in your car and not the actual key. It's not enough to replace the key the key must be reprogrammed by an auto locksmith with the right equipment. This will require that a new transponder is programmed into the keys, so they are able to work with the car. They are also able to unlock and open the doors from a distance, without touching the lock.

Faulty Receiver Module

The remote keyless receiver module allows your key fobs as well as your vehicles to communicate. If you've checked that the battery for your coin is working and reprogrammed the key fobs but they're still not working it could be due to the receiver module.

It may have stopped transmitting radio frequency signals or it might have become inoperable due to age. g28carkeys.co.uk is a common issue and an auto locksmith may need to replace the device.

Click here to learn more about our trade accounts. You can also save money on the cost of a replacement citroen dispatch key. If you're not a motor dealer or locksmith, you may still get a replacement key through the links above, or contact us at KeyNOW for more information.

Replacement remote key casing with rubber buttons for Citroen Jumpy. This item is not included in the original packaging. It was manufactured by PSA Group for Delphi. This can be supplied as a blank (uncut) or cut to fit your vehicle. see the 'Key Cutting Information tab above for further details.

Pub: 22 Apr 2024 02:58 UTC
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